
Chapter 6

She has a train back on the same day in the evening. “You girls, need to take care and stay safe, okay?” The mother warned them nth time.

“Yes mother” they replied.

Location - Muvcai international Airport

Carlos and Calvin have already arrived at the airport and are waiting in an SUV for their darling baby to arrive.

“Calvin, you said the flight will land at 7pm, it’s already 7:30pm and there is no sign of her. Are you sure this is the right gate she will exist from?” Carlos questioned looking out of the window.

“Yup this is the right gate. She sent her the details before boarding.” Calvin confirmed checking the details again.

“But there is no sight of passengers coming out.” Carlos questioned wondering. Just before Calvin could say something, they heard an announcement.

“Should we go at the gate? Maybe she can spot us then?” Calvin asked wondering if that would be the best option instead of being inside the vehicle.

“You do know that there are hidden paparazzi, right? I just spotted one behind that pillar.” Carlos commented, while he took out his phone to text his baby doll to cover her face up when coming out and that she would be out in the newspaper tomorrow.

Just then an announcement came in that captured their attention. “For all passengers waiting for American Airways, AA-002 the flight has been delayed by 2hrs due to extreme turbulence in the weather. The arriving time would be 9pm. Thank you for your attention. For all passengers waiting for American Airways, AA-002 the flight has been delayed by 2hrs due to extreme turbulence in the weather. The arriving time would be 9pm. Thank you for your attention.” The announcement was repeated twice.

“You kidding me? Oh gosh” Carlos rolled his eyes at the announcement and looked at the sky to see dark black clouds, indicating heavy rain to arrive and a bad wind. Calvin just pated his shoulder and nodded his head in agreement with some announce.

“I told you Calvin, bring her in our jet. But you” Carlos scolded his younger brother. The younger brother, Calvin pouted. “I told her!! But she wanted this flight only! What can I do, brother!” He whined. Carlos looked a bit annoyed and sad. “She’ll be here soon brother, until then should we go to Starbugs, please?” Calvin looked at him with pleading eyes.

Carlos looked at his brother acting like a cute baby and chuckled at his cuteness. “Sure, let’s go.”

Meanwhile at the girls’ hostel, the girls have settled down and unpacked their stuff. The mother as well took a small nap and woke up just now. The mother looked a bit worried which Willow noticed. “Mother, is something troubling you?” The mother looked a bit surprised to see her daughter noticing her worry. But she didn’t want her daughters to be worried unnecessarily so she replied saying, “Oh no no there’s nothing to worry at all.”

“Mother, what are you hiding from us?” Nayra asked this time. “Oh, its nothing my children.” The mother insisted. “Mother, please don’t hide anything from us.” Willow politely asked. “Yes mother, tell us what is worrying you.” Nayra insisted.

The mother let out a sigh. “Actually, your uncle is not well.” Both the girls had their eyes wide open at the sudden news. “Is he okay?” “What happened to him?” Both the girls asked at the same time. “Even I don’t know. He was fine until a few days ago. But before we left, he was complaining about chest pain. Just a few hours ago, your dad called and said your uncle is in hospital now.” The mother replied and the girls nodded their heads in understanding.

“Is that why you are returning today only mother?” Nayra asked to which the mother said yes. “Why didn’t you tell us before mother?” Willow asked. “I didn’t want to hold you both back before taking such a good huge decision in life.” The mother said. “We understand mother.” The girls said and hugged their mother giving her comfort.

“I’ll call the taxi mother.” Nayra said while picking her bag up. “Wait, wait” Her mother called her out. As Nayra turned around, she saw her mother digging into her bag and soon she revealed two rectangular boxes. “These are for you.” She said while handing them out to both her daughters.

“What is this mother?” Willow asked while shaking the box slightly.

“It is kind of heavy..” Nayra commented weighing the box.

They looked at their mother for answers. “I don’t know either. Your eldest brother gave me these to give you, before I leave” The mother answered picking her bag. And the girls looked at each other in hopes to understand what is in it. “I’ll leave by myself; you both don’t worry about me and take care. Beware of strangers.” The mother once again told them.

“Yes mother” they said in unison watching their mother leaving. Both the girls rushed to the window to see their mother waving her hand at them as she gets into the taxi with her bag.

“What do you think our eldest brother got us?” Willow asked. “I don’t know Willow. Let’s check it?” Nayra answered back and Willow nodded. They sat on the twin beds and opened their respective gifts. As they unwrapped, they saw two brand new Samsung smart phones. The shock was evident on their faces. Nayra got pink color while Willow got golden color.

After a while they got back to the work, Nana started to think whether she should message her friend that she met 4 months ago and get him know that she reached Muvcai. “Should I message or not” she wondered. She thought for a while about whether she should message him or not because she couldn't speak to him today and she assumed that he would upset with her. after a while of pondering, she finally decided to message him.

Nayra:- Hi

CFab:- Hey, you finally free huh?

Nayra:- Sorry was a bit busy..

CFab:- I understand.

Nayra:- I’m sorry

CFab:- No no

Nayra:- What happened?

CFab:- Nothing happened.

Nayra:- You angry with me?

CFab:- A bit.

Nayra:- Please don’t be angry with me, Even mom went back.

CFab:- Wait what? Why? Is everything okay?

“Why does he care that much about me?” Nayra thought to herself.