
Demon powers

[ In previous chapter ]

Ronie - Tomorrow is Amy's birthday. I should convince her tomorrow.😊😊


(Today is Amy's birthday but she didn't feel well, so she didn't came to the class. After the classes, Roney started asking about Amy, from Rumi.)

Rumi - Today an old man came, he was saying that Annie is his niece who was separated from him ten years ago. Then he took Amy with him to his villa.

Ronie - (with a shocking look) What??? She left the campus without saying goodbye to me. 😔😔

[ At the villa ]

Mr. Shin - Welcome home Amy. See Amy, this your new house now.

Amy - Uncle, actually I want to live in campus till my graduation.

Mr. Shin - But why do you want to live in that small campus room?

Amy - I have some reasons, Uncle please try to understand.

Mr. Shin - OK Amy, I will not force you. Do as you like, but please take care of yourself.

Amy - (with a gentle smile) Thank you Uncle. 😊😊

(Amy came back to the campus, Ronie saw her and run towards her. He tightly hugged her.)

Ronie - Amy, why did you left the campus without saying goodbye. Sorry for tomorrow. 😔😔

Amy - Ronie Don't say sorry, Rumi explained me everything in the last night. It's not your fault, it's just a misunderstanding.

(Ronie hugged more tightly)

Ronie - I love you so much Amy.

Amy - I love you too.

(Then Ronie took her with him to the lake, He already prepared and some other stuff for her birthday. They celebrate her birthday together)

[ At 12:00 pm ]

(When at 12:00, then suddenly Amy became unconscious. When Ronie turned her face towards him, he saw that his eyes turned red again, and slowly the whole body of Amy started falling blue. Then she started floating in the air, two horns appeared on her head and a long tail came out. She roared like a beast, then she tried to kill Ronie but he escaped from her attack. Then suddenly a man appeared and captured Amy in a cage.

To be continued :-