"Things have developed in an interesting manner over there..." Jing messaged after receiving info from Hu Tao.
Not even Jing could guess that the Three Great Sects would react like this for such a small town. Perhaps it's because it's such a small town that they're willing to throw away their face like this. Maybe they think they can easily suppress and hide any news from coming out about it.
"They haven't tried to eliminate you, yet?" Jing asked.
"Funny you mentioned that... My scouts just found a small army in wait for us just up ahead. How much fun can I have? These bastards have been pissing me off for quite a while, you know babe? I need some type of release and won't accept an answer like, "no fun at all."
"Here's what you do..." Jing sent him the plan.
"It looks like I was still underestimating Lord Jing's capabilities..." Abhaya muttered in amazement.
"My woman is the greatest in the world after all." Hu Tao proudly boasted.
"Will you be going ahead, yourself?"
"There's no one better! Haha!" Hu Tao cackled. "Have the group leaders lead the backup path through the forest while you go back to the city and meet up with Her."
"Understood." Abhaya nodded. "Monkey! Rhino! Tiger! Plan B is in effect immediately! Head out!" Abhaya shouted.
"Yes!" They responded back with a riling shout of their own. The Heavenly Association split off into the dense forest of the Immortal Forest.
"Is everything, okay?" One of the orphans felt that something was wrong.
"Believe in the Heavenly Association." An older orphan comforted him. "They have never let us down..."
Hu Tao took out his precious log gifted to him by his woman as a fierce burst of water shot out from his back, launching him forward. Abhaya smiled as he saw his Boss disappear into the distance. Abhaya muttered a Buddhist chant before his eyes turned emerald green and a giant white feathered wing grew from out of his back. It flapped slowly, allowing Abhaya to gain some air from the ground before increasing in speed and flying through the air. Straight back to Xuanyin City.
It didn't take long for Hu Tao to reach the ambush spot pointed out by his scouts. Without any mercy or hesitation, Hu Tao crashed in the middle of the hiding cultivators with his log and smashed several men to a pulp. Immediately after killing a dozen men, a ring of water shot out from Hu Tao's midsection, killing multiple more cultivators with ease.
"Enemy Attack!" Someone cried out.
"It's only one man!"
"The leader of the Heavenly Association! It's the leader!!!"
Hu Tao's log didn't discriminate against gender, age, or sect. It smashed, crushed, and shattered any cultivator slow enough to get hit by it. Blood, guts, and other internal objects splattered all over Hu Tao and his thick log. It was wider and longer than the biggest of men, boasting enough power to compete with the strongest of spirit weapons despite simply looking like a log.
"Didn't you fucks want to chew me to pieces! Come on! Now's your chance!!! The leader of the Heavenly Association is right here! Kill me and there is no Heavenly Association anymore!" Hu Tao loudly proclaimed.
That was a lie but Hu Tao didn't see the need to tell them that. Hu Tao was having a lot of fun releasing some of the stress these bastards built for him. Killing their men was only fair for the amount of money they caused him to lose. It was also a lot of fun killing them.
Seeing that no one powerful stood up, Hu Tao continued to decimate the disciples of the Three Great Sects. With his log, it usually only took one swing to kill an enemy. It looks like they sent their weak bastards and thought that numbers would be enough to wipe out his group. Hu Tao was honestly impressed with how fucking stupid they were. They not only looked down on the Heavenly Association in business tactics but they also looked down on their strength. Shouldn't that stupid bitch from the Nine Swords Sect know how strong he was after killing her assassin?
"Whatever." Hu Tao kept killing with ease until he saw a few of the bastards start retreating. "HEY! WHERE YOU GUYS GOING!?" Two black-red clones jumped out from Hu Tao's shadow.
Those two shadows individually split into two pairs and from those shadows, they split more until their numbers nearly matched the disciples of the Three Great Sects. All of the shadows ran on all fours like a giant wolf pack. They sped off into the distance until the enemy was completely surrounded. With cocky grins on their faces, they began stretching their bones. Daring them to try and flee.
As this was going on, Hu Tao didn't stop his massacre. The previous lively brown log was now completely dark-red, red puddles flowed across the forest ground, and burnt corpses littered the battlefield. Out of all the disciples, none seemed to be a match for Hu Tao. Either individually or together. Hu Tao didn't discriminate based on which sect the disciples were from. Nine Swords Sect, Golden Serpent Sect, Blossoming Water Palace, all of them were equal in his eyes. All deserved to die.
"Enough!" An unfamiliar voice flowed into Hu Tao's ears.
"Who the hell are you?" Hu Tao looked at the unknown Core Staged disciple.
"Someone who's about to kill the leader of the Heavenly Association." He unsheathed his sword and rushed toward Hu Tao.
"Oh, you're a little fast." Hu Tao blocked his dashing slash with his log. "But shouldn't you worry about them instead?" Hu Tao gestured with his head to the dying disciples around them.
Once he spotted the leader of this ambush, he ordered his clones to continue killing the disciples.
Hu Tao figured it would be fine if his strength was revealed to the Three Great Sects. However, the strength of his men couldn't be exposed whatsoever. His woman frequently told him the core of an organization lied in how its most common members were handled. Hu Tao took that as if he took care of his men, they'd take care of him. Simple as that. And it seems to be working out pretty fucking well since he hasn't met any traitorous bastards yet.
"The faster I kill you, the faster those things will disappear!" He understood.
"You're smart too!" Hu Tao complimented. "But what if I don't wanna fight you?" He grinned.
"Y-You, coward...!" He cursed.
Hu Tao began to avoid and dodge the sword strikes of the Core Stage disciple. Using the softness of water to counter the hardness of his attacks. The disciple's sword was either deflected, avoided, or absorbed by Hu Tao's water qi. No matter how enraged he got, how impatient and furious he grew, his attacks couldn't land a decisive blow on Hu Tao. All around him, he could only hear the screams of the disciples.
A sharp crack echoed out as Hu Tao laughed.
"Hey now, I can tell you're worried about the wrong thing buddy." Hu Tao just broke the leader's leg with a kick. "You should be focusing on taking the head of the leader of the Heavenly Association. Not some weaklings that couldn't help you even if they wanted." He stood over him. "Dumbass!"
"You're right..." A bubble-shaped qi barrier suddenly expanded from out of his body.
Hu Tao was caught within the man's Qi Domain. Swords began to grow from the ground like weeds before shooting up into the air. Dozens of swords turned to hundreds and then hundreds turned into thousands. All around him, Hu Tao was surrounded by sharp metal swords pointed straight at him.
"Boring. I thought I was going to see something fucking cool." Hu Tao clicked his tongue. "My first time being trapped inside someone's Qi Domain and it's by a lame fuck like you." Hu Tao's disappointment couldn't be higher.
The Core Stage disciple allowed his anger to lead him. The infinite number of swords flew at Hu Tao as if they had a will of their own. Just before they reached Hu Tao, they suddenly split apart. Now, the swords could attack from any angle, at any speed, any time they wanted.
An attack like this was impossible to avoid. The Core Staged disciple watched as Hu Tao was skewered by hundreds of swords. Fluids shot out from his body and stained the ground. Uncontrollable laughter began to spill out from the Core Staged disciple once he saw this sight.
"I did it..." His laughter increased in volume. "I killed the leader of the Heavenly Association!!!" The swords spiraled around him, mimicking his joy.
Until, they disappeared and he dropped to the ground helpless, completely drained of his qi with his leg still broken badly. The bone was sharply sticking out of his leg, walking on it was impossible. But, that didn't matter because he won. He killed the leader of the Heavenly Association Group!
"Next time, you should keep your eyes open when you're killing someone." Hu Tao suddenly sat on top of the weakened cultivator.
"H-H-How...?" His body shivered in disbelief and fear.
"What's the point of telling a dead man my secrets?" Hu Tao asked back.
His head cracked open like a watermelon. The smell of blood, organs, and overcooked flesh flowed into Hu Tao's nostrils. An unbelievable number of bodies surrounded him as a terrifying smile slowly formed on Hu Tao's face. Now, this was a good stress reliever. He would've been happier if they sent someone strong enough to make him go all out. It was one of the rare times where Hu Tao could truly let loose without anything holding him back.
"Oh well. Maybe that bastard thinking of taking my woman will be fun to kill." Hu Tao hasn't forgotten his visit to the Golden Serpent Sect.
Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible xianxia things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.