
Secret Powers Within

My life is so incredibly boring. I have no friends because everyone thinks I'm weird and they find it fun to push me around, laughing at me. I have no siblings to be friends with either, thanks mom. There's nothing to do for fun in the town I live in and I'm just a nobody that everyone abuses for entertainment, with nothing special about me. Or... at least that's what I thought... Then I moved to California and it all changed on me, flipped completely upside down and thoroughly made my brain explode. Who knew werewolves, shapeshifters and magic powers were real?

LunaFire18 · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 11: Bonding


As soon as I was under water I swam behind the waterfall to hide and scare him since he didn't know about the cave behind the water. I tried not to think about it because I'm pretty sure he can read my mind... So all I imagined was blackness while smirking to myself evilly. I could vaguely hear him swearing up a storm above me, then he jumped in. Since I could just barely see him through the water I had ducked to make sure he wouldn't see me, but thankfully when he resurfaced he had his back to me, so I saw this as my chance to swim underwater and scare him. I didn't need to hold my breath though, for some weird reason I can breathe under water... Discovering that ability was obviously an accident, earlier when we were in the indoor pool Drake had startled me while I was underwater. With that I had sharply inhaled while underwater and didn't start hacking and coughing a lung out.

Anyway I did exactly as I planned as he frantically searched for me. When I was close enough I lunged out of the water and tackled him from behind. Apparently I somehow used more force than I thought I did because we both fell under the waters surface, not hitting the bottom at all because of how deep it is. While we were under, he turned so he was facing me and I still had my arms around his neck. He had grabbed my waist as we stared at each other and began leaning in, eyeing each other's lips. Just before they touched a light was flying over the waters surface, so I let go and went back up first, searching for the source. Drake came up beside me as I saw my mom holding a flashlight, we've been out here since around six-thirty, it's now almost eight so it's fairly dark outside. I called out to her and she shined the light on our faces.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay! I heard a splash then nothing, and I didn't hear you guys come inside so I thought the worst and thought you might've hit your heads and gone unconscious or something!" My mom freaked, how... in the heck would we do that..????

"Well we're okay mom, Drake just threw me in the water. That's all." I felt a slight pain in my heart as I said that's all... Weird... "Now go back inside and enjoy some T.V." I told her, still confused as to how we could've died in her opinion. She listened and went back inside.

I turned to Drake and was surprised by how serious his face was. "What?" I was barely able to question because he immediately yelled "why the hell would you scare me like that!? I thought you were unconscious! And it would've been my fault! Don't ever do that to me again!" I blinked, jesus fricken christ it was a joke. It's not like we're dating, why is he so pissed? Guess it is nice to have someone care so much about me though.. 

"Sorry Mr. Worrypants. It was a joke for dropping me. Now how bout we go inside, dry off and get something to drink? It might help you calm your balls." Joking or running away is how I deal with awkwardness. He sighed and nodded, so I smiled as I ran into the house after grabbing my cover thingy from the side of the indoor pool. Drake had stared at me for a second keeping his serious face, but gave up and smiled then ran after me. We got some towels from the closet by the door to the indoor pool and dried off. He went into a bathroom to get changed and I went to my room.

While I was getting changed I thought about the past ten minutes and how Drake and I almost kissed and what he said about me scaring him.

'Why would he care so much? We've only been friends for like a month, and we almost kissed!? But... If mom hadn't interrupted... Would he have actually kissed me? Or is he just trying to use me and see how far he can push it?' I thought, I couldn't help thinking that since it's all anyone has ever done.

'I would never use you. You're too beautiful and amazing to be hurt.' Drake's voice rang through my head.

"What the crap?" I questioned aloud looking around to see if he was in here, but I don't see him anywhere... This is getting way too weird. Drake then knocked on my door. "Come in Drake!" I called. "Glad to see you knocked instead of creepily standing there this time." I teased as he opened the door and came in.

"How'd you know it was me?" He asked. "Well... First off my mom would've immediately opened the door while knocking so, quite obvious. Second... This is gonna sound really weird... but... You have this really good smell... Like, fresh cinnamon rolls in the middle of a forest... So when it's really strong I know you're there. Plus this time I was paying attention so I wasn't startled." I honestly told him, feeling my face heat up.

"Well it's nice to know I smell good," he replied, smiling, then changed the subject, "want to go get those drinks now?" I looked at him gratefully—thankful he knew I felt awkward—and nodded to him.

I lead the way to the kitchen then asked, "so what would the good smelling guy like to drink?" and smiled.

He laughed and asked, "Do you have any coke?"

I fake gasped at him and replied, exaggerating and joking, "Of course I DON'T! I ain't a drug dealer! But we have coca-cola if that's good enough to satisfy your drug needs." Drake chuckled at my response.

"Yes. Coca-cola will do." He replied smiling.

I got two out of the fridge and handed him one, then asked, "now that you've suffered yet another one of my horribly stupid jokes; you wanna hang out in my awesome chill room?" He nodded, so we went there and hung out for a while.

We had watched a couple movies, after the one we just watched ended, I looked to see what time it was. Midnight, pf damn.

"Wow. We should probably go to bed." I said to Drake. I have no idea why, but I wanted him to sleep in my room.

"Um...Drake? ....did you.... Um... wanna sleep in my room tonight?...." My face turned red as I nervously asked and I stayed staring at the floor.

"Sure." He said, smiling gently. We went to my room and climbed into my hanging circle bed. I laid facing away from him with space between us. Eventually I was mostly dozed off but felt his arm snake around my waist and pull me into him. My sleepy heart jumped at being cuddled by such comfy warmth.

However I slowly slipped into a comfortable sleep, and just before I fell completely asleep I think I heard Drake whisper, "Sweet dreams my beautiful mate..." The fuck is a mate...? Then darkness consumed me.