
torrent of hatred.

indoors of a large fancy room, lay a slim delicate figure of a young lady on a bed. so quiet and peaceful. like an angel, her face felt so calm in as much as never. once in a long time, she embraced herself in such companionship of throng even so

that wasn't plenty to consider it still stirred a different sensation to her. something that many contemplated to be so typical, striked in a peculiar way to her. she had her heart buried in a troy of non lovey-dovey life. exempting her sister and the bussiness she manages, she has no intentions of achieving or take heed on anything for life.

unlike her younger sister pinnah, who fathomlessly desires to have a lovely family of her own, with a man who will wholly fully be responsible of his family, one that she can entrust her heart to without a doubt of being brutalized or anguish the underpinning she enstored within her delicate little pumping heart that love heals, love conquers all burden on matters of the hearts. just like her father, she dreamt of having a man like him, who could love her and she could love him in return, in the exact of her late parents.

where it's becomes very antithetical to her sister Monnalisa. when everyone concludes her aromatic demeanor by virtue of her relationship reputation. she never once thought or desired, not even conceded herself to revolve in the world cycle of love. as long as she detached herself from it, she deemed the fact she would stay pulled unscathed from emotional damages. her secured heart wouldn't be triggered with fear of losing another, impaired by another or weaken for another, just loving herself and being able to protect her sister with all that she got, was indeed enough for her.

The overheated Stonewalls she belt were strong enough, enough to dispatch any tiny emotions that could flow throughout her living body, where it deliberately made her eventually aromatic thus her response in love became obviously negative, the will of her falling in love in her story would remain a fantasy a tale that maybe her niece would tell. and that made her okay, very fine and perhaps very happy.

while wishing for another kicking and fine day. lizzah, complemented herself well for accurately completing the assignment objected to her. she barely believed the contract she prepared. each and every detail that was written on those sheets was all under the guidelines of her boss molly.

the contract didn't seem to appear in a partnership or friendly way to the other part. lizzah doubted wether her boss was so serious about this or just trying to get ready of things. it seemed a little strict on the facts of beneficial issues in any case things may go wrong. because the contract actually stated.

The drafter would indemnify the signatory for as long as he or she unambiguously signs the contract. in other way one would take it very formal or literally informal. making it so unofficial molly entrusted the contract on her name rather than the title of her company that is, to any kind of relationship formed would be between her and the wang's company and the signatory Chris himself. her entire participation was personal. it didn't involve her company or business property at all. it would formally indemnify the wang's business company on any risks and be responsible to recover all loses, damages and falls that may occur upon the firm. there would be no negotiate made from the signatory side without the approval of the drafter. the agreement would last for as long as the drafter rescinds the contract.

"what.!" inside a conference room, Chris interjected with a startled calmed tone. he had his body sat on a chair eying molly who sat corresponding facing Chris but separated by a flat long wide table in between. lizzah who was audibly reading the sheets while standing beside molly, clarified her explanations.

" yes, as long as you sign the contract. your company's bussiness will be under miss molly. all loses, damages and precisely all charges encountering your company will be under her responsibilities. she will participate fully as the third part person without owning or getting attached to any of your company shares unless...." she then paused by to catch her breath for a second and then looked at Chris straight into the eyes and continued,

"unless you contravene the contract. thus when all your company shares and family property will be under her names. and on being the servant, you will renounce your position of being a CEO. up till when the contract terminates."

chris slightly rolled his eyes and plucked up the heavy breathe meandering inside his rib cage, not able to believe what the woman just said. for a minute he doubted if this was were he really was supposed to be. yes of course her demon-angel name didn't just come from nothing. now that he quarterly spotted on her borders, that name demon was just too restrained for its meaning upon her. was she even for real?, because he hardly believed the fact he was sitting right facing her with her gaze held so still, emotionless to his. and she never seemed to flinch or react to anything said from the beginning. and yet her facials expressed nothing but the beauty that never ceased off her face.

"about the termination of the contract it states that the rescind will be on the hands of the drafter. its upon her to either terminate the agreement or not within the period of not less than three sixty five days. " lizzah continued, to only jumble a question from Chris.

"you mean, if she doesn't terminate the contract anytime soon within the year. I will have to abide by the rules and serve her till the obligation cease itself after a year?"

" absolutely yes." lizzah answered his question with a slight nod of her head, even when she knew he already know what the answer was. but chris who seemed a bit out of it, questioned again.

"and on top of that, all ties i got with my company will be cut off till the expiration of the contract?" he said while slowly shifting his gaze from lizzah to molly who didn't seem to get bothered by it.

" not only your company, particularly attending to any subjects that are not assigned by your....." she said, not ending her sentence knowing he definitely understood who she was talking about.

" isn't that just too much." this knocked his head inwardly, it never audibly came out his mouth.

" it's either do it or leave it. unfortunately it's all upon you to decide. and do not worry about the rules you have to abide by, my boss declared only three rules that you need to follow up to." she then placed the sheet she was holding back on the table while picking the other sheet that once was also on top of the table. she took her breath and placed her gaze on Chris again, she then tilted down her head a little, indicating she was going to read it out audibly for him to also hear.

"one, obedience. the signatory should abide by the task assigned to him unless the illegal is involved."

" second, NEVER and DO NOT EVER RAISE YOUR VOICE At her (specifically miss molly). don't dare to shout at her." she verbed the second rule, looking straight into Chris' eyes. the stress she tempted into the words, where well verbalized to clarify how serious the rule was. but it didn't seem to be of any difference to chris. just who on earth wants to be shouted at. this rule made it see too absurd to him. 'of course all she wants was for her to be feared and made seen who the boss was. thus why she made it clear that rule was there!' chris thought to himself. all she seeks for is power, greatness, fear, and desire to control whoever she wants, she is just too full of herself. and these thoughts in his head prompted a strong torrent of hatred on her lingering deep down within him.

"first of all, allow our condolences reach you for the loss of your wife." lizzah said and bow to him showing her respects and concerns, yet on the other side Chris' eyes slightly deepen and the hand that was on the table squeezed firmly upholding a small light grip of depression. it went all like that when someone abruptly brought up about his wife. for a second he really seemed down, molly whose eyes where stuck to him all that time suddenly resorted it's posture to the other sides and made several closure of her eyelids before composing herself back to normal. it was a flash moment of quietness, but not longer till when lizzah flopped up her voice that evoked everyone inside the room to where they were before.

"three and the last, the signatory isn't allowed to have any love relationship within the period of the contract. failure to abide by that will lead to the consequences mentioned earlier." she was assured he heard the consequences she mentioned before, so when she was done reading the rules to him. she placed back the sheet of paper on top of the table.

though the secretary said each and everything so well and clear, it still stirred confusion to him. the rules didn't seem that quite hard to follow. thinking about the rules again, yes it didn't seem that bothersome. he was truly amused with the last two of them, having no relationship was the simplest to go with, assuring himself that loving someone else would be another hardcore to go for after the death of the person he devoted whole of his life too. the second seemed amusing rather being not troublesome. but with the first, he doubted if his patience could be in control, if the woman ever went far beyond his tolerance.

"what about the task! what are you exactly assigning me for?" he asked, his voice authoritative as ever. but his look was very calm and settled. he didn't seem that bothered by anything, just sort of being taken a back with what everything turned out to be.

"Am sorry, but the miss requested for your signature before revealing your duty."

he sighed with the response from her, and his eyes caught a strong hold of molly's eyes. to every single minute and word from that side, this woman( molly) never seemed to stop roasting him completely. 'was he supposed to receive it for a surprise. wow! she then turns out to be this type of a person.' he quietly thought of that too inside his head.

"well, mr.wang! are we in?" she asked, lizzah queried that while facing him yet his gaze was still locked at her(molly) who was facing him too. no, their eyes didn't draw any sign of affection rather, one that could tell complications. they were eying each other in a way one couldn't actually say what was that all about. since it wasn't love or hatred accompanying them by then.

lizzah then slowly slide the file note of papers towards him so he could sign and slightly knocked the pen on the table while placing it there, telling him that it was time to risk and gain the potentials. either to sign or walk away with his title.

now that he was looking down to those white sheets of papers he realized just how miserable a handwriting could ever be. the patterns of letters his hand could form on that white sheet of paper right that moment. could either save his family or ruin his family completely. just how comes it's only one person that tens of people depend on. it was just so unfair to be true. and he despised every single minute his mind thought that he was responsible. for the first time like never, he felt so low and incapable of himself. he wondered again before picking the pen on the table.

"was it worst being born in a house of nothing or in a house of everything to later on lose everything."