
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Cómic
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18 Chs

17. Bloody Night

3 days have passed since that incident. My internal injuries and broken bones are almost healed.

These days I spend my day resting in the hospital leisurely. Yuhi and Anbu came to meet me after they heard that I regained my consciousness. I told them everything about my battle. Miya also urged me to tell them about the experiment inside the cave. She is really becoming noisy now like a normal kid. Her attitude sometimes made me forget that she is a ghost.

In the evening, Shikamaru and the others always came to visit me. They bring their own bento to eat dinner together with me. Naruto and Sasuke are scolded by the nurse many times for making a ruckus. Choji eating my hospital meal secretly. Inuzuka told me about the newest class gossip. Akamaru biting my gips. Hinata and Ino are feeding me while glaring at each other. It seems that my life is slowly back to normal. What a peaceful life.

Shikamaru also told me about the academy's decision regarding our punishment. Actually we were planning to graduate this year but after we made a ruckus, the academy didn't permit us to take the graduation test this year. We need to learn at the academy for 1 year more. But it's not really a big deal for us, because a normal student graduates at 12 years old.

I leave the hospital on the fifth day. Shikamaru and others escape from the academy to pick me up. I hope the academy does not increase our punishment tomorrow.


Meanwhile at Sasuke's house, Fuugaku holds a secret meeting with Shisui and his eldest son, Itachi. Itachi was surprised when Fuugaku knew about his double-agent identity.

Fuugaku: "Don't worry, I won't punish you or leak your identity to the elders."

Itachi: "Then what do you want?"

Fuugaku: "Tell Hokage that I will take full responsibility. I will 'clean' them by myself."

Itachi: "*surprised*"

Shisui: "*surprised* Uncle Fuugaku, please wait! Don't be rash! I can use my mangekyou sharingan to stop them!"

Fuugaku: "Shisui, you are strong but you are still too naive. If you leak your mangekyou sharingan ability, they won't let you go. They will also suppress Uchiha's clan harder."

Shisui: "But-"

Fuugaku: "Shisui, listen to me. Never leak your mangekyou sharingan ability for now. Wait until the village conditions change. Although you need to be careful with the Hokage, don't forget about Danzo's existence. He is more sinister than Hokage. I suspect that he is not only involved in Uchiha Kagami death, he also also involve in Hyuga Hizashi and White Fang death."

Shisui: "*surprised* What?!"

Fuugaku: "Itachi, you are not only a genius, you are also sharp and decisive. From today, you will replace me and become Uchiha clan's patriarch."

Itachi: "*surprised* Father.."

Fuugaku: "Shisui, you also become the first elder from today. Please protect Uchiha with your strength. Itachi, Shisui, the Uchiha clan's future is in your hands. Don't let our clan disappear. *smile*"

Shisui: "*sad* Uncle Fuugaku, please don't be rash! The Uchiha clan still needs you! Instead of you, just let me go and take the responsibility!"

Fuugaku: "*smile* Shisui, maybe it's hard for you to understand now. But this is my responsibility as a patriarch. You will also have your responsibility as an elder in the future. So, don't stop me."

Shisui : "But I-"

Itachi: "Shisui, it's okay. Father already decided it. Let's respect his decision."

Shisui: "Itachi.."

Fuugaku: "You will become a great patriarch in the future. *smile* Itachi, please protect your mother and brothers. Although you don't really need to worry about Sasuke too much, still watch him until he grows up."

Itachi: "Yes, father. (Brothers?!)"

Fuugaku: "Also I decided to give my eyes to Shirasaki Yuuki."

Itachi, Shisui: "*surprised*"

Fuugaku: "I already see his character in Hyuga's accident. I choose to trust him. I believe that the Uchiha clan and Konoha will change if he becomes Hokage in the future. Itachi, Shisui, watch him properly. I don't know about the future, but as long as he doesn't change, support him to become the next Hokage."

Itachi, Shisui: "Yes, I understand. (Shirasaki Yuuki..)"

Fuugaku: "Itachi, you go to the Hokage and tell him about my decision. Also ask his anbu to surround our village. Shisui, you go and gather our clan members who weren't involved in the rebellion. Don't let them disturb my plan."

Itachi, Shisui: "Yes! *heavy heart*"


Tonight, we will hold a barbecue dinner and 'stay over' party at Hyuga house. Hinata already asked Hiashi to let her hold a party with everyone at the branch house.

Shikamaru, Sasuke and Aburame will bring meats, Inuzuka and Choji will bring drinks and snacks. Ino, Hinata, Sakura and Naruto are responsible for cooking and preparation.

I was surprised when I saw Hanabi sitting in the branch house living room. It seems that she is waiting for me. She greeted me lightly before scolding me.

I didn't stop her and let Hanabi penting her anger. After she finished talking, I said sorry to her while coaxing her. After coaxing for 5 minute, finally she forgave me. Hanabi is a really cute little girl.

Tonight is very lively. We are eating together while talking merrily.

After we finish eating, we clean the garden together. After cleaning, the boys go back to the branch house with me while the girls go to the main house with Hinata and Hanabi.


Naruto: "Amazing! They even have an open house bath here!"

Sasuke: "Naruto, clean your body first before entering the pool!"

Inuzuka: "Yuuki-aniki, come here and let me wash your back!"

Choji: "Why do you call Yuuki 'aniki'?"

Inuzuka: "Because he is my idol! I want to become like him and become popular with girls!"

Yuuki: "Then just ask Sasuke. I don't have a secret club like him. *teasing Sasuke*"

Sasuke: "Hmph! I don't need a secret club! *embarrassing*"

Aburame: "Yuuki, you also had a secret club."

Yuuki: "Rally?! *laugh* It seems that I have also become popular now!"

Shikamaru, Aburame: "(He really didn't take it seriously.. *sigh*)"


Meanwhile, anbu are surrounding the Uchiha clan. Hokage, Kakashi, Asuma, Yuhi and Itachi are also present among those anbu. But except for Hokage and Itachi, no one understands about their 'true' mission.

Hokage was surprised when he heard Itachi's request. He never thought that Fuugaku would stop the Uchiha rebellion by himself. He tried to persuade Fuugaku, but Itachi stopped him. After seeing these father-son decisiveness, he could only take a deep breath.

Hokage is also 'embarrassing' now. Konoha has been suppressing the Uchiha clan since the second Hokage because they are afraid of their betrayal. But now, after he saw Fuugaku's action, it seems that they were wrong. Uchiha is really a part of Konoha.

On the other side, Shisui already finished gathering the Uchiha clan members who didn't participate in the rebellion. His heart is really hurt now. He swears that he won't let something like this happen in the future.

On the Fuugaku side, he already gathered the rebellion members. There are around 200 people gathering here now. With his strength it will be hard to attack them by himself. So he decided to use poison to kill them.

Fuugaku: "Let me ask you one more time. Are you really sure to choose this 'path' now? There will be no way back after we start to walk in this path!"

Everyone: "Yes!!"

Elder 1: "Fuugaku, our clan glory will be restored today!"

Fuugaku: "*sigh* Then let's drink together! For Uchiha's glory! *drink*"

Everyone: "For Uchiha's glory! *drink*"

Fuugaku let them drink sake mixed with poison. He really felt sad because he killed his own clan member.

Only in one minute, everyone except for Fuugaku felt her throat burning. They are rolling in the ground, trying to ease their pain. Fuugaku couldn't bear to see their pain anymore, so he killed them quickly one by one while holding his tears. Without realizing it, his mangekyo sharingan is evolving slowly.

Hokage and the others are heard screaming. At first the voices were loud. But after a while, the voices decrease one by one. Hokage could only close his eyes bitterly. Beside him, Itachi held his tears. His sharingan is changing slowly.

Anbu and jounin want to move but Hokage stops them with his cold eyes. They could only close their ears. They feel like standing in hell.

After around 10 minutes, it became quiet. Then everyone sees Fuugaku walking calmly. Hokage didn't say anything to Fuugaku. He just asks Anbu to catch him and bring Fuugaku to the prison.