
Secret Powers Within

My life is so incredibly boring. I have no friends because everyone thinks I'm weird and they find it fun to push me around, laughing at me. I have no siblings to be friends with either, thanks mom. There's nothing to do for fun in the town I live in and I'm just a nobody that everyone abuses for entertainment, with nothing special about me. Or... at least that's what I thought... Then I moved to California and it all changed on me, flipped completely upside down and thoroughly made my brain explode. Who knew werewolves, shapeshifters and magic powers were real?

LunaFire18 · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 48: Showing off


I booked my ass to the doctor's place, upon reaching it I slowed down so as not to be too noisy for Drake. I gently knocked on the door, heard a faint come in from the doc and walked in.

I glanced to the pack doctor who said, "In there." pointing to one of his little rooms. I gave a tiny nod and slowly walked over and creaked the door open, seeing my mate laying on the bed with machines hooked up to him like last time he was in here. His eyes were closed and he didn't seem to smell or hear me come in. My eyes started to well up with tears as I stared at my mate, he finally seemed to sense someone watching him and slowly blinked his eyes open and focused them on me.

"Kelsey..?" he quietly rasped. I couldn't hold my tears anymore and ran up to him, gently hugged him and cried into his chest. I felt him place his hand on the back of my head to try and comfort me. "Hey." He said a little clearer after I cried for like five minutes. I sniffed and lifted my head to look at him, then sniffed again.

"Y-yeah..?" I stuttered due to my breathing being weird cause of crying.

Drake smiled at me and seemed to take in the look of my face, he then said, "I love you. More than anything."

I smiled as another tear fell down my cheek and replied, "I love you more than anything too."

He then frowned, looking away and asked, "Even after what he told you...?" I used my finger to grab his chin and gently turn his face back to looking at me.

"Of course I do, you're my mate and I wouldn't want anyone else to be my mate Drake. We didn't even know about each other then, but now that we do you don't do that anymore." I replied, meaning every word. "Least you fuckin better not be doin that anymore." I added, playfully glaring at him. He smiled and pulled me in to kiss me, obviously that action saying he doesnt do that stuff anymore.

"Why is it that every single damn time I walk into a room you guys are in, you're making out? Every. Single. Fricken time." Kat's voice sounded from the doorway. We broke apart both smiling in amusement.

"Well, in my bedroom you shoulda seen that coming. As for in here, what else do you expect when a girl's mate is in a hospital bed?" Drake tiredly retorted, intending to annoy his sister.

She huffed and rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms responding, "She's not the only one that wants to see you after you wake up from near death you know."

Drake cracked a smile and teased, "Aw.. Did you miss your big brother little Kit?"

She wrinkled her face in an upset way and said tearing up a bit, "Yes. I thought you were going to die. Or get murdered right in front of us or something." Drake's face softened and he motioned for her to come over. She did as he gestured and was shocked when he pulled her in for a hug, as surprised as she was she was quick to return her brother's hug. I smiled at their sibling moment that I guess has never happened, if not never at least not for a while. Kat pulled away after a couple minutes and asked, "Thought you weren't gonna call me Kit in front of people?"

Her brother smiled up at her and replied, "Yes well.." He paused and looked at me as he continued, "I'm working on being a better person." He then looked back at Kat and added, "I think I've been a hard ass long enough, I'm ready to move on from the anger of the past. Besides... I don't want you to still be scared of me.." I was, needless to say, extremely confused about the meaning behind his words, but I was happy nonetheless for him wanting to improve himself as a person.

"I feel like I'm missing plenty of backstory here but it's aight, I'll just go ask the next big, power hungry, criminal guy all about it. You guys seem to like your secrets so it's okay." I joked, lowkey still a little mad cause it still hurt. They both nervously laughed, not knowing if I was annoyed and serious or not. I rolled my eyes at them and said, "Don't worry. Geez. I know you'll explain everything when you're out of here. Least you better cause I ain't leaving you alone about it till you do." Drake looked at then grabbed my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"Of course I'll tell you, anything you want to know." He said to me, giving a small, soft smile. I returned it, feeling a little less hurt/mad.

~Time skip to tomorrow cuz idk wtf~

I woke up in the chair next to Drake's bed, neck hurting a little from the awkward sleep. Drake was still sleeping, so I quietly left cause I needed to pee really bad.

Once I finished doing that and was on my way back to his room with the doctor, I got stopped by the king asking, "How's all the preparations for today going?"

I blinked tiredly, not fully registering what he means but answered, "Uhh... Good. We have lots of guests coming today though so we're pretty full housed here."

He nodded his head and replied, "I see... And how's my son doing?"

I smiled and said, "Lot better than before he came back that's for sure. But he's looking almost back to normal already, aside from some cuts and stitches of course."

He smiled back and responded, "Good. Well, I have a lot of work to do so I'll be off. See you later Kelsey." He tipped his head in a tiny bow thing and walked off.

Once I got back to the doc's place he stopped me from going into where Drake was and happily said, "Good news, Mr. Speed healer is now able to leave his bed. As long as he takes things slow so as not to rip any stitches or overwork himself." I beamed excitedly then ran into his room to help him get up, I made a grumpy face as I saw he was already sitting up and dressed.

"Uh, ex-fricken-scuse you." I stated crossing my arms.

He looked up and asked furrowing his brows, "What?"

I scoffed and replied, "You're supposed to fricken wait for me before you sit up or anything, duh."

Then I huffed and he chuckled, saying, "You know you don't need an excuse to see my naked ass. If you want to see it that bad you can just ask." My face flushed pink and all I could do was huff again. My mate laughed knowing he caught me off guard, yup he was definitely back to normal. I rolled my eyes and walked over to help him stand up. As we slow walked out of the doctor's place Drake questioned, "Did you really kill Zelroth?"

I frowned at the memory of that sick bastard but nodded saying a simple, "Yeah."

Drake thought for a bit while we continued walking, then he paused, making me stop as well, and he asked, "Did you.... Turn into a giant wolf..?" His brows were furrowed and curiosity was practically pouring like a waterfall from him.

I smirked a little shyly and answered, "Yes I did.. Was pretty badass actually. Kat has pictures, and I can probably show you in person once we're outside." I obviously wasn't at all actually that shy about it, and lying about the pictures since they're imaginary. My mate chuckled and we continued on our way outside to meet all the people arriving. As expected for this kind of day, probably everyone was wearing black.

After greeting a few people that have come to grieve, Drake had turned to me and enthusiastically begged, "Okay, we're outside and have said some hi's now show me your wolf."

I laughed and opened my mouth to say okay but was interrupted by a lady calling out, "Kelsey?" I turned my head to see a blonde haired lady walking up with a dirty blonde haired man. I smiled as I realized it's probably Sarah. As she got closer she exclaimed, "Oh! You weren't kidding when you said you have cool eyes."

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head as I replied, "Yeah... Lots of people hate me for it, I think it's just cause they're jealous." The four of us laughed together and I then said, "Oh, by the way, this is my mate Drake who is a speedy healer and literally just got out of our doctor's room. Drake this is Sarah, I was talking to her over the phone yesterday."

Drake smiled and said, "Hi, nice to meet you."

Sarah smiled back and replied, "You as well. This is George, my mate and husband. George this is Kelsey, the girl who phoned to tell us the... tragic news..." Though the mood was a little heavy George reached out and shook my hand with the same pleasantries as Drake and Sarah.

"Now Kelsey it is just so great to meet you, I'm sure if you guy's knew each other sooner you and Emma would have been great friends." Sarah said, obviously missing her daughter.

I gave a small smile and responded respectfully, "I'm sure we would have been... Uh.. Speaking of I'm sure you'd... like to see her..?" They gave the tiniest of smiles and nodded solemnly. I asked Drake to wait where he was since he's only allowed to walk super slow, per my orders of course, and I lead the way to George and Sarah's daughter who was laying cleaned and in a nice outfit I picked out to try and match her style. I noticed their eyes well up as they looked down at their lifeless daughter, must be a terrible, terrible feeling outliving your child...

"That's even something she'd love to wear...." Sarah sobbed into George's chest. Least I know I picked a good outfit for her... I left them to grieve and went back to Drake who was listening to some guy ramble on about his pet cat.

I stifled my laugh as I went to save him by approaching and saying, "Hey, sorry that took so long. That little sister of yours is such a demon... geez.. she just jumped out of the bushes and attacked me, look at all these scratch marks she left!" I seemed to freak the guy out and he swiftly excused himself, speed-walking away to probably hide somewhere away from bushes.

Drake chuckled with me then started begging again, "Okay come ooooooonnnn please show me already! I've been dying to know since I knew you were a shapeshifter."

I rolled my eyes playfully and dramatically sighed then answered, "Fiiiiiinnneeee." I smiled and got away from people around me then concentrated and shifted into my wolf form. When I finished shifting I looked at my mate who hung his jaw open in shock and surprise.

I twitched my ear back noticing all the other stares I was getting, 'What? You don't gotta stare for so long... Geez...' I mentally said to my mate who refused to snap put of his shocked state. I squinted my eyes and lay my ears back in annoyance when he didn't move. 'I could literally shock you, with fucking lightning you know.' I added to get him to move, which worked.

He closed his mouth and said aloud, "Kelsey you look so cool, and beautiful of course. How..... How are you so huge though?" I had perked my ears back up at his compliment then twitched them around as I thought about why I'm seven feet tall.

'I don't know, probably cause I'm more powerful than the oh so powerful Zelroth the dipshitted asswipe.' I mentally replied, getting a chuckle of amusement in response.

Drake continued to stare in awe at me then commented, "You really are beautiful you know, your eyes are slightly sparkling gold ringed with bright purple."

'Huh... I didn't know that, cool.' I responded tilting my head a little.

Sarah then came up, staring in awe at me with everyone else then asked Drake, "Who's that? Is that...." She squinted a little and sniffed the air in my direction as Drake answered, "Kelsey?" and raised an eyebrow at Sarah. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at me, now in shock.

"Is it?!?" She questioned, unable to believe it. Drake and I chuckled to each other mentally and I shifted back to show her it was me. Her face looked like her mind blew up, so did everyone else's face who hadn't seen me as a wolf before. It was funny.