
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Cómic
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18 Chs

16. Tsunade's Bet

Yuhi: "I will leave first! I will leave my Shadow Clan to accompany you back to the Fushimi village for now!"

Hinata: "Kurenai-sensei, can I just follow you behind? I- *tears*"

Yuhi: "No, it's too dangerous! Just wait for me in the village inn obediently!"

After seeing Yuuki's condition, Yuhi decided to bring Yuuki back to Konoha first. With her speed, it won't take more than half hour to arrive at Konoha. Yuhi's shadow clone brings Hinata back to the Fushimi village while Yuhi departs to Konoha immediately.

Meanwhile Tsunade is drinking at Yuuki's house. In these 3 days, she spent her night here with her disciple, Shizune. Tsunade already investigated the house thoroughly and finally found 500,000 ryo, 150 explosive tags and 5 bottles of sake.

Shizune: "Tsunade-sama, is it really okay to spend Yuuki's money?"

Tsunade: "Hmph! Yuuki is already picked up by Hyuga's clan! He didn't need his money anymore! Shizune, pour me more! *annoying*"

Shizune: "Yes, but please drink more moderately. (Tsunade-sama has been in a bad mood since she came back to Konoha.. *sigh*)"

Tsunade: "Also prepare yourself. We will leave Konoha tomorrow. My luck is not good here. *shake her head*"

Actually Tsunade has been staying in Konoha to investigate the Hashirama cell inside Yuuki and her family tomb incident. But unfortunately, her investigation didn't bring any results so decided to just continue her journey.

Suddenly a masked shinobi arrives and knocks on the door. The mask shinobi is one of Hokage's anbu. He brings a message from Hokage to ask Tsunade to come to the hospital immediately because of Yuuki's critical condition.

Tsunade, who was already drunk, became sober immediately and went to the hospital quickly. When she arrived at the hospital, she saw that hospital medical-nin couldn't do anything to save Yuuki. Yuuki' condition is far more critical than she thought. Tsunade, who couldn't touch him, summoned Katsuyu quickly and urged Shizune to save Yuuki.

Fortunately with the help of the Hashirama cell inside Yuuki, his life could be saved. Shizune asks the medical-nin to clean the Yuuki's body and bandage his injury before ask Tsunade to examine Yuuki's condition one more time.

I could hear Shikamaru and the others' voices. Although it's not loud, I am sure that these are their voices. I tried to open my eyes and was greeted by Naruto's face. His face is really close, and almost touches my face.

Naruto: "Yuuki!! Finally you wake up! Are you ok- *bam*"

Sasuke: "Naruto, move! Yuuki are yo- *bam*"

Hinata, Ino: "Yuuki-kun!!"

Shikamaru: "Calm down! Yuuki has just woken up so don't startle him! *sigh*"

I don't know why but I feel relieved when I see everyone's faces. It seems that without realizing it, they have already become a part of my life. It's really good to be able to meet everyone once again.

Although I still couldn't move my hand and foot properly, I still can feel my finger so it seems that I will be fine. As expected from shinobi medical. They can even bring back someone who already arrived at Sanzu river.

After seeing my calm condition, Shikamaru asked me about what happened. I told everything about the cave incident except for Miya's existence.

Shikamaru: "So you kill two shinobi. Were they genin?"

Yuuki: "I do-"

Miya: "(Big brother, those two shinobi were Otogakure's chunin while the other three were long hair uncle's experiment.)"

Yuuki: "*cold sweat* *pale face*"

Shikamaru: "Yuuki, are you okay?!"

Yuuki: "Did you hear someone's voice just now? A little girl's voice.."

Shikamaru: "No. *confuse* *looking at everyone*"

Hinata: "Yuuki-kun, maybe you are still tired. Please take a rest. *worry*"

Yuuki: "It-its okay. *cough* They were Otogakure's chunin."

Shikamaru: '*surprised* You killed two chuunin!"

Naruto: "Yuuki, you are amazing!!"

I am sure that I heard Miya's voice just now. Is her spirit bound to me? I swear that I will make Yuhi pay later!

Suddenly my life benefactory entered my room when I was still dazed off. She asked everyone to get out, leaving only the two of us.

She really looked pissed. I never see her without that 'pissed' face. Does she really have a grudge against my family?

Tsunade: "So, you really have great luck."

Yuuki: "*dry laugh* Yes, I know. My father even praised my great luck before."

Tsunade: "Your father? *glaring*"

Yuuki: "(Did I say something wrong?) My life-benefactor, I rea-"

Tsunade: "Tsunade! I didn't come to chit chat with you!"

Yuuki: "*speechless* (This woman is really hard to understand..)"

Tsunade: "Tell me why you throw your life away so easily! Are you tired of living?"

Yuuki: "Of course not. I never throw away my life easily."

Tsunade: "Then tell me why you are in hospital now! *bam*"

Yuuki: "(This woman is really crazy!) Please calm down. How about taking a seat first. I really don't understand Tsunade-sama's meaning. So please explain it to me slowly."

Tsunade: "Hmph! *take a seat*"

I urge Tsunade to speak her mind. After Tsunade talked for a while, we were in an awkward atmosphere. No one speaks. I tried to understand her thinking but it is really hard to accept it although I understand it. Looking at my confused face, Tsunade asked me a question.

Tsunade: "Yuuki, what do you think about life?"

The past me would answer, a stage for fight for glory and honor while keeping my pride high. But now, I don't know how to answer this.

Tsunade: "*sigh* Then are you afraid of dying?"

Yuuki: "I don't know."

Tsunade: "You don't know?"

Yuuki: "I mean, I never thought about it. *looking outside* If I thought of dying, I couldn't do anything. In the end, everyone will die. So, sooner or later it doesn't make any difference, right?"

Tsunade: "*surprised* You fool! If you die, you will lose everything! Your dream, your future! Don't you have a dream?! Is it okay to lose it?! *angry*"

Yuuki: "(This woman is really hard to handle..) I see.. Tsunade-sama, do you have a dream?"

Tsunade: "*surprised* Why did you ask about my dream?"

Yuuki: "I just want to understand why you look desperate to convince me. Maybe I will understand your feelings if I know your dream. "

Tsunade: "*surprised*"

Yuuki: "*cough* It's okay if you don't want to talk. I will just tell you my thoughts then. I was surprised when I met you for the first time. Although you saved my life, you look angry to me. Now, I assume that you saved my life this time too. But you look more pissed now. *sigh*"

Tsunade: "Yuuki, I don't mean like that.."

Yuuki: "I thought that you were holding a grudge against my family but it doesn't seem like that. *cuckle* Tsunade-sama, I really can't understand your feelings now. To me, you really like someone who is afraid to lose your important thing. Meanwhile, I am just someone who doesn't have anything to lose. I-"

Tsunade: "*slap* What do you mean that you don't have anything?! Are you blind? Or have you already given up your life?"

Yuuki: "(My ear is ringing! This woman is strong!) Tsunade-sama, it's not like that. I don't deny your feeling. It's just.."

Tsunade: "Let's make a bet!"

Yuuki: "Bet?"

Tsunade: "I lend you my important thing and you just lend me something that you think is important! I will help you to find your important thing! I'll open your eyes!"

Yuuki: "(She is really stubborn..) Fine.."

Tsunade: "Then keep this necklace! Don't lose it or I will really kill you!"

Yuuki: "Your most important thing is just a necklace?"

Tsunade: "It's not just a necklace! This necklace is far more important than my life! *sad eyes*"

Yuuki: "Okay, I understand. I will keep it."

Tsunade: "Then give me yours!"

Yuuki: "I already gave you my important things. My house and my money. I don't have anything with me now. *dry laugh*"

Tsunade: "*angry* I don't want your money or house!"

Yuuki: "*scratch his hair* Then do you want my life?"

Tsunade: "You really fool! *hold her forehead*"

Yuuki: "(Something more important than man's life. Is it heart? Women really like this abstract thing, right? *hold laugh*) Fine, then I'll give you my heart. You can ask everything. I even can die if you ask me to die. *smile*"

Tsunade: "*blush* You are really crazy! I-"

Hinata, Ino: "*open the door* Wait! Yuuki's heart is mine!"

Tsunade: "*annoying* (This boy is really a beast like his father! He already deceived these two little girl!)"

Yuuki: "(Even a small girl like 'heart'.. What a cute kid!) *cuckle* Man's heart is big. Hinata, Ino, I will give the same thing to you. So you don't need to worry. *smile*"

Hinata, Ino: "*happy* Really?!"

Tsunade: "You!! Hmph! *leave*"

Shikamaru: "(You really like to dig your own grave.. Maybe it's better to warn him later. *sigh*)"

Aburame: "(I hope you don't die quickly..) *shaking head*"

Inuzuka: "As expected from Yuuki! I will learn from him to become popular with girls!"

Finally I drove her away. What a troublesome woman. I don't think any man could handle her. I feel pity for her future husband.