
Second Chance Reincarnation

I lived in poverty with my little sister, robbing and pick-pocketing people just for us to get by. But in a turn of events, we get robbed and died by gunshot. I got reincarnated into some magic world with an annoyance in my head. An egotistical, self-absorbed chuunibyou of a Goddess living rent-free in my mind. I am on a mission to search for my sister and answers in this New World. But will I be able to do that without making enemies along the way? Abandon your horrible upbringing, embrace change and protect what you love. I am Polyphormes Raijin, The Magus Archer of The Raijins. And this is my second chance at life.

Hosh_Brown · Fantasía
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28 Chs




"H-Huff-Hey Poly. Huff. You've improved quite a bit!" My sister and I both panted in exhaustion after sparring. We're now equal, she and I. But in this case, we didn't fight each other. We fought Yog-Sothoth, who toyed with us. Like puppets under her command. Connected by strings.

"Hey, you two, I barely sweated; get back up and fight to prove yourselves." What ego and cockiness!

"M-May I sub in for them then?" Ite puts herself in front with a bow other than Kodamdan to improve and not solely depend on her mythical bow like me. I should sue for plagiarism.



"I-I am sorry, both of you. I have failed!" Down came Ite, dead. Gone. "You three need to focus on getting good. You haven't hit me once this year. Even with your magic." It's not like we're fighting a fucking Goddess, Jesus.

"Remember our deal? We'll give three of you something out of this world if you can scratch me." Yog-Sothoth teases us with her chill demeanor, taking a seat on the floor to rest.

"Y-Y'know, Poly, you must stop taking the hits for Suitchi. You know she can take them better than you." Ite is correct, but...

"He is an overprotective siscon; don't mind him. I agree with what you said, though." Well, at least they aren't brutal about it.

"Hey! I'm not a siscon!" I yell at them both with a flustered yet embarrassed face.

"Your face says otherwise. But other than that, we should check up on Vijaya, Kodamdan, and Azathoth." Sister exclaims, smirking at me: With a hint, that tells me to keep liking her. But I don't.

"You guys go ahead; I need to think about how to defeat the Goddess of Ego over here." I point at Yog, who walks to a nearby desk with a pencil and paper. With many crumbled paper pieces everywhere.

How can I use my factors to my benefit? I have a large magic reserve now, so I can use both at once if I desire to.

Motion-shifting: I can shift anything's motion. Through Gaia's Treasury Gate, I can summon any worldly weapon. Hmmm. Thinking noises commence!

Hours later, my sister walks by with a plate of food for me. "Fix yourself, you amnesiac; you must eat. Also, you look crazy; fix that." I can feel arrows piercing me with such brutal comments.

"Yes, okay, thank you for the food," I grumble as I eat my portions on the plate. I'm still thinking of what we can do to touch Yog with whatever power she has that we don't know about.

Motion-shifting, I shift myself to higher speeds. Gaia's Treasury Gate, summoning weapons through portals...

Like a light bulb turning on over my head, I thought of something exponential and beneficial for me in the long run. I need to test my hypothesis about this discovery I thought of.

A loud; "I GOT IT!" can be heard across and echoed back in the crystallized cave where we resided for a year since we were outlawed.

Everyone rushed to find out what had happened. Some were confused, and some were curious to get entertainment. As I ran to Yog, I challenged her to test my hypothesis like a real scientist: "I challenge you alone!"

"Oh? Alright, you egotistical anime protagonist!" Yog accepts my challenge, but I can hear a slight snicker from the crowd as she says I am an anime protagonist. My only guess is Azathoth.

We get ready to fight, with me throwing the first punch to start it off.


I missed! I noticed and read notes, though! Synesthesia!

I weave a counter kick from Yog, but she looks like she predicted that and kicks me in the face with her other leg in mid-air.


I tumbled back and hit a large rock like a standard overpowered anime fight scene.

"And that's that." Yog is getting ready to nap.

"I-I'm not done yet!" I approach Yog, as she is shocked that I can still fight.

"Oh? Are you approaching me? Rather than bite the dust, why do you come to me?" Yog cockily laughs as he smirks. I feel like I heard that line somewhere.

The crowd remains mild, expecting me to be stubborn about losing again. One laughed at my pain, that sadistic Chuuni!

I approach Yog and state, "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer!" I throw a kick combo with Motion-Shifting to boost my speed. But it was easily deflected, and I got punched in the face.

I get rocked back slightly, but... "All according to plan!"

Everyone seems confused by what I said, except for Azathoth, who is probably the only one that knows what's happening now. Yog tries to move but can't because I disabled her movement for just a few seconds to activate this one moment!

I step in for a final punch attack to finally hit Yog!



I go down after Yog strikes me on the liver. I am brought to my knees as Yog smirks, crouching to look at me. To belittle me or discourage me.

"You were a step too late, sir." The showboating is crazy. I look at her, but I can't help but smile and smirk at her. Then I laughed maniacally.

"Why are you laughing? You lost. You failed?" I glance at the crowd; they all wonder why.

Except for Azathoth, who smirks, "Go for it, partner."

I attempt to grab Yog, but she grabs my arm and says, "Do I have to break your arm to make you give up?"
