
Second life in Multiverse

Disclaimer: My story is shit, i just try to write one since I always wanted to write one and now I always bored with my fav novel have no updates. Updated is inconsistent and most chapter will consist of 5k to 6k or above words. Also story will all be AU since i can't trust myself to make it consistent with the source. New Synopsis: A nameless smuck want to meet ROB suicide and coincidentally (or is it) a ROB notice him, gave him a contract to live second life but it went downhill when he fail a contract/quest in Date a Live world and receive a Penalty Contract. Now stuck in Bloodborne world and through his odd personality and mindset plus willpower, he survived and now start a new life as a full fledged multiverse traveller with his 'exotic' harem. World: Bloodborne ReZero Date a Live (again) DxD (Now) Also have +18

Daoist_KittyKat · Cómic
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28 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Conquering?

Sitting in his mansion area overlooking Scáthach training the two hundred and twenty seven wizards, he is training Ellen to use a new magic system after she asked Ray to teach her.

"Good. That's the Reinforcement magic from shishou world. This magic is sort of basic magic that almost anyone can use and you can use it to boost your physical body. But remember that a wrong step can lead to fatal injuries." Ray explained to Ellen.

"You have to visualise the flow of your mana to feed your cell then the tissues to reinforce them. Don't try the organ yet… if you made a mistake there, your organ will burst like this."

Ray then poured mana on his finger to apply [Reinforcement] but he added more than enough which caused the finger to burst. The finger then quickly regenerates under the watchful eyes of Ellen.

"That is what happens when you exceed the cell limit to receive mana."

"Hm… I will keep that in mind. Then I will train for myself first."

"Okay, I will oversee your training here."

Ellen then continues to train the [Reinforcement] skill while Ray sits on the grass next to a growing sapling he just planted. The sapling is the Water Tree Sapling he received from the lottery.

Meanwhile, he remembered that this morning, the day after his duel with Scáthach. Ellen randomly asked during the group breakfast if there is any way to increase her power which Scáthach answered with a yes.

Ellen although is a wizard that uses Realizer to use her Territory to make use of magic from Date a Live world, she can actually use the magic without Realizer although it requires great concentration.

This is due to the lack of magic circuit or any extra organ that can help circulate the mana she possesses. Her natural mana pool is also very low when compared to a nasuverse Magus. Perhaps only slightly better than Shirou Emiya.

Scáthach then proposes to reverse engineer the servant contract she has to acquire the mana supplying link only to put on her which allows Ray to supply Ellen with mana like he supplies Scáthach through the master servant link between them.

The process is fairly easy and didn't take much time at all when Scáthach created the link but Ray cannot figure out how Scáthach created it. He only knows that it needs runes since Scáthach uses runes during the process.

While he is looking at the wizards making a group fighting under Scáthach order, he receives mail from the Administrator. Ray think the administrator perhaps had more contracts for him and opened the mail.


Hello again Ray, I hope you don't mind going for another contract. This time the Hub Governor has issued another contract for you.

Don't worry, this one is just a normal contract the Governor issues as a test for you. I meet you at the usual table at the bar to inform you of the details.


When he finish reading the mail, as expected it's another contract but at least it isn't a redo like Date a Live or anything.

He tells Ellen and Scáthach before he informs those who aren't with him through their link or communication magic.

Few minutes later, Ray and the administrator sit in the corner of the bar to discuss the details of the contract.

"So, let's discuss the contract then."

"Straight to the point huh, as your wish then. Before that, I would like to ask you something…"

"What is your purpose in this second life? When I recruited you as a Hub user and gave you a second chance in life, your wish was to live an interesting life which you did but not much."

"Normally, users will want to become Harem Kings and collect every female he meets or become the strongest person in the multiverse. Even great Conquerors that conquer worlds they entered."

"However you… you didn't take any long term contract and only the short one like the ReZero contract, the one and only contract you willingly choose. As if you are preventing yourself from growing attached to the worlds."

"..." Ray didn't expect the sudden questions from the administrator.

"I don't know actually… I just follow my whim whenever I decide on anything."

"Hum… I think I know what happened to you. You are too accustomed to having nothing to do that suddenly you can do everything you want, you instinctively hold back because it's an unfamiliar thing to you."

"..." Ray wanted to deny it but deep inside, he knew that the administrator was stating the truth.

Seeing that Ray didn't deny his claim. The administrator then adopt a businessman posture like he is trying to sell Ray unneeded insurance.

"If that is so, then let me propose a path for you. The Hub Governor wanted to recruit you to join a program he created to select the next King."

"King? Why would the Hub Governor need a king… isn't the Hub Governor… the Governor"

"Oh, you perhaps didn't know but let me tell you a secret." The administrator then places a sound insulation barrier before he explains.

The Hub actually has a secret purpose. The Hub is actually a forward force against the evil and hostile outer gods. They disliked the law put down by the good outer gods which resulted in a war waged since the age forgotten by time.

During that early ages of the war, the main powerhouse waged war so intense that the record stated, universe destroyed enmass that the central cluster of the universe had been destroyed which cause the war to shift to another universe and it keep happening again and again until the neutral one had enough and created multiple Hubs in the discrete corner of the omniverse, undetected by the still warring outer gods.

The Hub produce many new able fighters to act as secret agent for the neutral outer gods to sabotage both side and push them into a conclusion but as usual, certain someone got itchy hand and great ambition which resulted with assassination of both sides leader which cause the entire command structure to rupture overnight and created multiple smaller faction on the good side where there are gods that want peace then another want revenge then next one want total elimination of the evil gods.

Everything becomes more messy because more groups of different ideologies fight each other rather than fighting the evil outer gods. While the evil gods special command structure easily overcome the lack of leader and remain united as they pursue only chaos. At the latter part of the war, all sides received a heavy blow and reduced their number to mere 10% percent of their original numbers.

The evil gods are the winning side with them being the 7% out of the 10%. The Hubs however remained strong throughout the war with constant adding of new blood amongst their ranks until one day the evil gods shift their focus on the Hub. They tempted the users to join them to replenish their number and they did successfully cause more users to defect and turn against the Hub.

Of the original 7 Hubs, 4 have already fallen to them and our Hub is next on the list. However, due to sheer luck or perhaps a blessing, our Hub managed to produce a powerful King during the time and manage to turn the tide of the war.

With the brilliant strategy by the King, he forced the outer gods to bring their combative gods out before trapping them in a fake siege before taking them down which effectively crippled the evil gods' advance on our sector.

However now, 12,000 years had passed and they had been detected to assemble their forces to push for another siege on our Hub with the users they managed to bring to their sides.

"Because of that we need a new king. We need to prepare for the next siege of the outer gods."

"You expect me to surrender my life to fight for the Hub?" Ray looks at the administrator with a ridiculous look on his face.

"No! Look, the only reason the previous King died is because he was too muscle-brained and rushed head first into the crowd of enemies and detonated himself."

"If you become the King of the Hub, there will be many who are willing to sacrifice themselves just to make sure you live another day amongst the Hub's staff. That's how important you are. We will only need you to fight against the leaders which most of us are unable to fight against."

The administrator looks at Ray patiently while waiting for an answer.

"Then what is the difference? I will still fight against the strongest one and risk dying in their hands." Ray retorted.

"Well that's why the Hub Governor issued this contract that I'm about to offer to you. We will make sure to make you stronger by going down the conqueror path."

"You probably didn't know but the Astromancer class given to you is a great cheat that you probably never realised."

"What?" Ray's head is struggling to keep up with the constant flow of information.

"Well imagine this. A true peak Astromancer can turn the cosmos into his own tools. Mana? They can take in planets to become their personal mana generator. Attack? They can collide stars on their enemies and the planets are the last thing they lack. Now imagine again if they further weaponised their ability, a bow that releases the energy of a supernova on impact."

"That's… seems ridiculous." Ray pointed out.

"Not really, you can do that when you reach rank Platinum. For now, the best you could do is to summon a meteor without straining your body."

"Well returning to the topic, will you join the program? You are currently our one and only for this program and will be the only one for the possible future since their psychic abilities are very rare and only appear one in a million."

Ray wanted to think about it first but then remembered that he had no real objective anyway. He might as well accept the offer and see where it will drift him to.

"Well, I accept your offer."

"Hum… you should take some time to think about it first since it might be a big commitment of your time and effort."

"Nah, I will join and see where this will take me. As you said, I'm accustomed to doing nothing and I probably end up drifting nowhere if I decide my path myself."

"You can say that I need a purpose to push forward and you just gave me one. You gave me a purpose to grow stronger."

"Also, as the king, I should receive tons of privileges, right?"

"Oh don't worry about that, you will definitely get a lot of benefits. One of them includes free access to all the character summon gems you could imagine. Knowing your burning interest, you will definitely like this one." The administrator smirks widely while looking at Ray.

"Oh yes, getting every fluff in the multiverse is a worthy cause to fight for." Ray said with sudden burning passion.

"Muh…" Ray opens his eyes and sees a different room from his own bedroom. The room is very big and looks like a traditional Japanese house kind of room. He held his forehead while trying to make sense of what had happened.

He feels like someone spins him in a washing machine before throwing him on a death coaster. The dizzy feeling is killing him while he tries his best to remember.

Soon he remembered his discussion with the administrator before they kept ordering beers then stronger alcoholic drinks in the bar before his memory ended. Then he feels a soft fluffy tail move under the sheet and touches his leg.

"Tsukuyomi? No, that's too big to be Tsukuyomi. Maybe Shinano?" He is evaluating the size of the person under the sheet before Tsukuyomi appears on him to answer his call.

"Master?" Tsukuyomi looks at Ray in confusion before he sniffs him and looks at the person hidden under the sheet.

Ray then lifted the sheet and saw that the person wasn't Shinano at all. The person is Yasaka! He finally remembered the final bit of the memory from yesterday.


"Anyway, I will drop you off on DxD world. Your mission is to conquer the world either through dominance or diplomacy."

"Oi" the administrator slapped Ray's face lightly but got no response.

"Oh let me give you some surprise when you wake up as the payment for leaving the bill on me. Hahahahaha"

The administrator then teleported Ray into Yasaka's futon while manipulating reality to make her drunk. He then continued laughing while exiting the bar.

–End Flashback–

"Shit, I got set up by the administrator." Ray quickly activates teleportation but the magic circle dissipates before it can activate the magic.

Yasaka was immediately alerted by the magic ward and woke up instantly sober to see Ray looking at her with cold sweat running down his neck.

"Erm… I swear it was a coincidence. Someone set me up on this…" Seeing that Yasaka isn't convinced and about to apprehend him, he quickly jumps back with Tsukuyomi wrapped in his arm.

The guards immediately stormed the bedroom after the magic ward alerted them of someone unknown in their leader's bedroom. Seeing this Ray quickly made a distraction while all 4 of his partitioned thoughts activated the Dimension Shift to pierced the teleportation ban.

"Oh! It's time to buy some milk. Hehe… Nigerundayo!" Then he vanished, leaving the bewildered guards and Yasaka. The news soon spread all over the magical Kyoto that someone had the balls to snuck into Yasaka's bed and run away with it.

Even a certain Fallen angel governor praised that madlad who is hiding in a back alley somewhere in Japan.

"Fiuh, that gonna bite me back later. Tsukuyomi, you return first. Your appearance will be troublesome if people see you."

Tsukuyomi nodded and unsummon himself before Ray looked at himself. His outfit isn't problematic, as expected of Hunter attire, not too weird to blend into fantasy or modern world. He wears another layer of leather glove on his hand to cover the thin glove of Ikaros and the command seal on his right hand.

Then he walked out of the back alley to find a jewelry shop or pawn shop to sell something off to get some cash. While he walks on the street, few people look at him due to his height and outfit but people just think of him as foreign tourist. He didn't have the tricorne hat on but his face was still half covered with bandanna which made people feel weird to have such thick clothing on a hot afternoon.

Ray walked around Kyoto with Cosmic Guidance until 20 minutes later he arrived at a shady pawn shop. When he walked into the shop, he noticed the lady on the counter wasn't a human but a youkai which his insight revealed to him.

"Welcome, what can I help you with?" The Youkai lady asked.

Ray took out several gemstones that his true body acquired and put into his inventory. Although just common gemstones they should provide enough cash for some while.

"I want to sell these."

"Gemstones… Give me sometime to evaluate them." The Youkai lady then pushed a button on the table before another Youkai came out from inside the shop.

"Please evaluate these gemstones' value." The Youkai lady said to the other Youkai before handing over the gemstones. While it is being evaluated, Ray took out his Magic Hand Cannon which the Youkai lady didn't look surprised since Ray didn't fully conceal his magic aura.

"Do you take magic weapons too?"

"Depending on the function of it." The Youkai lady struggled a little to lift the firearm since she didn't expect its weight to be that heavy.

"I can do some demonstration if you have a place for me to do it."

"Follow me this way." The sign on the shop front flipped to close and remotely locked before the Youkai lady led him to another door. The door opens up to another room that looks like an ordinary storage room but is actually hidden by illusion and contains magic devices and materials.

"You can try on the dummies here." The Youkai lady points at the straw dummies.

Ray didn't reply but took aim with the Magic Hand Cannon and shot multiple times using different functions and effects it has.

"As you can see, you only need to feed it mana and select the mode you want like buckshot or solid slug. It also can apply one of the three preset effects like pierce, knockback and explode." Ray didn't fully explain the effect like adding attributes etc since that will be a game changer if an exorcist gets his hand on this. He only explained the common effect of this firearm.

"Do you take normal cash or gold coins?" The Yokai lady asked while looking at the firearm for a few moments before looking at Ray.

"If I take cash, will it take some time to prepare?"

"No, it's easier to deal with cash than gold coins." They then walk back to the store front before she goes into the room where the other Youkai goes to evaluate the gemstones before she returns with a written cheque.

"..." Ray looked at the Youkai lady before he asked. "Can't you just give cash?" Which makes the lady look at him weirdly before saying.

"We only have 300 million yen in house. I didn't expect your firearm to get that high of a price from the evaluator back there."

"How can I cash this out… I can't do dealing on normal bank."

"Sir, are you perhaps new to Kyoto? We have a bank on the magic side of Kyoto that can help you as long as you aren't a criminal from any factions." The lady took out a shikigami paper that seems to be his gps to the bank.

"Oh, thanks then." Ray then leaves the shop and follows the shikigami.

"You, check his background. I want to make sure the stuff he dumps off isn't dirty stuff. He looks suspicious to sell off such magic weapon. Those gemstones are common though." Then the shadow vanished after receiving the Youkai lady order.

Meanwhile Ray was totally surprised when he successfully cashed out the cheque only to find out the Japanese letter on the cheque is 58 billion Yen. The Youkai bank worker also surprised but didn't pay much mind since Ray could be someone from a faction or servant of rich people since that amount of money isn't really a lot when compared to what the devil pillar house owns. He can't even buy a phenex tear with that much money.

Ray then quickly walks out of the bank, which raises some suspicion from the hidden guard. He enters a random back alley before he Dimension Shift to the alley that is nearest to a train station.

(Note: He uses dimension shift because it produces no flashy magic effect, only the magic signature which is invisible unless looked into magically.)

In the train station, he pretends to be a foreign tourist and asks for help from the worker in the train station to buy him a ticket to Kuoh Town. After he rides the train, he relaxes slightly and thinks about the future plan when he reaches Kuoh Town.

He plans to find a permanent residence and somewhere that is close to everything that is going to happen but not before checking the time he arrives. He could be way ahead of the canon or already passed the canon.

To conquer this world, he also needs a faction of his own and he hopes to recruit the strongest people in this world. Amongst his group, only Ikaros, Kurumi and Scáthach can be considered combat worthy. Nia isn't cater toward combat, she moves into a support role while his weapon souls are… Well, weapons.

Then the newcomer, Shinano. Ray hadn't test her might but if what the administrator had explained to him off script, She cannot be accurately judged since her armament is upgraded from her original one. She now no longer simply an aircraft carrier, but she is a spaceship with main function as an aircraft carrier but also has side weapons like laser and railgun battery equipped on her rigging.

But the additional part about them is that Ray can supply her with mana or any energy to boost her capabilities and even regenerate her parts instead of needing physical replacement and repairs.

(Note: Appearance is Eternal Storm from Infinite Lagrange. I loved that ship so much that I burned away 4 months savings just to get it's a skin. I'll add the specification below.)

He hope that Shinano's ship form can be used as deterrence against those factions or the normal world to make them agree to serve under him if he goes for the diplomatic route instead of conquering since they are more likely to accept then the supernatural factions.

After a while, he heard the announcement that his stop was next. He stops thinking and looks out the window to see buildings and some people walking around since today is Wednesday, a workday and it's 10 am in the morning.

When he exited the station, he noticed the alarm system and familiarity with devil energy which confirmed that the devil had occupied the land. So, it's either the Devil king's sisters or Cleria Belial that currently occupy the town.

Luckily he already activated [Presence Concealment] in advance knowing this will happen. He hailed a taxi and rode to a real estate agency to buy a residence.

When he entered the office he was greeted by a clerk checking out his possession but saw nothing remarkable and led him away. He is then attended by a guy that introduces himself as Shinji Akira.

"Hello sir, what can I help you with? For your information, we only deal with residential and commercial real estates."

"I need a commercial building suitable to make a cafe. Preferably if it has an empty second floor too."

"Um…" Shinji flipped the catalogue before he said that there are 4 buildings that fit his request. "Do you want to visit the building ?"

"Which one is the closest to that residential area and that high school?"

"Ah, there is one only sir but we received reports that that neighborhood has a high accident report, even recently we received a report that there was an accident involving drug traffickers that destroyed a construction site."

"Construction site… Hm, let's visit that one then."

"Gladly sir." Shinji quickly leads Ray out of the office and visits that building.

While on their way there, Ray uses a mental suggestion to manipulate Shinji to tell him if there is a way to get an identification ID for him. He would require it to legally do everything in this world.

And apparently Shinji has connections that allow him to create fake ID which will cost him some money which honestly didn't put any visible dent on his money at all. The building also is perfect after he visited the property.

The building is 3 floors tall, around 3500 square feet and the building is also located within the city area. The price is 270 million Yen which excludes the renovation since Ray wanted to hire another group to renovate this building since he hasn't planned how to allocate the building yet.

The visit soon ended after Ray agreed to this building and signed the paperwork for this building. Ray also hypnotized Shinji to forge a fake ID for him.

Afterwards he left to visit the construction site Shinji talked about then look and behold, he found traces of magic used here which confirm that the canon had yet to start.

Fast forward 3 months later, the building is fully renovated where the first and second floor is the cafe with the storage room and kitchen on the first floor while the third floor is a living area for Ray and his harem. He fully covered the third floor to prevent scrying and to keep all magic signatures from being discovered.

He also secretly made a small room around 200 square feet into a secret pub that is only accessible through a secret entrance if someone enters from outside.

(Note: Previously I confused bar and pub. Only now I tried to google it and discovered the pub is the shop while the bar is the counter.)

He lives there with his harem. While most of them rarely leave the third floor since they usually just train in Yharnam and only return to have meals and sleep with Ray. Nia however is the only one that leaves the house since she has been a fan of manga and anime since before she became a spirit.

The cafe is also almost ready to open, they are only finalising the mandatory government inspection for safety and health of the premises. The staff will be the wizards since they honestly are attractive girls which is a waste not to use and also they don't have to worry about privacy unlike if they hire an outsider. Ray hires a few professionals to teach them to cook and serve customers which also help to teach the other girls in the mansion to be capable maids.

(Note: must be great to have 200 plus maids to serve him)

Ray didn't do an extravagant grand opening since he didn't actually open it to earn money, he only opened it as cover for their operations in this world. He wanted to turn this place into their headquarters later and expand downward to create an underground base if he needed to.

2 days later, a quiet day with nothing extraordinary happening in Kuoh town. His prediction is true that Cleria Belial was just recently killed when he was spying around Issei Hyoudou house and saw Irina Shidou just left for England with her parents.

He planned to extend his arm all around this world and make use of his knowledge of the future to crush the antagonist plan like Rizevim Livan Lucifer from obtaining Sephiroth Graal. He is the one most troublesome antagonist due to him reviving all the dead enemies and making them grow stronger with the use of the grail.

Ray also wonders if he should steal the Boosted Gear which is a haxx level equipment and honestly a massive game breaker. If he can boost to max using the longinus gear, there is little he cannot destroy with his full power magic.

There is also other longinus gear that he is very interested to obtain which is Incinerate Anthem which is a special longinus that is able to switch users since its actual form is the purple flame. Ray wonders if he can use [Dominate] to steal the longinus.

The current owner of the longinus is Walburga of the Purple Flames which according to Cosmic Guidance is hiding in Europe. This longinus gear is very important if he needs to fight against the devil and especially the satans.

Then the last one, True Longinus Spear. This one is a little tricky since he is with the Indian mythology faction and still an apprentice of Sun Wukong. He could only wait until he is alone before he can steal it.

"Haah, too much stuff that I need to consider. I have to take the initiative to grab all the advantages I could before the canon starts to maximize my advantages when confronting the factions."

"Ray? What's troubling you… It's been quite some time since last month you keep making those heavy faces." Ellen, who was sitting on the sofa, confronted Ray.

"Hum…, I was thinking about my future plan. You do remember that my mission is to take over this world right? I had so much stuff in mind but very little manpower to get them done."

"I need to establish a faction to basically counter all existing factions here and I know too little to find a faction to become our allies. Plus, we are too insignificant and less known to even be considered a faction."

"We need an event to introduce ourselves to the supernatural worlds and we have to leave a great impression on them as a capable faction."

They stare at each other and think for a while but end with no idea at all. Ray cannot use his Cosmic Guidance to find information he had absolutely no idea about like how one cannot google about the information without knowing what he is trying to find in the first place.

"Well, if there isn't any event then make one yourself." Nia said while watching anime and eating chips.

"Yes! That's it! I'm fucking stupid. I can just attack Walburga to steal her Incinerate Anthem and introduce ourselves by defeating the stray magician group Hexennacht as an excuse to fight Walburga." Ray laughs like a maniac before skipping over a few times and kisses Nia's cheek.

"Muah muah muah, worthy of the name Rasiel indeed hahahaha" Ray then vanished into Yharnam since he would need the hunters to join this attack.

"I didn't expect him to be that happy. The problem must have been troubling him a lot." Nia said while looking glad that Ray finally lost his troubled face.

"Yeah, I should prepare too since I might get a chance to test my new power along with the wizards. We trained a lot for the past few months, we needed live combat rather than spars that didn't have any real danger." Ellen said before she said goodbye to Nia and entered Yharnam through the messenger lamp located at the corner of the room that blended in as part of the decor.

"I will pray for your victorious return then." Nia replied before continue watching the anime.


"Call Laurence here quick!"

Ray exclaimed with great excitement. While pacing around the hallway in the Healing Church.

"Call all covenant leaders too"

"Erm… Lord Ray, how about calming down for a bit. I didn't know what the emergency was but please calm down and we will prepare a room for your meetings with your guests." One of the Blood Priest urges Ray while leading him to a meeting room usually used by Laurence.

Then a few servants came in bringing tea and some sort of fruit pastries before leaving the room.

Few minutes later, he heard several people came running to the meeting room which revealed to be the people he requested.

"Lord Ray! We heard there is an emergency, what happened!" Laurence immediately asks upon opening the door.

"Not an emergency but I need everyone's help this time around. I need to attack an enemy faction and require the hunters to mobilize."

"Enemy? This is indeed an emergency! Lord Ray please, let me bring all the available hunters at our disposal. No bring the Executioner and Choir too, I will make sure to eliminate every last one of your enemies." Laurence slammed the table with his palms and quickly barraged his request on Ray.

"Calm down Laurence, let Ray brief us first. It's too hasty to throw all hunters immediately on the enemies. We have hunters defending important outposts and villages that cannot leave their post." Gehrmen said while forcing Laurence down on the seat before he also sat down along with the other leaders.

"Please elaborate, Confederate Ray." Valtr of the League said while holding the tea to drink.

"Ok. So, basically I just arrived at a world and was given a task to conquer a world either through dominance or diplomacy but either one. I would need to establish a foothold in that world using my soon established faction which comprises of all people I currently have under my allegiance."

" The hunter is my first choice due to the special effects when being deployed by me."

"We cannot truly die…"

"Indeed Gehrmen, I had immortal soldiers at my disposal. Of course I will not force people to join, I will only deploy those that agreed to join only."

"Preposterous, Lord Ray is our god, the King of this city. No one dares to decline a call to arms, especially against your enemies." Laurence rebukes Ray's statement.

"Indeed I can testify that my people and Logarius' are wholly devoted to be your swords against your enemies. We trained everyday tirelessly to devote our life entirely to fight against your enemies. You can say that our entire purpose of existence is to repay everything you have done to help us ever since you freed us from the nightmare." Ludwig said while Logarius nodded silently to support Ludwig's speech.

Ray then looks at Gehrman and Djura who have yet to express their decision.

"I am also indebted to you for correcting the mistakes of the hunters and saving them from their fate as blood crazed beasts. I will join."

"How about you Gehrmen?" Ray asked.

"May I ask who our enemies are?"


"The enemy faction is called Hexennacht, a group of stray magicians or magicians that commited evil acts or associated with them and thus banished from the good magician faction. They are also affiliated to Chaos Brigade which is a large terrorist group." Ray then continues to explain a their evil act and their future involvement with Chaos Brigade.

"So, killing them makes the world a better place then. In that case then I can kill without feeling bad about it then." Gehrmen mutters before he agrees to join too.

Then the last one, Valtr of the League.

"You don't need to ask for my permission, you are now the true Master of the League. And speaking of which, ridding the filth is our oath as part of the League. The enemies you stated have their heart filled with filth, the impure one, the scum that we made oath to fight against on the nightmarish night."

"Then since everyone agreed, assemble the hunters. We will prepare for today and will strike when our enemies are unaware."

"Also, our enemies are mostly human magicians so make sure everyone wears appropriate armor and weapons. Even if they all can revive me, I don't want them to be dependent on it. You hear me?"

"Yes" everyone answered in unison before the meeting dissolved and everyone leave to prepare their people.

Ray then returned to his mansion to inform his group about the plan. He uses the messenger lamp to conveniently quick travel to his mansion from the Healing Church.

Upon his arrival, he is greeted with Ellen who is briefing everyone, including his wizards turn combat maids about the incoming attack.

The scene is quite strange as two, four rows of girls dresses in Victorian maid outfit while standing in solder's rest position and listening to Ellen's briefing. Well this saves him time from have to explain for second time which he is thankful for.

"Master" "Ray" everyone greeted Ray when he arrived at the mansion. Ray quickly take over Ellen to brief them about the upcoming battle.

"Hello everyone. Well as Ellen probably had told you, we are going to war with an terrorist faction called Hexennacht. My purpose is to introduce to the supernatural side of the world to establish ourselves as capable faction for my grand plan of conquering this world."

"I will not lie that I reluctantly to bring you to the upcoming war since if any of you dies, it will be a permanent death without chance to revive." Ray can see that everyone of the wizards are flattered and extremely happy that I treasure them all.

" However I found a way to help you increase your chances of returning alive. I will evolve you all like the people of Yharnam with my own blood. So, make sure that every single one of you return alive from this war."

"Bring me victory!"

"Yes Master!"

Then after the speech, Ray take out the blood from his true body which placed in hundreds of vial that are distributed to everyone including Ellen.

Ray then along with his harem except Ellen enter the mansion under Ray's instruction. While they walk into the mansion, he didn't forget to find the missing Shinano to include her in the discussion.

"Ok, now everyone is here."

"Kurumi, will you join as well? I see no need for you to join since I can supply enough spiritual energy that you didn't need to keep collecting time unless you also want to test your results of training like Ellen."

"What? Don't tell me that you worried about my safety too?" Kurumi teased.

"Well yes, I rather not involve any of you unless I can guarantee your safety. I actually wanted to stop Ellen from joining but she will definitely protested against it but you…" Ray look at her with worry clearly displayed in his eyes.

"You should worry about yourself rather than me. I can revive anytime as long as I have enough spiritual energy using my temporal clone."

"I appreciate the gesture though" Kurumi said with a satisfied smile on her face.

Ikaros however is shaking in excitement like a kid about to enter a candy store. She is excited because this her chance to finally show her worth to her beloved master.

Then Kurumi asked where is Artemis, its been forever since she last seen her being summoned.

"Ever since the day I got injured by the backlash from fighting the transmigrator, she been latching on my soul where the weapon soul stay when isn't summoned."

"She took advantage of me being unconscious to worm her way into my soul core to hug me there forever which she say is the closest to me and refused to leave. She will throw an tantrums if I remove her from my soul." Ray explained to Kurumi.

"Its part of my fault anyway to made her very worry. That's why I just let her be and stay there until she get bored."

Little that he knew, Artemis is far from being bored. Infact, she is trying to hogging Ray's soul to try make them even closer while totally not under her yandere influence.

"Then Shinano…" Shinano wakes up immediately when her name is called and look at Ray.

"I have a special task for you. I want you to mine material in space to supply Yharnam with special metals to produce alloys for enhancing their weaponry and to supply the industrial scale manufacturing process to arm our faction when it is established."

"If we just depending on the mines in this world, it would take very long time to mine what you could in mere minutes using the utility ship fleet."

"Yes Commander Ray, aircraft carrier, Shinano is ready for sortie whenever you need me." Shinano then suddenly invigorated from her usual sleepiness.

'Is she perhaps excited or what? Her tails also standing up instead of curled like it usually does. Maybe she is excited…' Ray summarised before he leave with everyone in the room to his current home in Kuoh town.

Ray use Dimension Shift to bring him and Shinano to the outer space few light years away before Shinano take out her ship from that made him appreciate the sheer size of this gigantic vessel.

The length only already more than 2 km long while the width is 500 meters wide. The lower front to the mid part is where the 'Proto Nova' laser cannon are placed while the upper part is where the hangar refitted on. The top and sides are filled with railgun batteries that effective against aircraft and corvette due to very accurate firing while the bottom is installed with row upon row of 'Eternal Polaris' missile cluster to combat smaller vessel from destroyer to frigates.

A small aircraft then appeared infront of him which he realised only after it shed the stealth mode. Ray enter the aircraft with Shinano before the aircraft quickly returned to the hangar.

She led Ray on a nearly 10 minutes walk from the hangar to the bridge which located in the upper mid part of the ship.

"Wow, this look very impressive and you can control the whole ship without needing a crew?"

"Yes Commander Ray, it feel like moving a part of my body… it feel natural to be able to move them."

"Well then let's scan the surrounding asteroid belt and I almost forgot to place a concielment magic to cover this spaceship, last thing I want is anyone to discover you too early." Ray then proceed to create a invisibility magic that honestly is bugged. The spell will not expire until the ship open fire. This mean that this invisibility will last forever until the spaceship use any attack.

Shinano also deployed all stealth fighter and corvette to help make survey to set up mining area that have the metals he needed to produce alloys. Lucky for Ray, the spaceship apparently have a industrial grade 3D printer installed onboard to make repairing materials but he going to use it to produce weapons.

After few hours, they manage to find several asteroid cluster but only two have the metals he needed. He also find unique looking crystals while the mining is in action. When the material start pouring into the storage, the printer start manufacturing weapons which mainly are the classic Saw Cleaver, Saw Spear and a one handed sword with exact size of Artemis 1H form while the firearms is more modern selection of revolver, shotgun and bolt action rifle.

Meanwhile he is waiting, he tested quicksilver bullet on the new firearm and surprisingly they just fit even if they not supposed to like how it manage to fit a shotgun when its shape is similar to a rifle bullet? Logic are clearly thrown out the window here but he didn't care as long as it can be shot out of the guns.

To man this operation, Ray create a clone of him which somehow result in a child form of him due to is low proficiency. The clone contain one of his partitioned thoughts that will teleport this weapons directly to Yharnam's hunters that are preparing.

After real Ray left, Shinano look curiously at the smol Ray that incapable to properly function since it was an incomplete clone that focus on manning the operation and use magic to deliver the weapons. Her interest are stroked as she sit on the commander seat with smol Ray on her lap while she is giving out order to the ships involved in mining.

(Note: From her voice line, she does have interest on the small destroyer or maybe just my imagination. Not intrest like Arkroyal.

ReNote: Just checked, it was my imagination but I gonna leave it anyway.)

3 days later, Ray dedicated a thought to constantly monitoring Hexennacht and Walburga to find a moment of their weaknesses and tonight is perfect since their main force just returned from a skirmish against the Grauzauberer and Grigori forces.

Ray fails to find the reason for the battle but thanks to them, the Hexennacht are weakened and hiding inside their secret base near the Vampires and Greek territory. He wondered if he should take this chance to use the confusion and kidnap Valerie Tepes.

"Let's go girls, time for our great debut." Ray said, which caused everyone who was waiting for a few days to quickly return to Hunter's Dream and make their preparation while Ray will go ahead to deploy the troops.

He activate [Presence Concealment] before he teleport to on the secret base. He will not be detected even if they stand in front of him since almost all of them are weaker than him in raw stats. His current raw stats are equivalent to high class devil or 3 pairs wing angels. If added all passive and enhancing skill then he will be around ultimate class devil or 4 pairs wing angels. His firepower however is debatable since he can feel the rejection from the world will on his magic but it slowly reduces overtime with only psychic power being undisturbed since it's his innate gift and ability.

Using his link, Ray asks for final confirmation from Tsukuyomi who is currently on Yharnam side to communicate without any trace.

"I had arrived at the enemy base. Is everyone ready?"

"All preparation is ready, waiting for deployment master."

"Ok then."

[Widen Magic, Dimension Lock]

When disabled the teleportation, the stronger magicians felt the magic and quickly panic and thought it's the Grauzauberer and Grigori forces that discovered their base but Ray didn't allow them to prepare at all before he flare out his divinity of [Hunt] and rung the Beckoning Bell that penetrate the fabric of space and spread the ominous presence that cause the trapped magicians to feel shivers down their spine like a prey being stalked by the hunter.

Soon, 15 thousands strong hunters appeared outside and inside the base as the slaughter began. The night became silent as the Insects and animals fled the area while a pale red moon hung on the skies, granting strength to the hunters for their hunts.

The blood will be spilled, painting the world red in its wake. This will mark the first appearance of the Pale Moon faction that will catch the world by surprise not by their strength but their brutal efficiency in tearing apart their enemies in the shortest moment possible like a true hunter. However none will know what had transpired until they finished their prey.

The only witnesses the supernatural worlds have is the lucky magician that managed to escape because she was far outside the secret base. Their only information is the chant, "Tonight the Pale Blood King joins the hunt."


(Note: The last part feels edgy af. Like unnecessarily edgy af. But heh, I didn't expect I will do DxD even if I hate it coz overused but this author only familiar enough with DxD plot and forced Moi hand to write this overused isekai world.)

Name: Shinano

Appearance: Azur Lane basic skin for human form.


-Her ship form is Eternal Storm from Infinite Lagrange but refit to be an aircraft carrier.

-Her Armament is 'Proto Nova' a laser cannon made by merging 8 superlaser cannon that can instantly melt down 20 meters diameters of moon surface with a single shot although can theoretically cause a planet to go into meltdown but would overheated and destroyed before the the laser can pierced the planet core. That's why its named as 'Proto Nova'

(Weakness: Overheat very fast and high maintenance to ensure maximum firepower can be achieved. Also costs a lot of energy to power the cannon. Although it will not be a problem since she will not go for any long journey yet.)

Also equipped with 36 smaller railgun batteries to shoot down small aircraft and attack smaller ships that came closer to the ship and 'Eternal Polaris' missile cluster for smaller aircraft.

-Aircraft: [Void Elfin - Stealth Missile Corvette], [Silent Assassin - Armored Corvette] and [Stingray - Torpedo Bomber]

(Note: All this is kinda irrelevant but i just like to add details although I just end up forget about them after a night.)

-180 words