
Chapter 1009. The Monarch System

"The what system?" Jack asked.

"The monarch system," Peniel repeated. "That's how a ruler rules a country."

"Maybe it's some kind of a control panel," John said. He was there in the throne room with Jack, together with Jeanny. Jack had invited the two to help him learn how to rule.

"You need to sit on the throne for that, Your Majesty," Thaergood said. This advisor was also there with Duke Alfredo and Duchess Isabelle. They were also there to assist Jack on his first day in doing kingly duties.

"Oh? I sat there two days ago but nothing happened," Jack said, indicating the time during his coronation.

"You are still being coronated on that day," Thaergood explained. "You are only formally considered the king of this country after the coronation day ended."

"Just sit on the throne and try it, will you?!" Peniel said impatiently.

"All right, all right," Jack said and went to the throne.