
Secret Of The Nightmares

."Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of. Park Jimin Fanfic

Rida_Kanwal · Horror
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20 Chs

9. An Old Secret

Jungkook gasped a long breath when Taehyung caressed his soft wet lips on his neck slowly moved toward his shoulder leaning on the wall Jungkook was stood with his body getting colder as being this close to Taehyung was all he wanted to do right at the moment. His craves for Taehyung's love was merely increasing as Taehyung was moving upwards towards his jaw.

Jungkook's eyes twinkled like the millions of stars on the night sky when Taehyung looked at him hungrily, He rashly put his lips on his and the taste of Taehyung's tongue blended in his mouth. Taehyung continued to kiss him carrying the passion and love in his eyes and then a deep long gaze took apart for the next few seconds.

"Why don't you live with me Tae, I feel so lonely without you?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung turned his face towards his right, As always he hadn't any answer "I told you so many times I can't do this right now I need some time," He replied caressing his slender finger on Jungkook's face, "Just gimme some time Jk," He crooned came closer to him but Jungkook made him stop.

"How much time do you need Tae?" Jungkook was disappointed, Sometimes the desperation of living with Taehyung led him to the argument, "Why don't you tell me the truth," Jungkook said glaring at Taehyung.

"What truth?" Taehyung replied as he was completely clueless about what Jungkook was talking about.

Jungkook scoffed, "You can't move here because of Jimin," He said walked towards the bar in the corner of the room and poured a drink for himself, "You're not moving forward because Jimin is still stuck in his past, You can't allow yourself to be happy because Jimin is not happy," Jungkook said in a one breathe.

Taehyung was silently gazing at him, He knew that Jungkook wasn't wrong at all leaving his best friend behind he couldn't live his life happily, "Don't drag him in our conversation, You don't know what's going on with him," Taehyung replied, He walked towards the exit opened the door and saw Jimin standing near the door he was about to knock on the door as Jimin had come to tell them about the dinner.

"Oh Taehyungie dinner is ready come quickly before it gets cold and brings Jungkook as well," Said Jimin with a smile on his face.

"Did he hear our conversation?" Taehyung. Thought, Jungkook came to the door as well, "Jimin I didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized.

"What you're talking about?" Jimin replied, It was visible that he had heard all the conversation but pretending as he didn't hear anything but Taehyung decided not to say anything.

After having the dinner filled with awkward silence Jimin and Chaerin left Jungkook's apartment while Taehyung decided to a sleepover.


Jimin emerged himself out of the car opened the door for Chaerin, "Take Care of Yourself Jimin," Chaerin said after getting out of the car.

Jimin nodded before he could say any further Mr. Kim came out of the mansion, "I didn't expect to see both of you together," He said in a heavy voice glaring at Jimin as he had done some kind of a crime.

Jimin gave him a bow, "Taehyung was busy so he asked me to drop her," Jimin replied.

Chaerin felt something wasn't find as the way Mr. Kim was glaring at him even after being wrong by himself he was treating Jimin as the criminal, While tying his hands Jimin was looking down he was uncomfortable Chaerin could see the anxiousness on his face but she couldn't understand why Jimin was behaving that way.

"Go inside I have to discuss something important with him," Mr. Kim said.

"Then let's invite him inside," Chaerin said.

"No, I'm completely fine," Jimin replied.

"I said leave," Mr. Kim roared at her and Chaerin ran inside but she hid behind the main door so she could hear thier conversation.

"Do you want to impress her?" Mr. Kim asked walking towards him. It was a weird question everything about Mr. Kim was being suspicious.

"NO, I-I D-didn't want to drop her Taehyung insisted me and I couldn't leave her alone," Jimin replied he was stuttering as he was getting afraid of Mr. Kim.

"But why he was so scared of her dad," Chaerin thought but what happened in the next few seconds had explained to her all.

"Do you want me to lock you in the basement as I always do or should I admit you in the mental hospital again, Huh?" Mr. Kim said grabbing his collar he was threatening him while Chaerin was shockingly looking at her dad being this cruel with someone who only needs to be loved.

Jimin was shivering in fear, "No, you don't need to do anything I will disappear from her life just, give me some time," Jimin replied in a trembled voice. His eyes were teary as merely the warning of being locked in the basement had taken him in the painful past and the last night incident was still fresh in his mind thus Jimin couldn't control himself.

Chaerin's heart was aching she couldn't tolerate anymore seeing Jimin in pain was her worst nightmare and she even didn't know how long Jimin was going through this mental torment, "Stop this nonsense dad," She yelled. finally came back on the lawn.

"How the heck you can so heartless dad, Don't you know he's afraid of the basement," Chaerin yelled at Mr. Kim who was shockingly staring at her. Mrs. Kim came out as well after hearing the noises from the lawn while Jimin was silently standing leaning his back on the car he wanted to stop her but it seemed his voice was stuck in his throat.

"Don't forget I'm your father," Mr. Kim said.

"Chaerin-ah how can you talk in a loud voice with your father," Mrs. Kim yelled at her grabbed her arms she tried to drag her inside.

"Mom are you aware of Dad's behavior with Jimin?" Asked Chaerin looking at her mom in bewilderment.

"He's doing this because of your safety, Honey," Mrs. Kim replied coldly, "How can you spend your life with someone who's asexual and mentally ill," She said.

Tears were constantly rolling down her cheek and she was traumatized by seeing the real faces of her parents, "You both are so cruel," Chaerin said grinding her teeth in a fit of anger, "Now I get it why you brought him here to steal his business," She resumed.

"Whatever we did was for you and your brothers, but you can't understand cause this jerk provoke you against us," Mr. Kim said raising his hands to slap him Jimin hid his face under his arms. but Chaerin made him stop, "If you dare to touch him then I will expose you in front of all," She threatened. And somehow her warning worked on Mr. Kim.

"Just think about what Taehyung will do if he finds out what you're doing with Jimin, He's already angry with you so don't force me to do anything which I probably shouldn't do, Dad," Chaerin said making herself stand in front of Jimin she glared at Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim kept down his hand as he didn't want to lose his sons who were already angry with him Neither did Mrs. Kim try to speak any further. "Jimin let's go," Holding Jimin's hand she said.

"You're doing the biggest mistake," Mrs. Kim said.

"I don't care what you think about me," Chaerin replied.

Jimin silently made himself sit on the passenger seat while Chaerin sat on the driver seat she started the car and left her home. Jimin's eyes were filled with tears his heart was aching as for years he was being a witness of this cruelty but nobody had been able to see his struggle. He never revealed the real faces of Mr. And Mrs. Kim to anyone as he didn't want to hurt any of them but today it seemed God had finally shown mercy on him.