
Sealed fate

Daoist04Qvf4 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter two

Everything went dark I can't see anything or hear anything. I'm left with my thoughts and a stirring feeling something I've never noticed before is making itself known. More than anything I wanted to know who was in the woods with me. I finally found my mate and I have no clue what he looks like or who he is, it saddens me a little I've always thought I would end up with Oliver even though we weren't mates, But this pull I feel in my chest is much stronger than I could have imagined.

So many questions need to be answered, I need to wake up I just don't know how. I hear buzzing of people passing and faint movements I need to open my eyes and figure out where I am. Someone touches me and I feel electricity and fire burn up my arm sparks and tingles. I can smell him he smells like whiskey and cologne it almost puts me in a trance. Suddenly my mind is pushed to the side and another version of me rushes to the front. My eyes fly open and involuntarily I growl

"Mine" breathing heavy and looking at the man in front of me I've never seen someone so beautiful something out of romance books. He has black hair and Amber eyes that look like pools of whiskey in the sunlight. He has a five o'clock shadow on his sharp jaw line and arms the size tree branches and a scar that goes from his eye brow to his cheek bone. He was a fighter but he doesn't look like he would be the losing type. I pull myself out of my trance and realize he was talking to me while I was too busy staring at him.

"Wh- where am i?" I rub my head and blink my eyes realizing I have a headache.

"You my beautiful creature are on my pack lands " he says with a grin

"And who are you?"

"I'm Malcom, the Alpha of the Black mountain pack" he sighs looking at me concerned.

"And who might you be ?"

"I'm Lily Mayflower, from the starling pack" feeling light headed again I close my eyes.

"The black mountain pack you said? You're our enemy.. You're ruthless" I breathe out my eyes still closed.

"Only when I have to be I do everything for my pack and our survival, and those who wrong us pay for it. "

"Come let's get you to the pack doctor " Malcom scoops me in his arms and I fall unconscious is his arms my whole body relaxed against him. Something inside of me was so happy to be in his arms almost purring about it. On the other hand I should be running for my life. He is my packs enemy he is a ruthless alpha who has a bad temper and kills anybody who gets in his way. My father and brother must be so worried about me. I need to find a way out of here and contact my dad. But for now I'm too weak I need my strength if I'm going to escape.

The next day I woke in a hospital bed with machines running and a doctor standing beside the bed.

"Good morning Lily, I'm doctor shiloh. I've been watching you all night. You're head seems to be okay and your ribs are finally starting to heal. For a wolf you heal slowly" she let out a sigh

"I haven't gotten my wolf yet that I know of. It's a big deal at my pack they are always talking about how weak I am and a mistake" i look down at my hands ashamed

" wow that is almost unheard of and very rare for someone to not have a wolf who was born into a pack" the doctor looked confused

" how old are you and what is your status in your pack" she sat down on the end of the bed looking at me intently.

"I'm 21 and I'm Alpha Darius's daughter" I look at her nervously and play with my fingers wondering what they might do with me to get to my father and brother now that he is going to be the new Alpha. Sickness hits my stomach remembering the betrayal. Tears escape my eyes.

"I'm sorry for asking so many questions this must be a sensitive topic, I will let you rest for now the Alpha will be in later today to check in. Give me a yell if you need anything " she smiled at me and left the room.

Sadness seems to be the theme of today. Whatever it is inside of me is longing for Malcom. The thought of him calms me I just want to be in his arms right now. NO I mentally scold myself he is the enemy he could hurt me or use me to get to my pack. He is a horrible man I should be escaping not day dreaming about him. Some hours pass and in comes Malcom he sits by my bed and trys to hold my hand I instinctively pull away from him.

"You are my mate why are you fighting me" Malcom looks at me coldly.

"You are the enemy do you want me to swoon " venom in my words I stare at him as if I could kill.

"My wolf can sense yours she wants me too, you can't fight me forever " he smiles at me and winks

"You can sense my wolf , how I dont have one" I look at him shocked.

"If you didn't before you do now sweetness and she wants me too it won't be long now and I will have you" he stands up and leans over me and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. Sending tingles down my spine and my breath hitches and that other part of me does back flips in happiness. He then leaves the room and tells me he is going home for the night and will check on me again tomorrow.

This mate pull is going to make getting away so much harder and it doesn't seem he is going to let me go without a fight. One thing is for sure if my wolf has awakened then I can shift and if that's true that will help me escape I can run home if I can shift. I'll wait until late tonight and try to shift when nobody is in the pack hospital.