

some hours before chris ended up in a meeting with molly inside that big conference room, he had taken his early morning wake up and left back to his home. the first thing that clinged inside his head on blessing his well and fine to be day, was his mother. he wanted to check up on her before encountering anything new on that day. he rushed back home and expectedly found his healthy and fine mother resting inside her room, she was not yet to wake up.

their mother was his favorite, a little discomfort complain from her would bring all shivers and worries to chris. and just as much as chloe and mr.wang himself Mrs. wang, was their favorite. the husband adored, cherished and eternally loved his wife so much and the kids exceedingly tendered their mother with wholeness of themselves.

A siding the matter of her mother, he had also paid a visit that early morning to his father to report about the gala night and the proposal deal. his father was expecting him to come by and find him inside his home library room for a talk. he ambulated his long legs towards his father's library and found him there sitting waiting for his arrival.

just as expected chris didn't look all good or glad Infront of his father. he actually didn't hate him or confront his father as a bad one. he knew as a son and the heir, he had to endure all thus coming his way.

mr. wang didn't know what to ask first..." was it successful." or "was he oky." but anyway, his demeanor didn't look quite well or successful either. he silencly kept waiting for his son to utter the words first. but the serene between didn't seem to cut off anytime soon. he took a slow breathe out.,looked at his son to say something and begin the conversation but just as he was about to. chris butted first before him

"she disapproved the proposal." his voice was calm and casual. just like always, he never seemed bothered or pissed off. Mr.wang didn't seem quite shocked or taken a back with the report. he half way expected this. he just wished it would be a little different from his expectations. because he knew, if it never worked on molly. then the choice broke into no option..Vicky zhen was the only hope for them. he knew how Vicky felt for chris.,and understood pretty well how his son felt towards her. chris despised her inward outward the whole of her. if the marriage between them was to happen, no he really didn't pray for it to be.

on hearing him say that.he didn't think of anything to respond because there was nothing more to discuss. and so there he was, selling his son to an impertinent woman. he disappointedly nodded his head while facing Chris. and uttered

"how are you then.?" he questioned solemnly out of the blue, because it had been a while since he last knew about his doing personally. so before uttering anything else on any other matters especially about bussiness, marriage particularly any fact. he wanted to know more about him as well. despite knowing the depraved situation he was in. he still wanted to hear it from him, he wanted him to say that he was tired, that all he needed was a simple and happy family, that he, was obviously not okay at all and maybe he could blame him more and more again for being such an irresponsible father. he perhaps wanted that but in sad reality all his ears wished to hear was that " am all good dad." just like how he seemed to say it proudly back then before it all turned out that way. but the thought of him being the main driving force of dragging him into such a messed dungeon situation shuttered all good views of his son's happy face that could be seen in the future.

" but she came up with something else" he said straightly neglecting the greetings from his father. but that turned not to be a bother to mr.wang anymore because his eyes widen and the inner sides of his ears wiggled fondly of what stroked his tympanum. so there was a chance. they had another choice to make from the worst. but was it really worth the exchange. he was curious to know exactly what that was for. and chris didn't keep him waiting. he told the exact of the piece he wanted to say. he too didn't see this coming, it quite amused and impress him as well. yes, it was utterly senseless for his son being someone else's servant. of what qualities exactly did she even come up with before considering such deal.

personally, mr.wang took that for an advantage. he would rather send him there than the marriage between his son and vicky to happen. but this choice was his(chris) to make. he didn't want to meddle in the last tragic choices his son held on hand. and if he was right, he was sure his son would rather choose being a servant than a husband to someone he utterly disliked. he was a man whose pride went higher than anything but the highest in tendering his enemies. he even once heard him say it to vicky that.." my pride is high enough to tender you with love.". so this wasn't even a choice for him.

Back in the meeting, when chris meticulously signed the contract. he placed back the inked barrel of the pen on the table and lizzah who smiled cutely took everything from his side back to her side. she then offered her hand to shake it with his hand as a welcoming union of togetherness on behalf of her boss. but well, he didn't feel it gladly and it wasn't like he wanted to do this or wanted this to happen.so he brassily dishonored her hand and glared his handsome grooming face at her(lizzah) who hastily retreated back her hand.

now it was time when he needed to know what job he would be serving her. he was no longer the ceo chris wang or anything special at present. precisely just one of molly's underlaying minions. who was sitting humbly facing his boss to assign him a job. how funny that was, a little misconception of his acts from now on could utterly destroy all his family achievements just like the way the contract stated. surprisingly or composed instead, the man didn't look even slight shaken to anything. his facial still remained conceited and his boss like titled aura didn't change not slice a bit. he appeared stunningly who he was and boldly looked at molly who would soon substitute his title for something else. to break the silence he said,

"are you turning me into your valet, a chauffeur or one of your bodyguards?" he questioned authoritative and demanding. enough of the glares he wanted to be out of there as much as possible. it was tiring staying at the same place facing same facial expressions of hers or perhaps that wasn't it, just who on earth could complain on staring at such a godly creation of her beauty because not an inches of her face was wrongly calculated. she was just so dazzling to be true.

"yes,...bodyguard." she said. thus when her comely voice toned within the room to reply his question after a long term silence of hers. it came so striking that he nearly misheard what she said. he wanted him for a bodyguard just like he expected. after all that would the most cunning task for him to perform and it came so direct from the vast length throat of her mouth. she then continued by saying,

"I want you to personally, twenty four seven watch and guard over my younger sister." she paused. " pinnah." she uttered. even though she knew there wasn't a need to mention her name in there. she still did to only let lizzah's mouth hang open and raised brows of her eyes emerge on her face surprised to what she just heard.

Of course she was assigning chris to guard her younger sister that almost took off lizzah's breath because, the pinnah she knows would definitely and strongly object to this issue. she was a care free being that hated being followed up on her life. it was neither by her sister or her sister's minions, friends or whatever. she would complain hardly to molly when she caught her minion's keeping track of her information. till she was assured she was all safe and sound molly never hired anyone to stalk her again. not until today when she openly assigned a bodyguard for her.

chris was entirely speechless, looking so confused failing to understand what motives this woman ever had. maybe if he didn't sign the contract he would deny this. but nobody knows better than him. his situation would go for as far as being a maid for her something so pretty funny to be real and at least that wasn't the point. but then how was that younger sister she was talking about, according to his source she apparently doesn't have a family member. so who was this younger sister of hers. was she still so young a kid at her schooling or a grown-up young lady down aged than her. just how stubborn was she than her.

it was another moment of silence again, not that longer enough because molly uttered again to shut the devil in between.

" lizzah, assign the media to conduct a public broadcasting meeting and reveal our cooperation with the wang's company."

lizzah who was sneaking to use her phone to type a message abruptly replied a yes to her and quickly walked out of the room leaving molly and chris inside.

" what do you mean.?" chris glared his question.

" Don't worry mr.wang, we won't publicize any of this. the meeting will only reveal our company's union and at a one shot your company's problems will be solved. to make it more vivid this will be a mutual assent between me and your company's CEO. so I hope you can cooperate swiftly in preparing the contracts of your company. by night this all should be completed." she said all at a one go. her voice wasn't demanding, or even authoritative. it was calm and well vocalized. she spoke so casual and settled that chris found a differ in it. her explanations were eloquent for him to utterly believe everything said in it with no doubt of mind. for a minute that cold aura she always disperse around her had totally disappeared. the room turned warm and free, so serene with just the two of them looking immensely into each other's eyes. chris didn't know why his mind urged not to break off his gaze because unknowingly, he was getting too open into her eyes that gave a flabby stare at his. "Damnit." he cursed deep down inside him when molly promptly cut off the contact. what was he doing to himself with that.

"I guess you have no questions then I will take my leave." she said right after setting off her hands on the table and stood from the chair to take her leave when chris abruptly uttered

"and ab...." but stopped midway to his sentence when suddenly the door went vigorously slammed open accompanied by a quick entrance of pinnah who was panting heavily with a pissed off face tailing lizzah who came hurriedly to stop her from going in.

"I told you not to come now.." scared lizzah slowly uttered beside pinnah who didn't seem to hear what she said rather looking at her sister intensively in a riled up glare.

" Don't do it." she said sounding hoarse and angry. she didn't even bother to look her sides or anywhere. just focusing on her sister was enough. besides, thus what brought her there.

molly gave a quick sharp glare at lizzah who stood timidly on the side of pinnah. she jolt a little at that look before trying to defend herself.

"I..i..i thought she already knew it, I.i..i didn't mean to tell her before you did." lizzah stammered. then molly turned her face back to pinnah who didn't seem settled at all.

"I don't need one." pinnah said, when molly said nothing than looking at her. this was her young sister and it wasn't her first reaction. she knew well how to get pissed and rile up her anger. it was the hardest dealing with her than dealing with the other business. right now, she knew this thunder would come, just didn't expect it this soon.

"you promised not ever to do things in this way. and so what is wrong with you."

"look at you first, do you mind explaining that." molly said casually just like how she always speaks to her. pinnah didn't mind looking over herself again. she had a scarf coiling her neck and a knitting hat covering her upper head, the fore part of her face and the ears precisely. she wore a long sleeve t-shirt that tighten her body and covered the wrists and half part of her hands. this was purposely for hiding the red scratches on her skin after the last night's incidence.

" what is wrong. am all good." she said, acting dumb pretending to stand very still with several closure of her eyelids from other sides. molly glared at her from up till down then took out her breath.

" and your outfits, how is that.?"

" what.! is it bad?...I feel cold. then should I ask you what to wear.?

"if your cold, then are you sick?"

" well am fine, thank you. I put on this cause I feel that it's normal to me".

"then was your last night normal as well.?" she yelled sounding not high as such. she was already at the top most level of her anger right now. her eyes turned slightly reddish and wide while her brows knitted worriedly. what would happen to her last night incase she wasn't saved. she wasn't even sure if that bastard would let her alive after he had abused her. this thought of it shocked intensely each core part of her body. she nearly endangered the only love she left in this world.

no more of the pretends, pinnah knew her sister already know what happened to her last night. she abruptly turned to lizzah

" you told her..? " she curiously asked her. lizzah's face almost shrank in with fear when she turned to look at molly whose stare was as fierce as a lion's.

" you knew it.?" molly questioned her.

what an event chris was watching..