
Second Chance: Reincarnated Into a New World!

A lost young man, without dreams, goals, or anything to aspire to, found himself completely lost. But that all changed when he decided to transform his life and start planning his future. What he didn't expect was that that same day, he would die... However, to his surprise, he was reincarnated in another world! Eldor, a world of magic and fantasy. Full of monsters, spells, mysteries and lots of stories to be told! Surprised by this miraculous event, the former young man who saw himself without a future now has a new name: Light. And after that happened, Light could only think about exploring the world and living the right way. This time, he would do everything differently than in his other life. No more excuses, no more laziness! He was given a second chance, and he would make the most of it, aiming to become the Supreme Mage of that world! --- Instagram: @scrinw_webnovel Chapters every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! (5:00 GMT +8)

VoidBoy · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Language and Writing / Magic!?

Should I cry?

No, she would be confused thinking I'm hungry...

So, how?

I instinctively point to Hera; she looks at me confused and says something I can't make out, but I know she asked me something.

I turn my arm towards the hallway that leads to the office.

Hera looks over there and says something. She stops knitting and picks me up with a smile.

It worked?

Now I understand how dogs feel when I talk to them...

It's really bad not being able to communicate, so I need to learn this language as soon as possible.

She takes me to my room, in a hallway that has two doors on the right, one on the left, and one in front.

But when she goes to open the door to my room, which is on the right, I turn back, in her arms, and point to the office, making grunts. She turns to the door, where I point, and says something with his subtle and warm voice.

It worked?

It's going there!

Opening the door, I see two large shelves full of books in the corners of the wall, and a window showing the view of a distant kingdom and our backyard, which has a small tree.

Ahead, a table and chair face the window, along with an unlit lamp.

Hera takes a book and sits in the chair.

She sets the book down on the table, opens it, and begins to read to me in a calm, gentle voice.

Looking at the book, I see a totally exotic script; it looks like a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script; it's very confusing to read!

For a few weeks, I spend most of my time at the office with my mother and brother, she reads us some children's stories.

These stories have helped me a lot to learn the language and the writing.

Little by little, I feel like I'm learning. William is already able to speak some very basic words.

Last week, he said the word "dad". Hera and Richard were delighted, my father was so moved that he even cried!

Richard, my father, is usually out of the house or practicing with his sword in the backyard. Sometimes I see him coming back with rabbits and fish; he must be hunting in the meantime that he is away.

It's rare to see him indoors; he often comes home when it's 5 p.m.

The week of this world, it seems, works in a similar way to my old life. The days of the week just have different names.

Clarday (Monday)

Zephyrday (Tuesday)

Astraday (Wednesday)

Thorneday (Thursday)

SolsDay (Friday)

Lunaday (Saturday)

Starrenday (Sunday)

Those were the names I could read.

The months go by in a similar way to my previous world.

The people of this land must have observed the cosmos, as well as my past world.

Janusphere (January)

Fevereiro (February)

Marchenwind (March)

Abriliae (April)

Mabloom (May)

Junlume (June)

Solariust (July)

Astralust (August)

Thornember (September)

Octostar (October)

Novasol (November)

Dezembro (December)

Numbers also work in a similar way. Their formats are different, but they are easy to learn.

On one of those days when Hera is reading books to William and me, my father is practicing sword swings in the backyard. I can see him through the window. I am on the table with William, while Hera is sitting in the chair reading the story.

He swings his sword from side to side with a smile on his face; he must be thinking he's fighting a bandit or something. The imagination of a man with free time is very fertile.

He moves very strangely; he must have no real experience in combat; it's even comical...

Suddenly, he stops and holds the sword with both hands, wielding it forward.

He closes his eyes and appears to be concentrating.

Suddenly, boulders begin to levitate around him!

Is that magic!?

He takes a deep breath as the rocks keep levitating around him!

Richard opens his eyes and falls back along with the rocks.

Hera notices that he has fallen and exclaims something. She gets up from her chair and runs outside to help Richard.

I can't believe what I saw!

Was that really magic, or am I imagining things??

I look at my brother, who is beside me, and he just stares at me with his expressionless face, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to see floating stones...

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