
Search for true love

"Wait, you mean you have been set up by my dad to be with me and here I am thinking you cared for me, thinking I was loved. Do you realize how that sounds. No just listen to yourself. I trusted you for crying out loud. You know what, just get out all of you. You irritate me." I tried to think of ways to persuade her, at least listen to the positive part of the whole story. I loved her now "Cella I'm so sorry but I love..." She interrupted immediately "I don't think that should be coming out of someone who used me and you know what, you are nothing but a mistake along with your three weeks baby." I came to my senses after realizing that she was pregnant for me "wait you are what?" She began to cry more "well I don't expect you to accept the child so just leave". I was so heartbroken. I had no stamina to withhold her push. She pushed me out of her house and for the first time in my life after growing from been a baby a tear dropped from my eyes. I couldn't control my feelings. I wept bitterly.

Jemima_Oluwaseyi · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Was it all a dream

I woke up fully energized ready to prepare for the day as I kept thinking about the dream I had. I went to the bathroom to take a wash until I realized I was dressed

'Was it a dream? Or am I becoming mentally unstable due to staying indoors? Oh dad must know about this'.

I hurriedly made my way through the hallway and barged into my dad's study. I smelt another fragrance apart from my dad's own. Don't be shocked I was trained to differentiate and identify people without looking.

"Dad who is here with you? I smelt someone" I questioned as I sat across the table

"Wow what a beautiful necklace". He said as he slowly dropped the book on the table and took a sip of his whiskey.

I smiled fully knowing my dad's tactics. He was trying to distract me and I would not fall for it. "Dad, well that isn't going to work. How come there are two cups of whiskey"

Her dad burst into laughter "hmm can't I have meeting with my associate. Moreover, looks like someone got you a necklace"

Cella looked at her collar bone revealing the beautiful necklace she saw in her dream. She became frustrated and worried. "Dad I want you to swear on mom that a guy with a mask wasn't the one who came here"

He smiled broadly "yes he is ...but what does that have to do with the necklace" He moved closer to her when he saw her expression "cella?" He snapped his fingers to bring her out of her daydream.

She jumped anxiously "oh guess I timed out. Well it's nothing. But if I find out he ... whatever I'm expecting my birthday gift from you" she smiled as she happily went out of the room.

She stood at the center of the hall and smirked "I will find out what this is all about but for now I have to play dumb". She said to herself.

Renald came from behind the bookshelf as he smiled cockily and moved closer to Coker. "I told you to forgive me, I couldn't resist such beauty and as for the necklace I gave her myself since I saw her"

Coker smiled "it's fine. At least she decided not to pry more for now. Be careful anyway."

He laughed "she's mine so can't I see her anytime I want to."

Coker immediately made a stern face "I wouldn't let that happen. She's my daughter too. You saw how confused she was. If this continues she might lose her mental health."

Ren sat on a couch and took his whiskey "I wouldn't want that so I planned how to meet with her genuinely. This is the plan"


Coker drowned down his whiskey as he smiled "that's a great plan. You aren't who you are for nothing."

Renald stood up as he made his way to a shelf "I will take my leave in order to prepare well. It wouldn't be great without preparation and moreover she seems suspicious of you."

Coker shook his hand "extend my greetings to my friend and tell him to come over with his Maggi for her birthday."

Ren smiled and placed his fingers on the side shelf. The shelf slide to the right and opened a door which led to a tunnel. Ren walked in and changed his demeanor as he stepped into the sunlight. He walked towards his guards.

"Let's go" he ordered

One of the nearest guards to the door opened the door for him as he stepped in.

He tapped the guy at the front seat "organize a meeting with Frank." The guy nodded and tapped a few things on his tablet. "Uhm Ren he said by 5"

He looked back at Ren when he heard no response. "Ren" he shouted

Ren smiled at him "I saw her."