
Last night here

Two weeks had passed, and somehow, the fragile truce of friendship between Zaya and me had held. At first, it had been awkward, painfully so.

The kind of awkward that made me want to dig a hole, crawl into it, and never come out. But to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.

In fact, it was almost... nice. Well, if I ignored the moments where I wanted to kick myself for suggesting we be "friends" in the first place. 

I learned a few things about Zaya during those two weeks. For one, she has an inexplicable love for watching cooking videos. She says they're relaxing.

At first, I couldn't understand how anyone could find peace in watching someone else whip up a soufflé or julienne carrots. But after a few evenings of her shoving her phone in my face to show me the "perfectly seared steak," I had to admit it wasn't terrible.