

"You've made quite a mess of this city, demon kings... It's been thousands of years since my last war... Let's see who'll win this one, you demon kings... Or us-" "Heroes of the ancient times," ********************************** Highschool. It is the peak of youth for teens, where they could explore themselves, find love, and find true friendships. But not for Ray Lance. As someone who have lived two lives before, he only interested in the technologies of the modern world, and protecting his beloved two little siblings. But as orphans, he have to strive to make living for his two little siblings. With the skills and power from his previous life that surprisingly still resided in his body, Ray protected the city he lives in by making a youkai agency. As a loner who didn't suit the youthful highschool life, he lives his life saving people from the shadows, helping his reincarnated friends and subordinates from his previous lives, offering revenge service to the weak people who couldn't get protected by the men's laws. and protecting the world from the dangers the mortal didn't aware of. And as the one who lives between the real world and the invisible world, he will need to face the troubles from both of the world. Follow his life being a highscool loner, being a youkai boss, being a restaurant owner, and being the world's oldest guardian.

Arkalphaze · Ciudad
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44 Chs

The Beginning Of The Service Club (End)

"Talking about talismans in these kinds of days, huh? How childish," The voice of the person I absolutely didn't want to hear right now appeared behind me.

"F-F-Frostina Arlandine!?" Mark exclaimed in surprise when he saw Frostina's face.

"Who... Your reaction is way too exaggerated, don't you think, Mr. Onmyoji-who-never-talked-with-woman?" I teased Mark who is staring at Frostina with a dumbfounded gaze.

"What? Ah. I'm sorry. Please don't mind me, just continue your conversation," said Frostina indifferently as she takes a seat beside me.


"And what are you doing?" I asked towards Frostina who started to eat her food beside me.

"I'm eating," (Frostina)

"I know that... I mean what are you doing here, Ms. White mannequin witch? I believe no one invited you to sit here, especially beside me,"

"I'm not a witch, nor a mannequin. I believe I'm permitted to sit here since I paid the same amount of school fee just like other students, don't you think so too, Lance-Kun?" Replied her with the same indifferent tone and manner, and continue to eat.



I let out a heavy sigh, take a single bite of my food, and continue to observe the talisman on my hand.

There are no traces of blood and no trace of malicious mana.

I see... What a shame...

It seems like you onmyojis had failed on spreading the use of talismans towards the people.

"Here," I hand back the talisman I hold to Mark, and he finally regained his composure, and quickly take the talismans and hid it in his pocket.

"I'll tell you my thoughts later,"

"I-If you say so..." Replied Mark as he saw my eyes telling him to continue this later.

"Our conversation is finished, so what do you need from me, Ms. mannequin witch?"

"What a shame... Even though I'm looking forward to hearing your imaginary discussions about the talismans, but it seems that you still have some shame despite being thick-skinned enough to sit here," (Frostina)

"Y-Yes..." Replied Mark nervously.

What the hell are you chickening out for, you stupid onmyoji!?

"Shut it. Just quickly tell me what you need,"

"Um... It's just that... There is a bad piece of news..." (Frostina)

Hm? Bad news?

"What is it?" I asked her.

"It's that... Remember that I supposed to invite several people I knew to join our club? It's just that..." (Frostina)

Ah... I see...

Well, I didn't expect her to successfully invite a member to our club that is filled with two loners, in the first place.

"No one wanted to enter the club together with you, huh...?"

"Y-Yes... I tried my best to persuade them and didn't let any chance for them to refuse it. But they managed to escape by saying that they'll consider about it first, how troubling..." Replied Frostina with a rather disappointed tone.

No wonder none of them agreed to join the club...

"I see..."

"Hm? You don't sound disappointed," said Frostina as she heard my indifferent answer.

"I've considered- No, I believed that no one will accept your offer so it's not really surprising..."

"Is that so? I don't know whether to be happy or sad hearing your response, but setting aside myself, now what should we do? Suzuka-sensei will cancel the finding of our club if we couldn't found the third member of our club today," (Frostina)

"It's fine. I doubt that gorilla-sensei will cancel it since she is the one who is looking forward to the finding of our club the most,"

"Hm... That's true... But-" (Frostina)

"You can rest assured. I already have someone inside my head that will definitely accept my offer and join the club," I said confidently.

"I see... If you're that confident then... Is it this person?" Frostina pointed at Mark that is eating his food nervously.

"Hell no, this guy will be the very last person I'll invite," I answered firmly.


This guy will be the very last person I'll invite to the club that I'm entering too.


"So? Where is the person that you said you'll invite to be our third member?" Asked Frostina with her arms crossed.

The school had ended and we've gathered inside the empty clubroom just like yesterday.

"Just wait, I believe she'll be running to this clubroom in a moment," I replied indifferently.

"She?" Asked Frostina as she narrowed her eyebrows. It seems that the fact that I invited a girl to enter the club is a surprising fact for her. Well, for a loner like me who almost never talked to anyone except for Mark and Hiroto, it's not surprising for her to be confused.

"Did you misspell your words? Do you mean 'he' instead?" (Frostina)

"No, It's a she,"

"Are you sure it's not just a delusional girl formed by your extreme loneliness?" Her questions started to get more absurd.

"Hell, no. What do you even think I am?"

"Hm... A pity and lonely loner who rarely talked to a person before, let alone a woman," (Frostina)

"Well, in this academy, yes. But not outside. Just wait, she'll really come," I said as I crossed my arms.

"Interesting. Then let's wait for this 'she' Ray mentioned, shall we?" said Suzuka-Sensei.

Frostina looks like she's still doubting that this 'girl' I mentioned will really enter this clubroom and say that she'll enter our club because I invited her.

Well, I can't blame her for her suspicions even though it's annoying, but Ao will definitely come here running since I threatened her with her monthly allowance.

I open my phone and opens my chat with Ao.

{Ao, I want you to join the service club together with Frostina and me. If you don't arrive at this clubroom in 5 minutes, then your allowance will be halved. No excuses.}

Just after several seconds, she read the message and immediately replied.

{Wait!!!} (Ao)

Three minutes had passed, so it's about time for her to arrive here.

*Sound of the door opened with a strong force*

*Pant!* *Pant! *Pant!*

The clubroom door got opened with a strong force and revealed an exhausted girl with a long pink-haired girl. She pants as her face and body got covered in sweats. She must have run full-speed here, isn't she?

"Speaking of the devil,"

"Ray... *Pant!* You... *Pant!* Devil... *Pant!* How dare you... *Pant!* Threatened me like that... *Pant!" Ao muttered her words as she panted.

"Ray...?" (Frostina)

Suzuka-sensei is slightly surprised by Ao's appearance, while Frostina in another hand, got her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Ao.

Is it that surprising for me to be an acquaintance of a girl?

"I see... Ao Entama, huh..." (Suzuka-Sensei)

"Yo! Ao!" I greeted Ao who is glaring at me.

"Don't 'Yo!' me, you devil!" Ao finally recovered her breath.

"What with that message! What kind of club is this anyway!?" (Ao)

"I'll explain it to you later. So you'll enter this club, right, Ao?" I try to confirm her answer in front of Suzuka-Sensei.

"Yes! I'll enter whatever this club is!" Answered Ao angrily.

"Yup. That's our third member, Suzuka-Sensei. That should be enough for confirmation, isn't it?"

"Indeed... Well, then I'll add Ao Entama's name to the registration form and give it to the headmaster. I'll tell you the details about what the club will do and start the beginning of the club's service tomorrow. Good job, Ray," said Suzuka-Sensei with a smile and left.

Well, then that's the end of today, right?

"Now, Ms. Mannequin Witch. The 'girl' I mentioned is not just a mere delusional girl I made because of my extreme loneliness, isn't it?"

"It's true... But it seems that you've threatened and blackmailed her with something. How lowly, for a man, don't you have any pride? Ah... Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that," Replied Frostina with her words filled with sarcasm as usual.

"That's true! Don't you hear that, Ray!? Don't you have any pride! To be threatening me with my allo- to be threatening a girl like me, you're the lowest!" Protested Ao.

You're about to say allowance, aren't you, Ao? Why don't you say it so that the mannequin witch will know that you got your allowance from a loner that went to the academy with a saggy uniform?

"Well, setting aside the methods, it seems like it all goes well. Since we're done, then please excuse me," I said as I opened the clubroom's door.

"Eh??? Then why did you asked me to run over here in the first place!?" Asked Ao, flustered.

"I just need your confirmation of entering the club in front of Suzuka-Sensei, I don't need anything else. You may go home, Entama-San," I replied to her with a fake smile.

"E-Entama-San... Ugh... What kind of smile is that...? You look like a psychopath," (Ao)

"Shut it, you damned hardcore otaku who forgot to buy our monthly necessities," I said as I leave the room.

"H-Hey! Wait!! I know it's my fault, okay! My friends asked me to hang out so I accepted their invite, I still remember about it when we're hanging out but I forgot about it when I return!" Ao called me as she chased over me.

"I don't care, scram!" I coldly replied as I hasten my steps.

HI guys! I'm wondering whether I should continue this story or not! Please tell me, should I continue the story or should I drop it because the concept is too boring? What do you think?

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