
Second Chance Reincarnation

I lived in poverty with my little sister, robbing and pick-pocketing people just for us to get by. But in a turn of events, we get robbed and died by gunshot. I got reincarnated into some magic world with an annoyance in my head. An egotistical, self-absorbed chuunibyou of a Goddess living rent-free in my mind. I am on a mission to search for my sister and answers in this New World. But will I be able to do that without making enemies along the way? Abandon your horrible upbringing, embrace change and protect what you love. I am Polyphormes Raijin, The Magus Archer of The Raijins. And this is my second chance at life.

Hosh_Brown · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Hosting a Party

"Okay, you two. Settle down; we're about to enter the guild. You gals already have eyes on us like we're celebrities ever since we walked on the kingdom's floors."

Ugh, my life can't get more exhausting. Now, you said I should join a party with an archer, yes?

"That's right, and after that gets settled. I will help you learn basic magic, but I'll prioritize your magic affinities more. I, the Godmother of Magic, will help you master magic. Capiche?"

Capiche, partner.

"That's weirdly sexual." She says flusteredly.

Not like that, you Chuunibyou; I meant partner in arms.

As we walk into the guild, people glance at who entered. My sister and I even saw that fool who tried to hit on us. He has bandages around his head. He turns his head away angrily after seeing who has entered.

"Hey hey!" The receptionist from yesterday greeted us happily, signaling us to come to her.

"Oh! Hello, there receptionist!" I wave at her as we walk toward the desk she's at.

"Please call me Sara; how can I help you all today?" She smiles gleefully.

"Yes, we're looking for a party with at least an archer in it. Preferred, an experienced one."

"Oh, yes, we have someone that came in earlier today looking for a party that needs one. So if you're up for it, you can be a party host!" She points at a dark-pink-eyed elf woman with an octopus shag cut, the base is dark pink. She wears an oversized dark pink-bagged hoodie with an archer's chest plate on her right shoulder. With a short gray pleated skirt and a pair of dark gray tights and black boots to match.

I look at her in awe; she looks so cute. I wonder if she is also left-handed since the plate is on her right shoulder.

"Nobody has recruited her to her party because of her timid, shy nature-- and her nasty glare... They think it's difficult to talk to her. But she's an excellent shot, as expected of a mage archer. Her magical affinities are fire and electricity. Go try to recruit her." Sara pitied her.

"You two stay here; let me talk to her and see if I can invite her to my party, okay?"

The two agreed as I walked towards the lonely woman, the woman fidgeting as I got closer. Is she timid?

"Hello there. I am Polyphormes Raijin, and you, Miss?" I reach out a hand to attempt a formal greeting handshake.

"O-Oh... Hello there, Sir Raijin... I-I am Ite Shai..." She speaks quietly and softly as she tilts her head down slightly. She shakes in embarrassment as she gives me her hand to shake.

"Would you like to join our party? We'd like to have you!" I smile genuinely, hoping this can make her trust me more.

"I-I-Uh... Okay..." She tilts her head up and holy. That glare is nasty. But I believe it's accidental.

We walked towards Sara and greeted Ite, Vijaya, and my sister. The whole time, Ite looks down as to not glare anyone down.

"Okay! Now that you have established a party, all you need to do is hand me your adventuring license to input the name of the party." Oh shit, we don't have one for Vijaya! She's just a bow!

"Sorry, this is just someone I'm babysitting with," I say, pointing at Vijaya, and picking her up to let her rest in my arms.

"Oh, then alright. You three give me your licenses." We handed Sara our licenses.

I thought about what our party should be called- Oh, I got it!

"Azathoth's Children." A mocking name for the virgin Azathoth.

"Ah, such a clever party name. Here you go, your updated license plates." She hands us our plates with the guild name magically engraved on them.

"Thank you, Sara! See you again soon!" I wave at Sara as she waves back, bidding us farewell as we walk out of the guild.

"Hey! Ite was it?" I can see Ite jumping scaredly as she replies.

"Y-Yes, Miss Suitchi?" She fidgets with her hands and arms.

"Just call me Suitchi; I'm glad to have you at our party." Sister smiles at Ite as she nods in agreement.

"Could you teach my little brother here how to do archery? And how to implement magic into it as well. You see, he's also an archer magus." Oh, that's right, I need to be taught how to use a bow.

"I-Uh, I'm n-not a good at sp-speaking. O-or a qualified t-teacher. O-or a good shot." Ite's voice heightens and trembles. She also lacks self-confidence and worth.

"Oh that's alright, you'll both learn different things while doing the same thing. Please teach him. We'll even pay you to do so."

"I-No t-that's unnecessary. I-I can teach him... I guess..."

"Thank you, then, Ite. Let us be good comrades and friends." Sister bows slightly to show her gratitude.

"Psst, Master. You can finally fire me correctly now! Last time, your form was so flawed, it gave me recoil damage." Harsh words from a child.

"Okay then. Let us report back here tomorrow afternoon to get a mission. Sound alright with you, Ite?" I ask as we depart on our separate ways.

"Y-Yes, that's suitable." We all waved goodbye to her as the sunset.