
Sealed fate

Daoist04Qvf4 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter three

Later that night everything became silent except for the beeping of machines. I crawled out from under the blankets and got dressed I needed to sneak out without making much noise. Once dressed I tip toed to the nearest exit I could find carefully watching for any wolves who might be patrolling nearby.

Once I made it out side I made a run for the woods I would have a better chance of shifting there where nobody could easily find me . I ran for a good 15 minutes to be sure that I made it far enough from the pack hospital and other buildings hopefully nobody saw me run into the woods. Sitting down on the cold ground I mentally cursed myself for my aching ribs still bruised from the fall. Trying to catch my breath so I can focus on shifting the cold air is stinging my lungs. I close my eyes and focus all of my energy into finding the beast stirring in the back of my mind I needed to be angry. Angry at my dad, angry at Matty, Angry that I'm lost. My fate depended on it if I really did have a wolf now she needed to be angry too. The last thing I need is for her to come forward just to run back to the man that I am trying to run from. Tears stinging my eyes as I remember the pain and heartbreak I felt some short days ago. "Come on!" I whisper to myself. "We need to run, it's not safe here!" Closing my eyes I dig deeper into the anger forcing her to come forward.

"He is our mate, we will not leave him" the voice in my mind whispers like silk her words were intoxicating.

"Don't you remember the feeling of him close to you, we will only feel more pain if we leave" she spoke again.

"We have to go home, he is a monster!" Speaking louder I'm getting mad at my own wolf how dare she fight me on this!

"Shift!" I half yell at her.

"We are going home, shift!"

Even more pissed off that she isn't responding.

"I said shift!"


Suddenly she Is forced to the front and I feel a change. My skin is lit on fire as my bone begin to break and my teeth are pushed out to make room for my fangs. Holding back my screams I lay in the dirt holding my ribs and my claws push through my fingers. I begin to scream and cry. Everyone says the first time is the most painful this felt like a death sentence and I'm not sure my body can handle the pain. Soon my crys become whimpers and I no longer feel the pain, opening my eyes colors seem brighter and its almost unreal this feeling of completion.

"He knows" my wolf whispers

For a moment I want to run to him I want him to see how beautiful I am. Then I remember he is a monster my wolf is trying to make me go back. Shaking my head to rid the thoughts I take off running as fast as my paws can take me. I may be lost but I need to get distance between me and him once I make it far enough maybe I can smell out my home, but for now I need to run.

"Run" suddenly that whiskey voice enters my mind and my wolf purrs stopping me in my tracks.

Breathing heavy I look around to see if I can see any wolves

"Run my pet because when I do find you you're MINE. " The voice sounds like a predator talking to prey and my wolf almost submits to the tone.

"I'll never be yours I spit back in my mind"

I kick off again running ad fast as I can. He can't catch me if he does my wolf will give in to the bond and I can't risk that I need to get home and warn my father. Hopefully they are checking other pack lands for me they have to be worried about me.

Pushing myself forward my legs are weak I can't run anymore in this form. I come across a lake with some heavy brush around it. This should do for me to rest until I get my strength to run again. Laying down on the ground I'm panting heavily I shift into my human form. The sun is coming up. Realizing I have no clothes I decide to take a dip in the lake and relax my aching muscles. The water is cold but refreshing I begin to rinse my black hair that has dirt, leaves and sticks in it from running. I'm a sore mess I need to find a hiding spot until dark and also find a spot to sleep. Getting out of the water and walking through the bushes I find some tunnels where deer have been traveling and I lay down in the bedded down area. This will have to do for now, when I wake up I will shift again and continue to run home.

I'm awoken by whiskey voice in my head again and I jump to my feet checking my surroundings

"I know I'm getting close little wolf" he growls and sends shivers down my spine.

"I can smell you all through these woods" he chuckles.

Focusing again I need to shift I begin to panic he is close.

"Shift" I yell "he is going to find us!"

"As you wish" my wolf whispers

I can hear branches breaking and footsteps running closer I have no time to run he is right on top of me . My bones break and my fur pushes through my skin. I open my eyes and begin to growl like a feral animal bearing my fangs ready to fight for my life.

"Little wolf you are beautiful " he almost whispers

I swear I almost fall off my feet at the sight of the Alpha wolf standing in front of me. Something inside of me clicks and I growl out of my own control

"Mine " my wolf speaks almost in a trance