
Season Of Love

In merely a second, I was pushed into the wall. A small scream left my mouth out of shock. “Ms. Das, where are you going?” He asked in an icy tone. “You wanted me to go away from here, right? Now I am going, I will never come back. You don’t have to see my ugly face anymore.” I whispered; my voice barely audible. But I know he heard it. Tears were threatening to run out of my eyes. “You are not going anywhere.” He said in a low, threatening voice. “But why?” I asked, tears already wetting my cheeks. “Because you are mine.” He said huskily near my ear, then he smirked playfully. His words thoroughly confused me. ******* Adrita Das, a simple and beautiful girl from Bangladesh has a life full of dreams. Her biggest dream was to study in the USA. What she didn’t know was that the dream will make her drown in an ocean of emotions.  Ethan King, an arrogant New York businessman, is cruel to the outside world. But what the outside world does not know is that he dearly loves his family, especially his younger sister. He doesn’t believe in true love. He doesn’t even like women. But what will happen, when he will develop a liking to one particular woman?

AdritaDas153 · Ciudad
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 - Torturing Him

Author's Pov.

"Sir, I have taken that boy to the basement. Let's play the old game again. It's been a decade, I haven't seen someone's blood." Raphael smiled evilly.

"You look more excited than me. I didn't think that I will need to do these things again. But looks like, just warning doesn't work. I have to show them what Ethan King can do." Ethan said in his usual cold voice.

They both went to the basement. It was very dark in there, only a lightbulb was there.

There were bloodstains on the wall. The boy who tried to molest Sophia was tied to a chair.

He was half unconscious. He opened his eyes hearing footsteps.

He looked at Ethan with fear.

"Please, let me go." He whispered.

"Why should I let you go? You are aware of what I will do if something happens to my sister. You know the consequences. Still, you dared to harm my sister." Ethan yelled at him holding his jaw in a tight grip.

"Let me go. I won't do this mistake again." He said in pain.

"My sister also had begged you to let her go. But did you let her go? If that girl didn't save her at the right time, you would have raped her." Ethan said while punching his face again and again.

Blood started to come out of his mouth.

"Please, I won't do this ever again." That boy whispered.

"I know, you won't do this mistake ever again. Because I will make sure, you see hell in here before going to real hell." He said and motioned Raphael to give him the sharp knife.

Ethan took the knife and smiled evilly looking at it. He wasn't looking less than a devil.

"This hands touched my sister. What should I do with these hands?" Ethan said while making an expression of thinking.

That boy looked at him with very much fear. Because of fear he peed in his pant.

"I will cut this beautiful fingers of yours and keep them as a showpiece in my office." Ethan said and smirked evilly.

Sweat started forming in that boy's head. Suddenly a voice of pure pain echoed in the whole basement.

One by one, Ethan ripped all his fingers making him scream again and again. The floor was bloodied.

That boy was out of strength. He was about to close his eyes because of pain and tiredness.

"Don't close your eyes, there is more to come." Ethan said and moved the knife towards his lips and gave a huge cut in his lips.

Ethan got up and was very much satisfied with his works.

"Raphael, I will leave him to you. You know what to do. Have fun." Ethan said and Raphael nodded at him.

Ethan quickly went to his room. His white shirt was stained with blood.

He went into the bathroom and took a shower. He came out of the bathroom and saw Raphael was waiting for him in the room.

Ethan went to his walk-in closet and picked up a Black suit with a white shirt. He dressed neatly.

He is very strict about cleanliness.

"Sir, we have to leave for Italy in an hour." Raphael reminded him.

He is going to Italy for an important business meeting for 3 days.

"Is everything ready?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, sir." Raphael said.

"Next Sunday is Sophia's birthday. I hope you have arranged everything for her birthday party. I want to see her happy, make sure that there isn't any problem." Ethan said.

"Sir, everything is arranged." Raphael told him.

Ethan nodded at him and left from there.

Adrita's Pov.

I am currently studying in the college library. There aren't many students in the library right now.

I was checking some assignments.

"Can I seat in here?" I heard a voice and looked up to see Sophia.

"Yeah." I said and took my belongings from the table.

"How are you?" I asked her.

"I am fine. Thanks for saving me." She said.

"It's okay." I said to her and saw that her bodyguards came out of nowhere.

"Ma'am, you aren't allowed to talk with any person." The same bodyguard said to her who always glares at me.

"Who are you to tell me what I should do? I will do whatever I want." She said to him.

"Sir has told us not to let you go near any person." He told her.

"I will talk to bhai. Don't poke your nose at my matters. You guys are here to protect me, just do that." She said. ( Bhai means brother in Hindi)

After giving the bodyguards a last glare, Sophia gave her attention to me. I gave her a small smile.

"Please don't mind them. My bhai has prohibited me to make any friends or talking to a stranger." She said.

"Why?" I asked her.

It's impossible to live without any friends. How can her brother do this?

"It's a long and sad story. I will say that another time." She said.

I could see the pain in her eyes. Maybe something bad happened with her in her past.

"Why do you call your brother bhai? You are American." I asked.

"My mom is Indian. My mom and dad had a love marriage. My mom taught me to call my brother bhai." She said and I muttered an oh.

"Hey." She suddenly said and banged the table with happiness.

I got scared. Then she realized we are in the library.

All students were looking at her.

"You guys carry on." She said to them with embarrassment.

"What happened?" I asked her the reason for her sudden happiness.

"I just remembered that next Sunday is my birthday. Will you please join me? Or I will be all alone like always." She said while giving me a puppy face.

She looked so cute. I did what I wanted to do.

I pulled her cheeks.

"Okay, as you wish. I will come." I said and she smiled while rubbing her cheeks.

"You have to come to my home before the party. You have to help me in getting ready." She said.

"I am not an expert." I said to her.

"But you are good at choosing outfits." She beamed in happiness.

"Okay, okay. I will come before the party starts." I said to her and she clapped her hands in happiness.

"Hey, both of you are making so much noise. Get out of the library." The librarian said to us.

We giggled and quickly took our things and got out of the library.