
Secret superstar is you

Ella crowder is a very good looking girl whose dream is to be come a superstar, her passion is in Modeling but she strongly believes that she can not be able to do what she wants,because she is too fat and other kids in high school bullies her.

Littlelizzie2011 · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Career choice 2

Eh eh eh fuck shit up bro Daniel just 😂 at me I was so angry I got up on my chair I was about to walk out Well my mom called me back Ella don't go please he was just joking Then Daniel blurted out " are you kidding you're too fat to be a model seriously please change what you want to become in future seriously I'm not joking Ella" "Daniel don't say that to your sister" my mom said "but mom I'm not lying "Daniel "seriously mom you're not saying anything when I get this little rat he will regret it " finally my dad said something Ella are you sure about this you know you are Fat no modeling school will accept you" but Dad I don't need to go to a modeling 🏫 I can do it " seriously Have you seen your size you're just too fat Daniel said