
The unexpected

" miss molly, your room is already prepared.!"

one of the female lady said to her humbly...

as molly was busy perusing through

her tablet as if something shocking was pressing throw her head...

she gestures with her other hand while still facing the tab... ordering the lady to disappear indicating she heard what she said...

but suddenly before the lady leaves.

"wait, "...

molly uttered.,as she raises her hand pointly for her to stop on her tracks ., she then slowly tilts her head to face her..!

the lady then turns and humbly stands before her..

"..where is my little sister.!?"

she asked firmly and bold... while the maid trembles to answer her..

"y-yes. t-the young miss..she is..!"

molly narrowed her eyes looking at her as she notice the weird reaction of the maid while answering her question.

she walks slowly towards her and bends her head alittle too close to the maid's face..

" what are you hiding niana..,"

she spoke coldly showing the bitterness in her voice serious enough for the maid to know what she would deserve for the fact of lying to her..

niana swallows hard even before answering her.a slight cover of sweat was seen to exist on her forehead..as shock.,fear and worry overcomes her...she quickly kneels down facing molly's beautiful legs in open sandals...

"I-i am sorry.,miss molly .the young miss, she.I accidentally eavesdropped her conversation with her friend on the phone the other day..i found out that she is secretly planning to get married today before you arrive home."

...she stopped as she slowly rises her head to face molly who crossed her hands on her chest with a smirk drawn on her face looking forward fiercely..


was all molly said after the long explanation of the maid...

"and if you ask.,I should tell you that she is picking a trip to another country for a couple of months."

"ooh.,I see my little sister is taking a trip aahh"

she then breath out heavily with a playful smirk on her face...niana who was kneeling down also felt a little better after saying what she wasn't supposed to say despite the fact it was the truth..that she was warned not to say by pinna the young miss of the house..or else she will lost her job..

"Don't worry with what she threatened you with ..I will deal with her.you may continue with your works"..

after saying that she then walks forward towards the entrance.the maid was already straighten up looking at her nicely thinking she didn't do it bad..molly opens the door just before getting out completely..

" niana., whoever comes and ask for me ..tell them am not around."

without waiting for a response she slammed the door hardly shocking niana who almost fell for a heart attack

"yes...miss.."uuhh "she let go of the breath she was holding on for a long time..after molly was already out

it was still shinning heading to the fall of the sun which covers the light bringing out the dark night..molly a beautiful elegant young lady at the age of her twenty-eighth came from abroad on a business trip leaving behind her cute young sister pinna who was five years younger than her..

The two heiress of the zhao's family left behind by both parents on unexpected death that shocked everyone on their marriage anniversary...By then molly was only twenty, yet she was left behind with a load of handling family matters . taking care of her younger sister and holding the company her parents left behind..

Of course it was indeed hard for her., dealing with business matters yet her whole living world was all into science..

yes.,molly was one of the brilliant girls during her school ship in science department.

she was always ambitious dreaming to be one of the most world's know biggest doctors. She volunteered her whole in her dreams.

seeing her performance in the field she liked was doing great, she had full hope and a belief that she would accomplish her goals rightly..indeed she was to.,

she was a heiress of a richest family in the country, bright ,beautiful,adored by other, simple and easy to get along with.most appreciated of her..was her obedient character.high respect and well mannered.

Molly.! that is her..she was really kind and well know for how she treated everyone equally despite her family worthy status.

But then not all we wish for falls to our sides.. sometimes somethings need to be twisted to bring the better of it.

"should we believe that!"

.but it wasn't a better outcome for molly. her dream was twisted to something she never thought she was to be into.

it's every parent's hope that their children are the ones to stand at the fore line as inheritors to proceed with what the they have invest for a life time.

But it was different for molly.business was not her world and neither did her parents ever forced her to it.they respected their children's decisions in life.their happiness was all that ever mattered to them.

The unexpected changed everything.her parent's death didn't only conquer her lovely family world but also the dream she lived for. she was forced to lead the growth of what her parents planted for their life.she had to hustle and manage to bring the love of business to her world.

business was evil to her yet profitable.its amazing finding herself handling it just as it should be..

she became a woman with a smile of a wolf..smiles only when she sees the meet she like to eat..

full of confidence, serious enough to shake a laughing man infront of her,

she believed in perfection a slight mistake is only for a laziness.

she is a hard worker how can she endure laziness beside her.

for her there is no a third chance.,a second chance is just a survival upon a death thus coming next

All her workers knew how strict their boss was. no wonder, they never dared to awaken the monster sleeping within her.they tried to do their best on doing the perfections.

her world was so obedient to her. everything was doing just perfect...

of course there should be something different at least.

with all the strictness she has.a fiercest look on her face was nothing to pinna..

to pinna her sister was just another kitten she can cheerful play with.

Their sisters anyway.thus what sister do right.!