
just in case

"wow!!"..lizzah exclaimed, blinked twice flabbergasted with what she just gazed on .,it was her first time seeing her boss attending a gala event.,and her looks right now were beyond a dazzling quality of a beautiful woman..her red dress with some silver shimmers was simple yet very comely on her body.,it revealed her tantalizing figure that was so fascinating. the upper part of her chest was open, exposing her prominent collarbones while the top most part of her breasts were held captive by a cloth strap that trailed up to her one shoulder and led a long sleeved dress arm yet the other arm left bare.,it tighten her whole upper body,till down her small slim waist and curved down her shaped hips,then the left cloth fell free to her foot heels with one side thigh high slit exposed, that showed the silver high heel shoes she wore.

she wasn't even in a full beauty makeup but her face was already appealing.,her hair wavy braided in a low pony, leaving some wavy stray strand of hair falling sides her face..she truly was breathtaking, lizzah found it hard getting her eyes off her..she wondered if it were her,!how many men could she have kept on list.!!!..

"chief lady." pinnah said

"you look gorgeous." she continued

"I wonder how your planning to keep Derick away from you if not attracting him more with your looks." she loudly joked and chuckled with a softy smirk on her lips.In her memories if not it,this would definitely be the very first time to witness her sister in a red party dress and attending a gala event. she too wondered.,if their parents were still alive till then, could they really recognize their own daughter in such looks.she wasn't even in a wedding dressing yet but here she was,already looking more like a vampire's beautiful bride.

"Aah!!, yes..you forgot your earings and necklace. let me go fetch them up for you...." lizzah sneaked out from her thoughts as she recognized what's missing on molly.. just on her tracks to rush back inside the house.,

"No need.,"molly said to stop her.

"I don't do cutie" she said it with her unsmiling face as usual, to only leave lizzah amazed with her response as her jaws dropped surprised at what she just said.! "I don't do cutie"yet she was already beyond cutie itself..

"Take one bodyguard along.,I won't need a high security" she exclaimed and lifted her legs to take a step forward towards her luxurious car..lizzah ordered one of the bodyguard among the many who stood there, to follow along. she too was coming along with her boss on the event..

another young lady in a beautiful dark blue A-line modified off shoulder long dress was also taking her moves out towards an expensive black car. she was taking a driver with her.its not pinnah's style of living but all the gala event she attended before, she would pick one driver for herself, and just like today she did the same..Never using same vehicle with her sister!! thus only because she chose to stay out of people's attention.she would avoid all spotted areas with molly and got herself out of any issue involving her outside the world.infact,her sister was dealing with business issue higher than her level, tagging her along would be another matter to care for. As the young sister of a tycoon family she didn't want others to treat her highly though she still was expensive to others by her looks. she didn't look that poorly or needy with her appearance just that her status was higher than what other people thoughts could be....


Inside a fancy large busy room with cocktail tables each with crystal glasses of different drinks.higly ranked guest some with respected titles in the state, celebrates and other unknown but expensive guest were exchanging conversation with one another talking about business, giving praises and other things, regular different kind of stuffs..

he was there.,that perfect, tall, muscled body of chris standing firmly with his one hand inside his trouser's pocket..and the other holding a glass of red wine.. attracting a bevy of beautiful ladies who seemed to never avert their gaze from him.

he was just so gorgeous in appearance. His black hair were combed well in a regular pattern with his side Fringed right leaving away mark on his left side..,he had a bloodshot type of eyes with brows and lashes beautiful like woman's, his lips caught the colour of the wine he was drinking, making them look smooth and adorable..well, his long neck realized a perfect jawline fitting his cutie noble face.he surely deserved all those stares from those women..he looked like a beautiful angel in manly body fixed in a black sized pair of suit...

standing right beside of him, peter was getting bored with the attention chris was drawing.rather than staying there with the annoying prince.,he better Wander himself around to hookup a damsel that he could savour for himself after the big show event was done..

"keep attracting looks.,I will go find myself something tasty to night."he winked and smiled has he left.

and now chris was left there all alone.however, peter's depart brought somebody else.

"christian.!,chris wang"...his named was exclaimed, as he turned to look at who called him. she smiles followed by a slight grin after she called his name in an arrogant way...and sauntered towards him with a glass of wine on her hands while her eyes where fixed on his..

"long time not see..partner..!"she said stressing out the word partner.

"vicky zhen." chris uttered not surprised but rendering impressed to what he just came across with. letting out a very heavy breath as though he was about to encounter another storm in his life.,he clenched his teeth tighten his jaws and knitted his brows facing her.

for a while the two people stared at each other.,one with a face mask of no emotions and the other full of pride and mock on it. she was smiling at someone who showed no interest in her.

"how are you.? you look more attracting than how you were before.!" .... while putting her glass on top of cocktail table beside, Vicky said to him.

" let me guess.not so fine of course.!! still mourning for your dead wife"

"take it easy.,don't give me such look. I don't like it chris" she smiles knitting her brows gladly

"it's someone's death I should be sad instead.,but am very fine with it., it gives me a great pleasure. I hated her anyways and you know it. no need to play kind by showing my regrets, right!?"

"your family's company is in a threat of falling., your no longer somebody's husband...," she takes another pose and grin again..

"if am not wrong., your seeking an alliance to support yourself from falling.!".

"how harsh.,,at this peak of time. you only got one way to solve it.,and thus through contract marriage" she stressed it.,and planted an evil smile on her face

" it's not fair.,but thus how the world treats us,life is not fair itself..,"

"am the only left heiress you can manage to be engaged to at this almost ending time..besides you can't count that demon CEO as your alliance to be.,since she is aromatic and never deal with marriage contract for any means and doesn't do business not profiting her."

like a statue chris stood there still. he was beyond anger listening to vicky's words and it hit him hard when she spotted runah within. but he was patient and gentle to calm himself from bursting out at her.

vicky moved herself even closer to him, near his ear and whispered

" well,this time around.,it's much easier getting you on me.i got no rival and you got no choice in it" she smiled and turned her back and left immediately.. satisfied with what she said.


" make sure.,no pictures nor report are taken on me"

" thus already done miss "

"mmh, thus gud."

molly said as she gets her body inside the room with her bodyguard and lizzah behind her.,they where informal but still on work.the secretary and the bodyguard.

like though she was the honourable guest expected to arrive at any time per. all eyes where locked on her.,and seeing her figure walk in through the door, made the whole room fell silence for a time has they all were eagerly waiting to see her..some even murmured"wow" and other inaudible words as she walked majestically and bravely beneath her soul.

others secretly took pictures of her on their phones. she was beautiful, very breathtaking, this woman was dazzling. her beauty was beyond the said tales.,even the rumors couldn't get it all on her.

chris witnessed it, he saw it all for himself indeed the rumors weren't enough to express her beauty. this lady is beauty itself. she had a captivating figure that could bring any man to her side..just in case,he didn't meet ruhan first and placed her in his heart, he would have fallen in love with her(molly) at a very first sight.

chris was facing her.,his eyes never left her body and from a far, Molly's eyes caught his. the look was brief but jolt out shivers through chris' body. he felt the strong Aura she eject just by the look of hers. with that, chris swallowed it very hard.