
Secret War [Multiverse]

Upon death, Angel Heathe meets a God. Granted the normal, wishful filling opportunity but with a grave drawback, Angel is informed on the Gods mistake. A world full of reincarnators had been born; Risking the destruction of the various fictional worlds. Without much choice, Angel too was sent there, but with a secret advantage the others didn't have. Tasked with getting rid of the Gods mistake, Angel travels through the multiverse, finding and confronting every single one.

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5 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Not So Available Choice

"Life is too short to be holed up at work; Live a little."

My all-time least-favorite quote. It's like she cursed me when she told me that. My mom meant no harm, but how come when I start and try to, "live a little."

I get hit by a truck moving at 200mph? And why is the last thing I remember; her stupid quote being whispered back and forth within my mind? If I didn't know any better, I'd think she cursed me.

I know better and I still think she cursed me.

"Quite the creative and dramatic mind you have. Were you perhaps, a screenwriter?" Within the endless void that I was sent to, after being obliterated into nothing but blood mist particles, suddenly shifted, throwing me further off guard when a voice appeared in my mind.

'What the fuck... Am I going insane now too? Oh man, she really did curse me.' A snort was what I got in response. With the void settling into a background of a rising sun above water, I look around, frantically.

'Just what is going on…' I ponder, refusing to lose my mind. So, approaching this slowly, I hold my chin and start thinking. 'I died. That's obvious.' Looking around, I hummed. 'And~ I guess I'm in the in between. Does that mean this is limbo? It's pretty.'

"Thank you. Now if you'd please look up and to the right, I'd be able to explain everything to you." Once again, the same mind dominating voice came from inside my own head. I looked around once again. Specifically, up and to the right.

"Ah." I manage, eyes widening out of habit of surprise, I nod slowly. "Cool floating guy… That's… That's cool." An amused smirk on his blackish, magenta flame like head. His eyes were formed from his flames, and so was the rest of his body by the looks of it.

He wore a brown robe, underneath it being a leather tunic with a golden button stuck to his chest. He levitated majestically, looking down on me in the meantime.

"Yes, a floating guy that's more powerful than you'd ever think." He scoffed; Rubbing the back of my head, I look around awkwardly. "Um… So why am I here? And why're you floating in front of me instead of just sending me on my way to heaven or hell?" The entity sighed, resting his head in his palm.

"You're here cause those places don't exist. You either choose reincarnation, or you die for good. It's quite simple." He hummed, and in turn, I nod slowly. Raised eyebrows and everything.

"Nice. So, do I get to make that choice? If so, I choose dea- "

"Reincarnation? Good~ good, that's exactly what I was hoping for." He clapped, smiling brightly. I frown, tilting my head slightly. "No, I'm choosing dea- "

"I heard you the first time. The process of reincarnation is quite delicate; But it does come with boons! As well as its own drawbacks depending on the power you get. The severity of it is determined on the world strength too." He explained, hovering towards me ever so slowly.

I frown deeper, a little irritated that the guy is so hellbent on me being reincarnated when I so desperately want to die. I don't want to experience another hellish life full of office work a- 'He said 'power' didn't he?'

"Yep! I did say power... Amazing, right?" I nod, slightly smiling; My irritation dispersing like it was never there in the first place. Rubbing my hands together, I come to the mental decision that this God knows what he's talking about.

"Okay, okay. Let's get to it right? Do I get three wishes and you grant them? I get a world choice too, right?"

"Wrong! Haha! See, I told you reincarnation was delicate- And besides, you're not even really 'reincarnating´ like I keep saying. It's more so… A summoning of sorts? Yeah, a summoning." He nods, holding his chin like he said the most profound thing in the world.

I sigh, slumping a bit. "Okay~ A summoning. So, do I get to choose my power? Or is that decided on you too?" I groan when he shakes his head, pointing to my right.

Following his directions, I was met with a giant wheel with countless amounts of sections that could possibly be chosen. My eyes widen wider than ever. "W-What the- Is that all the different powers in the universe?" The, I assume, God chuckles, shaking his head.

"No. It's all the powers in the anime multiverse alongside an, enhanced 'upgraded' version of it. It all adds up and that's why the wheel seems bigger than it really is." I hum, slowly approaching said wheel. Rubbing my fingers alongside the choices, I recognize a few.





The list goes on. Endlessly, just like the God mentioned though, there were enhanced counter parts to the listed abilities.

"You mentioned drawbacks. What'd you mean by that?" Turning away from the wheel and towards the one in question; He hummed, rubbing his non-existent beard.

"It's quite simple, really. It's like how- Oh! It's like Izuku Midoriya and One for All. He's granted extreme capabilities, but the draw is that the stockpiled energy within the quirk destroys his body if he uses too much. It's things like that. Of course, the stronger the ability you get, the stronger the drawback. Some could be fatal." He shrugged, sighing.

"Okay, can we get on with this? I have more to explain too… Haha~" Chuckling nervously, he appears beside me within an instant. 'T-That's so cool.' Shaking my head, I face the wheel.

"What world am I going to? You never told me."

"Worry about that AFTER you get your power. One thing at a time young man." He replies swiftly, tapping the top of my head with his palm. I turn towards the wheel, pulling the lever without hesitation.

'The worse thing I could get is something along the lines of like... Candy manipulation or something. Or paper-cut immunity…' I muse, watching the wheel spin and spin at high speeds.

Faster than the correlated strength I put into it.

So, it's been like an hour or something.

The wheels still spinning. I'm getting bored.

I hope this is worth it. I swear If I'm being forced to watch an endlessly spinning wheel for an hour just to get something stupid, I'm going to blow this shit up.

"Be patient, it's almost done. Give it another minute." The God comforted, putting his hand on my shoulder. I sigh, the irritation and impatience still present.


[Domain of God.]

I froze, lifting my head up to read the ability that I got. I was once again overcome by my emotions; excitement swelling up within my chest was almost unbearable, but in order to not embarrass myself, I cleared my throat before I started jumping for joy and turned towards the God.

"I-Is that good?" The one in question chuckled, patting my back before levitating up into the sky a little further. Reaching into space, he pulled out a ring, and a long, black katana like blade.

Tossing them at my feet, he smiled.

"That ability comes with this equipment plus some passive enhancements. It's a strong ability. So, you know what that means!" I sigh, feeling the high from my excitement start to dissipate.

Hanging my head, "…A terrifying drawback?" The God smiled brightly, giving me a thumbs up. "Bingo!"

"Can you at least tell me what this ability is? What it does?" I asked, plopping into a seated position on the floor. The God hummed and then shrugged. "I don't see why not. 'Domain of God' is an advanced and enhanced version of One Pieces, Ope-Ope No Mi. With all of its abilities being drawn out fully and enhanced. The knowledge of how to use your abilities will be implanted in your mind, just like the others." I groaned, letting my body fall backwards.

"Wait, you said 'like the others.' What does that mean?" I sit up, frowning. The God chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. "Well~ I kind of messed up, and accidentally sent all the Reincarnates that I've met so far into the same universe… On the same world." My jaw practically dropped.

How do you make such a careless mistake!? Wait… "Aren't you a God? If you're so powerful just fix it with a snap of your fingers. Why are you letting it stir?" My frown deepened with confusion. The God sighed, "There was a rule created by the One in Charge. He banned all external divine forces interfering in a reincarnates life. Due to some Gods back in ancient times, that would cause the reincarnate harm with the intention of using them for entertainment."

The God sighs helplessly, shaking his head.

"I can't anything about my mistake now; But I was hoping you'd be able to fix that for me in your first world. My Hero Academia." I roll my eyes, but the God continues regardless, "It's a relatively lax world. It'd be a good chance for you to understand your abilities and perfect them before moving on to another world…" He paused, lowering himself closer to the ground.

"If you choose to do so, that is." He flashed a lippy smile, floating back into the sky.

'There's nothing in it for me… I don't see why I should do that. I don't want to be reincarnated in the first place. I want to die!' Groaning internally, I sigh for the millionth time.

"There's no point in me doing so-"

"I'll allow you to die peacefully." He cut me off with a deal that I almost accepted immediately.

"I can just have one of the reincarnates kill me." The God shook his head. "You'd just go back to the original earth, reincarnated as a normal person without memories of any of this. It's an endless cycle." He smiled victoriously.

"While I can't interfere in your life while you're alive and kicking in these worlds. After you finish your job of resetting the worlds orders; You can die." Suspicious, I sit up. Crossing my arms.

"And how do I know you'd do that? You just said you can't interfere directly. If I kill all your mistakes, I'd still be alive." I frown. The God waves off my concerns though.

"Don't worry about that. I can figure something out with the One in Charge… Here. We'll do this since you don't believe me." Snapping his fingers, I felt a burning sensation envelope my right shoulder. Grunting in pain, my hand snaps over it.

"W-What the hell are you doing?!" I growl, the pain getting stronger and stronger. "It's a contract. That mark on your shoulder is of my insignia. It represents my divinity. If I break that contract, my divinity will be stripped and my life will be forfeit; Trust me, I love living unlike you." He chuckles but I don't find it funny.

The pain hits an all-time high, settles for a bit, and then slowly begins to dissipate. Lifting my hand off my shoulder and look at it, I frowned through gritted teeth.

It was a symbol of a dragon chasing its tail, encompassing the whole of my right shoulder. It was pitch black, matching a modern-day tattoo.

"M-Meliodas fan?" I questioned, getting to my feet slowly. The God chuckled lightly, letting out a long breath afterward. "Anyways. Now that we have been connected; That tattoo will be used as a median for your world traveling- If you decide to follow through with it." Letting out a tired breath, me and the God sit in silence for a moment.

"Okay, ready to go? Don't forget your stuff." He says, gesturing towards the equipment he threw at me. Taking it all up in my hand, the ring fit snuggly around my index finger, but when I tried to take it off, it resisted.

"It's bonded to you. It's the suit that will combat your drawbacks. Oh! I guess that was something we didn't go over yet. I'll give you a quick rundown." And so, for the next few minutes, The God explained to me my drawbacks.

1: My physical body has been weakened to a pitiful state. If I use [Domain of God] before covering myself with my armor- The ring- my body will collapse, and my heart will explode. It was a weird and excessive drawback, but at least I was granted a way to avoid it.

2: The ROOM Limitations. Just like with the original Ope-Ope No Mi fruit, when ROOM is activated, I can use my abilities with no issue. But the moment I step outside of it, the ROOM will fail, and my abilities will no longer be useful.

It's two simple downsides to a significant power- At least that's what I was told. But even I agree that it's a little light of a drawback. 'Maybe it's cause I'm doing him a favor.' I thought to myself; It made sense. He can't have his cleaner die.

I was also informed on my equipment. The sword, 'Blade of Michael.' Is unbreakable, and soul bound -Apparently that means that only me can wield it? That's a little overpowered. And overkill. It's also meant to instill the fighting techniques of the previous users into my mind. Making me a perfect warrior with the blade. Though, I doubt I'll use it much in my first world. Especially since it's My Hero Academia.

The ring, or 'Divine Armor of The Architect,' will form into my armor/median at the speed of thought and can even be used to transform into regular, modern clothes. Though, for some unknown and stupid reason, it doesn't hold the same amount of potency as it would with my armor activated.

Unlike the blade though, it's not unbreakable. It can still be pierced, destroyed and obliterated. The unique thing about it is that it regenerates what gets destroyed, but it's not instant. However, it does boost my physical capabilities a little over peak-human levels.

A little weird considering that one of the drawbacks is my weak physique.

"Okay! Now you're ready." Stretching, I stand up hearing the Gods words. Feeling a little stuffy now that I've been sitting in this shitty domain for hours on end, listening to this God spout nonsense and stick missions onto my like tape.

"Finally. I'm tired of being in here." I scoffed.

"Aw~ You didn't enjoy spending time with me?" I stare at the divine being with a blank look; mixed with disgust. "Please don't ever say that again. Just send me to my first world." I state, strapping the Blade of Michael around the back of my hip.

"Heh, you look rather dashing. Like a modern-day cybernetic assassin or something." His comment wasn't too far off from what I felt either. I had activated the ring and the armor was on full display. With a black, one-way visor around my head; Metal braces on each arm, though the right arm's visible while the left is covered by my layered clothing- Something else that the Divine Armor set can do.

Facing the God, I wave. "Bye-bye." He waved back, and the next thing I knew, I was unconscious in a sea of black.

It was eerily like the first time I died.

Multiverse will be shoddily planned. This was something I came up with last night and I got to writing right away.

I hope you all read the synopsis, because reincarnators are mentioned.

Not all of them will be rapey, that's a little weird.

Antierecreators' thoughts