
Second to the Unknown First

Howpigeonsfly · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Start

In this world. The art of magic and science work together. The beings of this world use it for good and evil. Centuries ago, a group of teens banded together and created the ultimate team. The Invincible Eight and The Magical Seven. One brother from the Magical Seven was so powerful that the teens decided to make two groups. When the brother, Mystery, was with them, the rest were virtually untouchable. Even without Mystery, the seven others were still in a league of their own. Lego, the leader, the strongest of the seven. Ningie, the swordsman and blacksmith, the main air user. Renegade, the sniper and gun smith, and has the power of the earth. Melissa, hand to hand specialist, can use fire willingly. Pertisapation, spear user, and manipulate water and storms. Lightning, spear users and swords woman, able to control lightning. And lastly, Bio, the support, able to grow anything, anywhere.

When these eight beings left the planet, they left behind a miniscule amount of knowledge and weapons from their arsenal.

Mystery didn't use weapons, only magic. Lightning and Pertisapation both realized that leaving their weapons in form would cause havoc in the world and make the place they rest unhabitable. These three collaborated to make books of magic teachings of their own kind of energy magic.

Lego and Ningie also joined forces and sent off twin shields and swords that make the only quad weapon set of their time. A powerful set of weapons that could slice through anything and never need to be sharpened. And shields that would never break no matter what hit them. The swords have specially enchanted sheaths that the swords can not cut through so you can't injure yourself on them.

Renegade left a sniper rifle that was so powerful, any shot it takes was almost guaranteed a hit. Pairing with it, a pistol with unlimited amount of combinations for how it shoots or what it shoots. This also comes with its own holster to carry both of these guns.

Bio left her Wip of Life. It is able to grow the special tree, The Tree of Life, which gives unlimited amount of energy for magic. The bigger the tree, the more energy someone can take from it at once.

And lastly, Melissa. She left a pair of her shotgun gauntlets. You can use them to propel yourself, attack, do other things that you would use a shotgun for, they are just on your hands.

Once they got the items they were going to leave, all eight of the Invincible Eight hid their tokens to the world and disappeared. They then became a mysterious legend. With unknown origins, and unknown life. Their tools have survived with no owner.

With that, History class had finished the section. With a few minutes left of class, the teacher let the students ask questions or talk amongst themselves.

"So Teacher? The legend never mentioned anything about their kids? Do they have any?" Many of the students quited down, wanting to know the answer.

"Did they have any children?" The teacher was puzzled. None of the history books said anything about spouses or desendents. "I don't know if they had any actually. All that I have learned is some of their fighting styles and powers. Nothing else."

"WHAT!!!! Are you sure you are telling the truth?" Another student yelled.

All the students that heard that were flabbergasted. Leaving the world with no one to replace them at all! Why would you want to do such a thing?

'Imagine not wanting to have anyone take your place when you leave,' thought a boy with light brown hair. Alexander Dovale is like most students at the Magical Defense and Swordplay College. The college known for its magical graduates that excel in both magic and swordplay. And History is a base class you have to take. But this history is on magical people or the history of the ways of magic. Alex would rather be out using magic or training with a sword but this section about the Invincible Eight really intrigued him. 'And everything is still hidden too. How could you not leave any clues for the future generations? But it's been so long, deep caves?'

As the class simmered down, the bell rang. The end of the school has came. Some students bolted out of class to see other friends, or go to their clubs. A few went home to play games or do their homework. Alex went up to his history teacher.

"Hey Mr. Burns? These artifacts, that those people left, is there any trace of where they could be found?" Alex asked.

Mr. Burns looked up and sighed. "There hasn't been much research done on the few myths we have heard. One was ended at a coal mine. This mine was caved in so they stopped exploring. Have you heard about The Temple of Strike?"

Alex slightly surprised by the question, nodded his head yes.

"How much do you know about the temple?"

"Not much, all I know it is a big landmark from the olden times." Alex answered.

Mr. Burns nodded his head at Alex's anwser. "That temple is rumored to be one of the Temples of Magic. It is also said, where some of their magic knowledge is held. It is still not found, their knowledge, but that temple is accessible to public. It's about 5 hours north from here. If you are really interested, I will give you excused day or two from school to do your own research there. Only if you are willing to work there, for extra credit of course."

Alex smiled. Why would he not do that. His history class ain't falling behind. But why not get some free days from school? If he finds nothing, he tried. But if he does find anything, it would be a bonus to school.

"I accept your offer Mr. Burns."

"Good! Whenever your ready, just come tell me. I will give you a pass and excused days."

"Thank you! I will go do some searching before I let you know."

"Of course." Mr. Burns examined. "Now then, get going. I have your homework to grade. I can't be giving out hints to you to tell everyone. Get going."

Alex walked out of the history classroom to go to the library. He wanted to look up as much as possible about this temple. Even though school was over and clubs were starting, there was still alot of students in the hall ways. Alex had to zigzag around a group of girls giggling around a little clay sculpture that looked like a gerbil, and a group of guys talking about weight lifting techniques.

Closing in on the stairwell to the main floor of campus, Alex heard two boys arguing over a girl, or so Alex could hear from it. He got to the stairwell on the right side of the hall way that leads downward. As he was walking down it the argument was getting louder.

"Great," murmured Alexander as he was halfway down the flight of steps. "It's on the first floor."

He treaded softly on the tile steps, Alex sighed. Getting to the bottom, the two boys were arguing who would win in front of the girl. The boys were getting so heated that a small circle of a peanut gallery was showing up. Looking for a opening to walk around the soon to be fight, Alex moved to the right. Slinking against the wall, Alex was able to make progress past them, of course, saying excuse me, and pardon me.

Magic is used in school, yes, but only in controlled environments. Alex knew this wasn't one, and so did everyone else, but Alex was doing his best to get away.

"Storm of Pebbles!!" The yell made Alex look up at the two fighting classmates. His eyes widden in shock by the pebbles that are now heading towards him. He gasped and threw up a shield magic he knows called Fire Shield. All the pebbles fell to the ground in front of Alex.

"Dude. Watch where your shots go!" Alex said.

"Well, watch what other people are doing!" Said the one who deflected the pebbles from himself. Alex thinks his name is James. A second year. Defense class magician. "And you clearly are fine, so, why worry?"

"I'm just trying to get past, and not in trouble. So excuse me," Alex turns and walks away from the group now. Able to get by because everyone moved just in case a third person, Alex, joined the other two boys.

Alex moves more to the right to invade some other students as he gets away from the two fighting and reaches the Library. Walking through the doorway, a calming smell and silence welcomes him in.

'There has to be a spell on this place. This is cool.' Alex explored around the shelves a little looking for any history tablets on these beings from the past. Grabbing a few on "Ancient Ruins" and "Magical Now and Then" subjects and one about "Myths Before You". Alex goes to a table with a floating screen to searching through the tablets.

After a little while of reading and looking through some more books, Alex gets a message on his own screen. He takes it out and reads the message. It's from his roommate, Roger. The text read, "Alexander, are you coming back tonight? I got food ready for us. I made way to much pasta for myself so I am giving you some."

Looking at the time at the top of his mostly transparent screen. It read 26:37.

"I have been here for five hours!" Alex jumped up. He hurried and grabbed all of the tablets he had took out and scampered around to put them away. Some other students watched has he moved around and looked questionedly at him. No one moves like that in the Library. It's a Library, calm and quiet, it should be.

Practily sliding in the floor outside of the Library, Alex rushes to the main entrance. Shoving the doors open, jumping off and landing three stairs down, he bolts to his bike. He throws a bit of his magic at the bike for it to recognize him. It moves back, into the way of Alex's running. Jumping onto the seat, Alex stomped on the petals to spin the tires up.

Alex rushed to the house he shared with his roommate Roger, as well as two others that were seniors this year. The moon was bright enough that Alex didn't need any other light to see his way back. Pulling into the single garage, he stopped in his designated stall. Got off, and headed to the door of the house.

The two story house was quite a luxury. Most students had to stay with their parents or in a dorm. Alex got lucky when the seniors just needed two more and allowed him to stay. The exterior had siding that was concert grey. But the roof was a bright green, tin covered, roof. The two contrasting colors somehow mixed. The single garage was attached with a room above it. They used that as storage, for all Alexander knew. The inside was quite nice as well. Variety of soft colors through the rooms, furniture that matched the room scheme. All bedrooms were upstairs, so was the main bathroom. Downstairs had a living room where the seniors set up one of those big magic moving rigs for combat training. The mud room was basic for what it is.

As Alex walked in, took his shoes off and pampered into the kitchen. It was a spacious kitchen. Two stoves and two double ovens. Two refrigerators. All of top quality. A island with a pan rack above it. Out to the living room side it had a counter bar for six people. The dining room side was open.

Standing at one of the ovens, Roger was mixing something. "So you made it, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah. I got lost in reading about the temple near by." Alex answered, taking a seat at the ovel table. "I didn't know we still have so much to learn."

"That we all do. Experts or not, magic and ways to use it is hard. Oh, also your parents sent a package. It's in front of your door."

"Oh, thanks!" Scooping a delicious helping of spaghetti like noodles, Alex made a note to himself to call them sometime. Both of his parents are very fond of him and his sister. His mom is a powerful swordswoman, while his dad is a deadly mage. Both are expecting and knowing their two kids will do amazing.