
Search for true love

"Wait, you mean you have been set up by my dad to be with me and here I am thinking you cared for me, thinking I was loved. Do you realize how that sounds. No just listen to yourself. I trusted you for crying out loud. You know what, just get out all of you. You irritate me." I tried to think of ways to persuade her, at least listen to the positive part of the whole story. I loved her now "Cella I'm so sorry but I love..." She interrupted immediately "I don't think that should be coming out of someone who used me and you know what, you are nothing but a mistake along with your three weeks baby." I came to my senses after realizing that she was pregnant for me "wait you are what?" She began to cry more "well I don't expect you to accept the child so just leave". I was so heartbroken. I had no stamina to withhold her push. She pushed me out of her house and for the first time in my life after growing from been a baby a tear dropped from my eyes. I couldn't control my feelings. I wept bitterly.

Jemima_Oluwaseyi · Fantasía
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8 Chs

My first ball party without my mom

      I ran to my room as I met the maids holding a box. "I thought you were called here to let me pick out of hundreds of dresses but just a box?"

   The head maid bowed "I'm sorry but you have to clean up first your face looks scary. Sorry to say" I went over to the mirror and screamed at my own face. Mascara dripping all over it. "Okay let's begin"

    I removed my mask and they moved me to the bathroom. 'Oh! Don't be shocked that I removed my mask. My personal maids are blind but familiar with the environment especially my room.'

  I gently slipped off my dress and went into the bathtub. I relaxed as the warm water released all tension. I smiled as I remembered the kiss from the necklace guy. Some began to scrub my body gently while the others massaged my arm and Quis, the head maid scrubbed my hair and also massaging it.

   I cleared my head and decided to enjoy this moment. After about forty minutes of cleaning up, I went into the dressing room only to meet the same box I saw earlier. "I thought I said I want to pick my dress myself.

  The maids bowed implying that they couldn't fulfill my wish. "What's going on?" The head maid raised her head and cleared her throat "boss said you would love it since she picked it for you."

  'Who is this she? Or is dad having an affair? It better not be cause I would kill her myself' I thought to myself. "Open it" I ordered.

  Quis gently opened it and I gasped. "Guess it is beautiful my lady" I smiled "of course it is. I wish you all could see it."

Quis laughed gently "well, we're more fortunate to see a job despite our blindness. We never had a family because they abandoned us even my daughter left me for a man." She held my palms in her hands "we're all grateful for your kindness. We owe you a lot." She said with a gladly but I noticed a pang of sadness.

  I rubbed her arm "actually I envy you guys sometimes I don't understand how you keep seeing what we can't see. I even had to learn it from you and dad when you guys had it naturally like a gift."  They all smiled "I just sense it" the youngest of them said happily.

   Quis cleared her throat meaning "back to business" I smiled "why do you always spoil the fun Qu?" She laughed."  "Well we have to get you dressed.

I wore my undergarment and sat down in front of the mirror as they began their work. The one who spoke earlier worked on my face. She applied some cream and curved my eyebrows properly. I was enticed at how she was perfect despite being blind.

The others finished their work while she kept working. "Sarah I would like if you put your best into her face" I heard Quis say. Sarah smiled "well that's exactly what I'm going to do but she looks beautiful without makeup. The texture of her face tells me that." She said as she gently rubbed my face.

"Thank you Sarah but I would like a simple makeup. Moreover you look so young. How old are you?" She smiled sadly "I'm sixteen years old. Your dad picked me up on the street when I was five. I just resumed last week."

I nodded "oh I'm so sorry" she laughed "oh no don't make me feel awkward". She continued her magic on my face and when she was done I felt happy. I never knew I could be more beautiful than I already was. My eyebrows, eye color and my hair felt unique. She let my hair down in a curly waves. I couldn't describe myself.

I stood up as Quis wore my dress on me and did the loop. She placed an amazing eye mask which had little diamonds on them on my eyes and gently raised my hair as she tied it. I sat down in front of the mirror and admired myself. Sarah held a tiara in her hands as she gently placed it on my hair making sure it was hooked nicely.

  I stood up as I spin in front of the mirror. Quis smiled "I perceive radiance." I laughed "of course I'm so beautiful. Sarah did a great job. Where are the shoes?" Quis clapped and a maid walked forward with a box in her hands. She opened it and I gasped for the fourth time in an hour. I sat as Quis gently slipped the shoe on my feet. It was sparkling and as usual with diamonds. Sarah took a box from the dressing table and opened it. I saw the necklace he gave me this morning with little diamond studs. I put on the studs and hooked it firm on my ear and wore the necklace. I opened my drawer and brought out a little box which held the family honor. I opened it and wore the ring.

We heard a knock on the door and we all knew it was time to go. "Open" I said with authority. The door was opened widely and I graciously walked out. I carefully walked down the hallway and the doors were widely opened with a lot of people in there 'I thought Ben said it was only Frank and his wife.' I sighted Dad and went over to greet him.