
Screw This I'm Out of Here

brenden_evans · Fantasía
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8 Chs

CH 2 Well iv had worse

After coming to the realisation that this what he must do in order to grow stronger.He dug his nails into the entrails of the ogre and clawed his way up.finally arriving at the ogres heart he delved into the gruesome meal. "worse the goblins P**s".

He waited slowly feeling his flesh dissolve nothing had happened but he was certain that he would grow stronger. "great who wants a clean death when you can rot away in ogres filth" suddenly his felt sore all over, as if his whole contain body was stretching and pulling itself apart.

After profuse amounts of vomiting he knew something was wrong but what. He had 2 hands 2 eyes what was this ominous foreboding."oi you weasle" looking around to find the source of the noise, he felt an intense glare coming from well he didnt know where was it coming from."dont ignore me rat".

The sudden realisation that there was another being speaking to him made him feel small "ahhh sh*t" it all made sense why his father was so secretive about his strength after all it was a gruesome thing to accomplish." so you understand now do ya, well seems as you've taken something from me let me take summit from you".

now not many people would eat an ogres heart let alone anything else so what was happening to him.Why did he hear the ogre after eating its heart.After he had thought this a burning sensation worse then he had experienced before was spreading throughout his arm. or there lack of after all it was there was a price on power.

As the burning intensified his stub of an arm grew matted hair almost like scales.

desperately clawing through the ogres body he intensified his pressure however without realising, he had torn the ogres stomache wide open with him hanging out of it.

The raiding parties numbers had dwindled now from a group of 50. 3 were remaining him who could you really call surviving. And a young stocky Male wielded 2 great shields and a young women with black hair and two floating orbs in her hands. As the two danced around obliterating anything in the way he pulled himself out of the carcass. "boss raid complete" "luke defeated the boss".

as the dungeon closed the 3 looked at each other well this by far was not an ordinary raid. just before disappearing there was a flash as the stats and loot was distributed. Bam straight into freezing cold water "what the f**k". Luke knew where he was it was the swamp near his mother's home. He didnt have the best bond with his mum she looked after him fed him but with the other child he always felt left out.

"who needs em" muttering as he walked towards the waterfall half a days walk from here.