
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Cómic
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18 Chs

13. Father's Heart

Tsunade: "Good morning, sleepy kid!"

Yuuki: "Um.. My head hurts.."

Tsunade: "Don't move and just rest for now! *hold Yuuki's shoulder*"

Yuuki: "Ye-yes. (This woman is really scary! But she is quite beautiful.)"

Tsunade: "Did you have a good dream? *mock smile*"

Yuuki: "Ah, yes. I just had a drink with my father and uncle near Sanzu river."

Tsunade: "*speechless*"

I was confused at first but after I regained my composure I remembered everything. I asked the woman in front of me to explain the situation now.

After hearing her explanation, I was relieved. Hinata has been saved. Shikamaru and the others are also safe. Now it's time to meet the Hokage and the other clans head.

Tsunade: "Where are you going?!"

Yuuki: "Thank you very much for saving my life. *bow down*"

Tsunade: "*surprised* I-It's okay! (He is really straightforward like Shiro-kun..)"

Yuuki: "Please forgive me for my rudeness, but can you send me to the Hokage's office."

Tsunade: "No!"

Yuuki: "Then please tell me how to go to the Hokage's building."

Tsunade: "No!"

Yuuki: "*helpless*"

I don't know why she refused me firmly. She also looked angry since the first time I talked to her. Did I do something bad to her? Or maybe my 'parents' did something to her in the past.

I stopped thinking and just said thank you once again before leaving. She is my life benefactor, but I couldn't repay her. So, I just give her my house key, at least she can sell my house later. Oh, I will also write some letters to Shikamaru and the others to repay her later. It seems that my life is full of 'debt' now.

I left her house and walked slowly. Although I don't know the way, I can see a rock hill from here. The Hokage's building is near a rock hill so I can go to the rock hill direction for now. The woman was also walking following me from far away. What a weird woman.

After walking for around an hour, I arrived in front of the Hokage's building. The guards were surprised when they saw me. Some masked guards also looked surprised even though I couldn't see their faces.

I asked the frightened guards to let me meet the Hokage. Surprisingly they told me about the Hokage and the clan's head meeting. It seems that someone can become honest when they are frightened.

I knocked on the door and entered the meeting room. There are around 15 people including Hokage. Everyone was surprised when they saw me. I ignore their shocked faces, and just greet everyone politely.

Hokage: "*sigh* So, Tsunade could heal you completely.. Shirasaki Yuuki, you arrived at a perfect time. Do you have anything to say to us?"

Yuuki: "I admit my mistakes. I trespassing Hyuga's clan residence with my subordinates. I also told my other subordinates to made a ruckus around village. After that I mocked Hyuga's clan elders, wounded their patriarch and killed two elders. I am sorry. *bow down*"

Everyone: "*surprised* (This kid is very calm! His word and eyes also full of resolution!)"

Danzo: "*snort* Then do you think that you can solve everything after you ask forgiveness?"

Yuuki: "No. *looking at Danzo* I will take responsibility. (This oldman smells like Akechi Mitsuhide! Made me want to cut him!)"

Danzo: "*annoying* (This kid could stare at me without fear!) Why did you come alone? Where are your 'subordinates'?"

Yamanaka, Uchiha, Akimichi, Nara, Inuzuka, Aburame clan head and representative were surprised when Danzo asked about their 'children'. They were trying to negotiate with Hokage and Hiashi before they came here. But their plans were crushed when Yuuki came.

Yuuki: "May I know your name, sir?"

Danzo: "One of the Konoha Council, Danzo!"

Yuuki: "Danzo-sama, do you understand about military rules?"

Danzo: "Hmph! I have been through 3 shinobi wars. How could I not know about military rules!"

Yuuki: "I see. Then I don't need to explain it to you."

Danzo: "What do you mean?"

Yuuki: "A leader has to take responsibility for his subordinate. So there is no obligation to ask my subordinate to come here and meet you."

Danzo: "You! *angry*"

Shikaku: "*surprised* (This boy!)"

Yuuki: "You are free to take my life anytime. I am ready to commit seppuku tonight."

Everyone: "*surprised* (This boy really crazy!)"

Fugaku: "(A leader has to take responsibility for his subordinate..)"

Danzo: "Hmph! (I see.. So, that's why Orochimaru told me that his body will return to me!) Then my subordinate will collect your head tonight!"

Yuuki: "Sure."

Danzo: "(I can threaten him at all!) *annoying*"

Hokage: "*sigh* Hiashi, what do you think?"

Hiashi: "Yuuki made a ruckus inside my clan, killed two elders and wounded me. So, I will punish him according to the Hyuga clan.."

Hokage: "I don't mind. Is there any objection?"

Danzo: "Wait! He also made a ruckus around the village! So I will punish him and send his head to you later!"

Hiashi: "Do you think you can make atonement with only his head? If only one kid head can make atonement, everyone will attack my clan freely in the future. Because the price is just a kid's head!"

Danzo: "Hmph! I will cut their subordinates' heads and send them to you then!"

Hiashi: "Oh! I thought that you understood about military rules, but it seems that you just lied. How shameful!"

Danzo: "You!!"

Fugaku: "Danzo, do you dare to take my son's head? *glare*"

Danzo: "Village safety is first! Are you not a shame as Konoha's guardian?"

Shikaku: "This time there is no injury among civilians. Only damaged trees. Also, I thought that someone just used this commotion to destroy the First and Second Hokage's tomb. *looking at Danzo*"

Danzo: "*angry* (Orochimaru, you fool!)"

Hokage: "As a Hokage, I couldn't be involved with clan internal matters so I will leave Yuuki's punishment to Hiashi. For the other kids, I will leave it to the academy's teacher. Because they are still students."

Danzo: "Sarutobi, you-"

Hokage: "It's Hokage. *look at Danzo* Now let's end today's meeting. *stand up* *leave*"

I was surprised by Hiashi and Hokage's decision. It seems that I forgot that I am still a kid. Is it a blessing to become a kid?

I followed Hiashi back to the Hyuga clan. I hope that he didn't torture me.

Hiashi: "Yuuki-kun, what do you think about Hinata?"

Yuuki: "She was a shy little girl. (But she has already changed now.. Kid really grow up quickly..)"

Hiashi: "She was a genius when she was still 5 years old. Full of effort. She was also a cheerful girl."

Yuuki: "*surprised*"

Hiashi: "*selfmocked smile* It was my fault. I really failed as a father."

Yuuki: "I see.. (But your temperance look much better than my father..)"

Hiashi: "I am really grateful that you can bring my daughter back. *stop walking* Yuuki-kun, can I trust Hinata in your hand?"

Yuuki: "*surprised* You don't need to worry too much. Hinata has many good friends. She will be fine."

Hiashi: "*cuckle* I see.. So you still have a 'kid' side. I thought that you were an adult and more mature than me before."

Yuuki: "(This man really annoying!)"

Hiashi: "I know that she has many friends. But only you who led them to save Hinata before. You even throw your life easily for her. Actually I just wanted to test you before. I just hoped that you would come and ask for forgiveness in Hinata's place. But who thought that you were too wild and crazy. *cuckle* "

Yuuki: "*speechless*"

Hiashi: "You don't need to worry about the dead elders. They are already dead so it can't be helped."

Yuuki: "*sigh* You really used me as a borrowed knife.."

Hiashi: "Oh, you're really clever! *laugh* Then I can relax now. Please protect Hinata. I will leave her in your care starting today. *bow*"

Yuuki: "*bow* Ye-yes! I promise to protect her."

Hiashi: "Good! But remember that it is still too early for marriage so don't try to lay a hand on her!"

Yuuki: "Yes, I won't do that. (I won't lay a hand on the kid! I prefer a mature woman like Ohana-neesan! I will visit her later. I really need to drink now.)"

After arriving at the Hyuga clan, Hiashi told me to stand in the trial field again. It seems that he already asked every member to gather here.

I was surprised when I saw Hinata arrive while supported by two women in each hand. She looks haggard and sorrowful. She looks like someone who lost her family on the battlefield. She even couldn't walk properly and almost fell many times.

I tried to call her name but she didn't reply to me. I hold her body to prevent her from falling down while touching her right cheek.

Hinata: "Yu-Yuuki-kun.."

Yuuki: "Finally, you respond to me! What happened wi-"

Hinata: "Yuuki-kun! Are you really Yuuki-kun?! *crying*"

Yuuki: "Yes, someone saved me. Are you okay? *worry*"

Hinata: "*loud cry* *hugging* Yuuki-kun!!"

I was relieved that she was fine. Maybe she just felt sad because of my 'death'. Did my wife also cry like her when I died in the past? I really felt guilty.

Hiashi was looking at us with tender eyes and helpless face. The other clan members also looked at me with glittering eyes. It makes me feel really embarrassed.

After hugging me and crying for a while, Hinata passed out again. I checked her breath and heard her snore. It seems that she just fell asleep after feeling relieved. The women behind her come closer and pick her up. They bring her inside to let her rest properly.

Hiashi: "*cough* I will start the trial now! Shirasaki Yuuki, you trespassed Hyuga clan, mock elders, killed 2 elders and wounded me. Is that true?"

Yuuki: "Yes, they are true. I admit my mistakes. I am sorry. *bow down*"

Hiashi: "You already admitted your mistakes and ask forgiveness in front of us today! Now I will tell you, your punishment. You will serve the Hyuga clan from today and protect Hyuga Hinata for the rest of your life! If something happens to Hyuga Hinata, you will take full responsibility! Did you understand?"

Yuuki: "Yes, I understand! *bow down* (I can understand the first one but what about the other one? The punishment is too light. Is it because I'm still a kid?*confuse*)"

Hiashi: "Good! Now I will end this matter! In the future, no one will be allowed to raise this matter anymore! Disperse!"

Everyone: "Yes! *leave*"