
Secret Of The Nightmares

."Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of. Park Jimin Fanfic

Rida_Kanwal · Horror
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20 Chs

3. The Kim Family

After losing his parents Jimin was adopted by his maternal family, Mr. Kim Whan and Mrs. Kim Hana had four kids Seokjin the older son, Namjoon, and then thier twins Taehyung and Chaerin. After being witness to the tragedy that happened with Park's family she decided to take care of Jimin. Today it was his first day at thier home and Jimin was afraid.

Jimin rarely visited Kim's family as both the families had grudges for each other but Mr. And Mrs. Kim didn't hesitate to take the responsibility for Jimin. The distance between both the families was the reason why Jimin didn't get a chance to come closer to them and now he was supposed to live with them. Chewing his pointer finger Jimin was standing behind his uncle Whan, Staring at the preparation Kim family had done for him. His one hand was tightly gripping the corner of his shirt. His eyes were filled with enormous fear and pain.

Mrs. Kim had decorated the entire home she had prepared all his favorite dishes to make him feel comfortable but Jimin seemed scared. He was strangely staring at the things as they all were ready to swallow him. Mrs. Kim had been crying her heart out since the day she came to know the terrible incident that happened with him Seokjin and Namjoon who were mature enough to understand his situation was sad about him as well. But they all were pretending to be normal in front of him. Jimin was just a ten years old kid who was afraid of everyone.

"Welcome home Jiminah," Taehyung and Chaerin ran towards him. Taehyung was excited unaware of the pain Jimin was going through he was happy as his cousin was supposed to live with him forever.

"Jiminah, Don't feel sad, now we're your family," Said Chaerin as Mrs. Hana had told her. Although her little mind wasn't able to understand anything Chaerin seemed sad for him.

"Of course Chaerin now Jimin is a part of our family," Mrs. Hana said bent down on her knees she hugged Jimin. Jimin numbly hugged her back created a cage through his arms around her neck rested his head on her shoulder.

"Oh my baby, from now on, I'm your mother okay," Mrs. Kim said.

"Mom, can I play with him,? Asked Taehyung jumping on his feet.

"No, let's have the dinner first," Mrs. Hana replied, carrying Jimin in her arms she walked toward the dining table.

"Jimin is changed so much he's not talking with me," Taehyung pouted. Put his hands around his chest.

"It's because he lost his parents," Chaerin replied.

"You both have to take care of him now," Seokjin added. "Especially you Taehyung promise me you won't fight with him," He said patting Taehyung's head.

"Hyung I promise I won't fight with him anymore," Taehyung replied.

"Okay now let's go, Mom cooked a delicious dinner for us," Seokjin said.

"No, it's not for us Mom only cooked all his favorite dishes," Taehyung said.

"Taehyung you just promised not to fight with him didn't you?," Namjoon said, Glaring at him.

"I was just kidding hyung," Taehyung replied, Giggling.


Tears seeped down his eyes as soon as he entered Taehyung's room. Jimin remembered his old days when he was just a happy little kid he had his parents to take care of him but everything was changed his parents had gone and he was all alone.

Mrs. Kim had decorated this room as well. Two small beds were placed in the corner of the room, A cupboard was filled with the new toys but these things couldn't attract Jimin further. The little chubby kid with an eye smile was lost now.

Chaerin started to cry when she saw tears in his eyes while Taehyung was watching them with his confused face. "Why you're crying now, I can't make laugh both of you at the same time," Taehyung said ruffling his hair.

"Because Jimin is crying," Chaerin replied, scrunching her nose. She came closer to Jimin wiped his tears and gave him a warm hug.

Taehyung flinched his finger widened his eyes he detached Chaerin from Jimin and dragged him towards the window. Taehyung pulled Jimin with his full energy that he couldn't stop himself from running towards the window, "Do you know my teacher told me when our loved ones die they become the stars and see us from the sky," Taehyung told in a loud voice.

Jimin looked at the sky filled with the twinkling stars he liked those stars so much stopped crying Chaerin joined them as well she made herself stand next to Jimin and looked at his face beaming like the stars. Taehyung winked at her Chaerin gave him a thumbs up. "Your parents are watching you and if you will cry they will cry as well," Chaerin said.

"But how will find my parents in so many stars?" Jimin asked innocently his eyes were wandering the face of his parents in the sky.

"Looked at those two giant stars, They're your parents if you stop crying then they will shine even more," Taehyung replied.

"No, I'm crying," Jimin said rubbing his eyes he then looked up at the stars again, "Mommy daddy I'm not crying," Jimin yelled.

Mrs. Kim was standing in the doorway looking at Jimin. Her heart ached so much. As a mother of four kids, she could understand Jimin's pain very well. "How someone could be so ruthless," She asked herself but she was very well aware of the fact that this world was filled with the demon in a human mask-like Dong Hyun.

Stars had become his friends whenever Jimin would miss his parents he spend hours under in the open sky. He talked with them stared at them and shared his all secrets with them. But some wounds left a permanent mark on the soul as a reminder of that incident.

Jimin was treated with the best psychiatrist and because of the treatment he had been able to deal with his past but his nightmares about that night never left him alone. He always found himself in the basement along with Dong Hyun and he felt as he still crushing his soul. It was a painful torment for him as his nightmares seemed so real to him but he was hopeful that one day he will get rid of his nightmares and live an ordinary life.