

Don't be too confident little thing, he is a wolf and so am I... I can make him change his mind. I am not giving up.


Vilkas was sound asleep, his beautiful eyes were shut, his long eye lashes casting a faint shadow beneath, his lustrous warm brown hairs spread overhead. Everything about him was majestic, his pointed nose, his eyes, the eye brows which reflected his regality, his sharp jawline, the upwardly curved corners of his lips,the dip in his chin, his elongated neck, the firm, muscular chest and precisely carved abdomen were no less than a work of art, he had a musky woody smell. Elara's hand ached to touch him, as she reached out reluctantly.

"Go ahead." Vilkas said with his eyes closed, he was partially asleep.

Elara was nonplussed by him, "you are awake?"

she blushed being caught in the act.