
The show begins

Gawri left the classroom after the last bell but I remained seated because my driver has messaged me that he would be late. I was eyeing the hot chics of my class as they were passing the exit but every time Gawri's beautiful face popped in my mind. I have noticed that every guy in the class looked at her lustfully like me except Roul. I couldn't understand his feelings for her.

'She seemed innocent and naive but in reality, girls like her are attention seekers. I can play with her if she falls for my looks. No girl can fool me again with her looks. Alex Miller will never get into their trap.' My anger resurfaced inside me after getting the flashbacks of deception and betrayal.

"Don't ever think about it" a voice came from somewhere.

'Did I speak my mind loudly?' I asked myself

I turned around towards the mind reader and found one of my classmates smirking at me.

"Hey, Dude! This is not your Britain. So, don't raise your hopes especially for this girl." he mocked me while indicating the seat beside me.

"Excuse me. What are you talking about?" I scowled at him and he sat on top of my desk.

"Calm down Dude, I was just telling you the truth." he patted on my shoulder briefly.

"You are eyeing for the most beautiful flower of this garden but this is going to be your dream for life" he explained in an amusing tone.

"Well! It seems that someone is feeling competition in the air." I smirked back.

"Only time will tell you, my friend! But, if you want to try then go ahead Bro. All my best wishes are with you. May God save your bones" he chuckled and slung his bag on his shoulder.

"By the way Hi, I am Maddy, Madhav Sinha. If you need any help, I am in the last row" He paused for a second when his cell phone vibrated and started heading towards the exit.

"It would be interesting to watch someone beaten like trash after a long time" he spoke loudly to me without turning and left the room.


"What the hell dad? I am waiting here under this scorching sun from last 20 minutes and you are telling me to wait for an hour. Do you know that the classes are closed and I can't go inside?" My face was burning so was I but my dad was trying to convince me to wait for some more time.

"Now you tell me what should I do? I have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, your bloody driver is stuck in a traffic jam. Have you called me to this burning country to suffer?" I complained on top of my voice and disconnected the call.

After kicking some cars in parking, I decided to explore my new school on my own. I headed towards the sports section, it was behind the school and comparatively cool. I was wandering here and there when I heard hitting sounds.

I stepped towards the large door left to me and sneaked into a big hall with all the latest exercise equipment. A girl was hitting the punching bag and her back was towards me.

She had an athletic body covered with sweat which made her t-shirt glued to her body and defined her every curve. It was a treat for the eyes to watch a toned figure like her.

In a flash, she turned around and threw her punching glove towards me with full force. I ducked quickly and it missed my head.

"Next time it won't miss your head Miller" she snapped in a raspy voice and I was shocked.

'How come she noticed my presence?'

I stood straight to look at the girl who dared to hit me and again got mesmerized. She was Gawri but looking hell lot different with bloodshot eyes, tomato red face, tensed body, and effervescing anger.

She seemed like she could rip anybody into pieces who dare to come in her way. But even in that avatar, she was looking HOT.

She approached me and I felt her radiating body heat tingling my body. Sweat was dripping behind her temples and running towards the sides of the neck. Her face was red and so were her lips.

'What would they feel like if I touch them?'

"Stop checking me out Miller, RIGHT NOW!" I dropped my gaze for a second on her commanding voice.

"Get out Miller before I break your bones." Her warning felt like a challenge. She should not have used those words.

"Watch your tongue girl. Even I can break your bones and I need not mention that" I snapped back angrily but before I could threaten her further, my driver called up.

"Next time choose your words carefully babe" I warned her

"Otherwise you will not get time to feel sorry about it, honey". I leaned forward to reach her eye level and she stepped back.