
Seclusion Of A Knight - Origins Of The Seven Volume 2

""Behold the origin story of the famed and wildest hero, Brad Silverhilt, one of the Seven Harbingers. Their arrival heralded a new age of great impact on the World of Aerkha." "Amidst the implementation of the reformed knighthood system, the noble knights found themselves confined within the boundaries of their cities, their desires to reclaim their former powers fueling their resistance against the new order. Unyielding in their determination, they clung to the hope of regaining control, strategically sending their noble offspring as candidates for knighthood within the revamped system. Meanwhile, King Illuen D'harven, the esteemed High Commander and mastermind behind the new knighthood system, remained resolute in his conviction that true heroes would only emerge through arduous and disciplined training. He firmly championed the idea that equal rights should be bestowed upon every candidate within the newly established knighthood system. Only the passage of time would determine whether his idealistic vision or the pragmatic approach would prevail. However, among the ranks of the knights, a singular candidate who joined their esteemed order during the fourth year of the Unified Illuthar Kingdom would soon come to realize that in order to reshape the very fabric of the world's narrative, he must undergo a profound metamorphosis within a remarkably brief span of fewer than ten years." Author's Note to Reader: "Dear Reader, the Origins of The Seven series comprises separate books featuring the backstory of seven heroes, and there is no specific reading order." This novel, written in the tradition of classic fantasy, aims to weave a tapestry akin to the illustrious campaign tales such as Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, while retaining its own unique essence. It could be marked as my fourth attempt in the last fifteen years, but the second to be published here or anywhere. Previously, I was hesitant to share my work, but now I am eager to receive any criticism. Therefore, dear reader, I implore you to provide your comments freely. Your thoughts are invaluable to me. Thank you in advance, and I hope you relish this tale.

Mahir_The_Bard · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Partners (Part 1)

In the outskirts of Barnachia's city center, within the relatively orderly confines of the Broken Arrow Inn, a quartet of men reveled in the festivities, savoring their newfound bond. These were four ambitious men, all aspiring to become knights, each with a distinct background. While two hailed from humble origins, the other two boasted noble lineage. Despite their divergent aspirations, they had taken a solemn oath to unite under a shared emblem, forging an unyielding brotherhood

Throughout their grueling training, spanning an arduous year and a half, the three prospective knights had remained strangers, devoid of any common ground. Yet, the arrival of Brad Silherhilt in the final three months of their preparation marked a pivotal turning point. Deep down, all three sensed that his inclusion would alter the course of their journey in profound ways.

Derek Derylson felt intimidated by the fierce gaze of the new candidate, Brad Silverhilt, causing him to cower in response. Deep down, Derek knew that he himself was an arrogant individual who needed to be humbled, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it. Throughout their training, Derek subtly targeted Brad, attempting to intimidate him in his own way. However, he repeatedly failed to achieve his goal. Over time, Derek's secret admiration for Brad's unwavering determination grew, and he quietly began to emulate his actions. Perhaps, one day, Derek hoped to undergo the transformation he had always yearned for, but he had yet to comprehend that such a change wouldn't come easily, especially at the beginning of their journey

Elphered Gallantstone derived great pleasure from the tests of bravery and physical prowess, as he had finally encountered someone who could match his own abilities. Despite frequently placing second in various competitions, he took pride in competing against such a formidable adversary, finding satisfaction in the challenge presented.

On the other hand, Ismeth Crimsongale, who had previously lived as a purposeless rogue, found a renewed sense of hope with the arrival of the fourth candidate. To Ismeth's perception, Brad Silverhilt seemed to be an ordinary commoner like himself, or so he believed, and this belief fueled his optimism for what the future held.

Brad Silverhilt was an ordinary commoner, an orphan raised by the Orion Temple. And he was trained by the revered Order of the Temple Knights. Noone, even the drill sergeants, knew much about his past.

The decree authorizing his transfer bore the signature of Lady Illaine De'Grace, the esteemed High Priestess of the Orion Temple. Lady Illaine not only held the distinguished position of being King Illuen D'Harven's sister but also wielded considerable influence as a member of the influential Council of Nine, which played a vital role in the governance of the realm.

In terms of hierarchy within the esteemed knighthood institution, the Temple Knights held the utmost prestige and esteem. Therefore, whispers and speculations regarding Brad Silverhilt's departure from such esteemed training permeated among the knight candidates. Many were eager to delve into the personal reasons behind his transfer, and a few even ventured to employ forceful tactics in their quest for answers.

Brad Silverhilt was not one to back down easily. With an imposing stature and formidable combat skills, he commanded respect. When he dispatched a few individuals to the infirmary in his first week, the unnecessary inquiries and taunts directed at him swiftly subsided.

In truth, he was a man of integrity and honor. He harbored no desire to dominate others or engage in frivolous talk; instead, he consistently displayed discipline and served as an exemplar for his peers. To keen observers, it was evident that he was destined to be a leader. His countenance bore a resolute expression, and his unwavering demeanor set him apart.

Throughout the three-month training period, numerous drill sergeants pushed him to his limits. Although the reasons behind this treatment eluded the other knight candidates, Lady Illaine's command was clear: "Treat Brad Silverhilt as you would any other knight candidate."

The drill sergeants interpreted that statement as a belittlement of their abilities. In order to prove that their training was on par with that of the Temple Knights, they intensified the challenges imposed on Brad Silverhilt, often doubling or tripling the demands placed upon him. However, with each successful completion of the physical and psychological trials designed to test his limits, their frustration only grew. The early years of the Unified Illuthar Kingdom were marked by unrest and the aftermath of war, leaving the veterans scarred and hardened. Despite the claims of justice and equality upon which the knighthood system was founded, it had yet to be fully established.

Nevertheless, as Brad Silverhilt endured the unrelenting pressure, his unwavering determination became apparent to all the knight candidates who bore witness to his arduous trials. Over time, they grew to respect him, observing firsthand his unconquerable spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The four knight candidates quickly formed a bond and became a somewhat tight-knit group. In their military training, they followed a system of paired partnerships known as "Sword and Shield." In the final assessment on the last day of their training, Derek Derylson was paired with Elphered Gallantstone, while Brad Silverhilt was paired with Ismeth Crimsongale.

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