
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Juegos
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 Arc 1- An unknown encounter

??: "Tell me something here, boy" he slowly turn towards him as Nathan was struggling to stand up, "What's the matter with that face of yours? Once in your helpless little life should be happy to die like this, knowing about it myself, From all of the people that I have face, wasn't reaching to my expectations but for you now, is a whole other story to tell," The Man walk towards him with a sinister laugh as he held him by the neck, "Now looking at it, ain't you suppose to be with the rest of them? A little boy like you shouldn't be picking fights with a royal being, or much less be alive for that matter, but it doesn't bother me in anyway you could tried and call for help," he'd thrown Nathan away from him as the person taken a few steps back to sat himself down on a tree stump, "Tell me your name and lets get this show into motion, this won't be enough to kill you, am I right or wrong for saying that?" Something brought his katana to him as it stab the ground.

Nathan would slowly get up as he got a hold of his sword while the man was patiently waiting to which brought a fear to Nathan, he wasn't sure about his next attack, but within his mind, Nathan was thinking about something to end it quickly, But unknowingly He's at a disadvantage with this man who's sitting there with a smile on his face, "I won't give you my name if I don't know yours, It's rude to not introduce yourself first," The man slowly got off from his seat and stare while Nathan grip tighten the handle of his weapon and carefully breathing in and out as mist surround him,

Mulan: "I'm wondering the same thing, no man can't appear out of tin air without a teleporting magic or scroll, even if he did manga to teleport here long before, I would have gain the knowledge to know where he is," She stay far and question the matter of how the man appear out of nowhere to attack Nathan, "Keep him busy for me Nathan, I need to find answer about this Encounter," Just before she would disappear, Mulan would cast a magic to heal Nathan completely to then wonder around the village.

??: "I know that you're not using any magic, but I do wonder how long can this person kept hiding behind those trees," Nathan would keep an eye on him as he gotten worried about Mulan, "Give me a guess that I may be wrong about the person who's hiding right here," From a blink, Nathan would look from behind and saw the man standing in front of the tree and within a lift of his hand, the tree would be blown to nothing but dust, "Just before I forgot, You could call me Jin Rai-on and I'm the 15th head king in this whole kingdom, Soon to rule all of this land and claim the power of the gods," A sudden chill runs down Nathan body, as he slowly walk towards him and soon he was about to move a finger, Jin would came to a stop as Nathan blade was almost reaching close to his neck, "I guess that wasn't enough for you to knee and accept your faith,"

"You could say that I been near death more than continuing with faith," Nathan would tried all his might to move his blade to cut his neck as he wasn't moving a inch, ("I didn't know that it could have 15 kings in this world, I wonder if Mari was the same in her kingdom?")

Jin: he continue to stare at Nathan as he move away from him, "Do you think that I let you have the chance to kill me like that, it's against my code to let you live this long but I guess it's my own fault for looking at your expectations," He'd release Nathan from his string, "This once I shall enjoy beating you to death," He set himself into a fighting stance as Nathan aim his blade towards him, "I still hasn't known your name but it won't matter if you're already dead when the second leaf hits the ground," Nathan would be a little confuse as he barely realizes what he met by that,

From the nightly mist that guided the steps they slowly taken, From the sound of animals roaming quietly with their sleepless cried and from the point to cross both of there eyes as a leaf fell onto the ground, Nathan reacted swiftly to shift his blade as he swung it to the point of where he could guess that it might cut through something as Jin wasn't surprise but from that point left Nathan in an opening for him to strike an heavy punch to his torso, during that same point as Nathan was moving away, Jin would pull him around to strike another attack as Nathan release himself to block and draft away from him. Both of them would continue to walk around as the wind blew more heavily to the break of silent, Nathan would swiftly swing his blade towards Jin as he block the katana with his own weapon, they break off from each other as Nathan taken the first step from them to clash again with there weapons,

The wind would pick up and blew everything into the air as Nathan carefully taken steps as Jin was swiftly striking away his blades from him while both seems to be evenly for now, ("I can't tell if he's using any power but I should hurried and end him before he release it, This going to be a risk but I could do it,") Nathan move back as Jin took that point as an opening and thrust his sword towards him as Nathan parried the blade to grace him a little and just at that point Nathan would behead him without any second to lose, The body would fell onto the ground as Nathan taken a step back, "For a 15th king, you should be a shame of yourself for being trick like that, but I guess it's too late for you to recover from your mistakes," From the moment of silent when Nathan turn away from his body, from the second leaf that fell onto the ground. Jin swung his blade to only grace his cheek as Nathan reacted just in time to then recalibrate when Jin thrown him off and kick him across the field,

Jin: Nathan would parried his blade as jin easily lead him to a misguided strike and wounded his arm a bit, "You're right about my foolish mistakes, you won't have to be disappoint anymore as you won't see this from me," Nathan would jump back and hold his arm as Jin continue to advance towards him, "This is very irritated for myself, you made me use one of my ability to saved guard for such a coward that I call myself as a king, but no matter, I shall have fun killing from where you stand and regain my title once again," He took a deep breath as the dead soldiers rise from where they used to lay,  puppetry magic: "Undead army," "Lets see how far you'll go when you have to deal with this amount of odds," Jin would point his blade to Nathan as the army began to rush in for the attack,

"How could you be alive from this?" Nathan couldn't think for a second to lose as The undead draw near to him, ("So this guy could clone himself and revive the dead with his magic to do his dirty work and not to mention-,") He'd evaded the attack and slash the dead soldier in half as Jin dash forward to Nathan as both clash again but this time Nathan would push him away and continue to attack him as the undead move in front and shield the fatal blow from Nathan attempts, "Why do you continue to make yourself like a bigger coward than u are, fight one on one with me and remove your undead army" he point his blade towards Nathan and laugh.

Jin: "Fine with me Boy but I won't tell you about how I manage to pull off that little trick, Have it your way but don't lay on yours knees and cry for mercy," he'd swing his sword as all of the undead fell on the ground when his eyes turn sunset Yellow and from the whole area shifted to purple, "Lets see how much of a coward that I'm really is!" Nathan eyes began to go blurry when Jin stop for a second to smell the air that's around him, "I love and taste the blood of fear, keep it going and you'll see what will happen next," He'd disappear from his eyes.

Nathan would look everywhere restlessly as he wasn't going to let him take the first advantage "You won't smell any fear from-" without another word to continue, Nathan felt an heavily shivers from behind as he swiftly turn to face jin and block the blade in time, while Jin was very close to behead him, Nathan would break off the lock and run toward him to strike his body, Jin move his hand and defect his katana away from him to stab him by the shoulder to then pull it off and kick him away, as He was drafting off, Jin would reach in front of him as Nathan evade his blade and punch his torso, quickly as he taken a step back to shake his hand, "Is he wearing armor under those clothes? Or is it something that's strong from the inside" He didn't flinch or felt the needs to react from his punches as Nathan move back while Jin continue with his attack,

During the fight, it began to eco through the empty villages as it Interrupt Mulan from her investigation, 

Mulan: "I hope he's doing well," She put her hand together and use a spell for Nathan attack, attack speed and stamina so it'll be easier to deal with him, "This will be enough for you to hold on until I came back to help you," She wonder more into the village while the eco has gotten more distances, Mulan would felt an unknown force from the building as she began to follow it,

Jin: During that moment, he would realizes something has change with Nathan, "This is getting really annoying with this person acting as your support, You better come out from where you're hiding if you don't want your friend to die along," He swiftly swung his hand across when Nathan notices and barely evade it as many other buildings has been slice in two, Nathan was bleeding from his cheeks and ear as Jin continue to back him into a corner, he have to deal with the pain and force himself to continue and attack jin as Nathan wasn't getting anywhere close to him, "You'll be a fun puppet to control! So keep on moving, You can't dance forever," puppetry magic: "Imprisoned Web," The aura shifted into inner dimension, The ground would intertwined as a lion rages through the dead bodies like paper, Nathan couldn't move one inch as he follow the instinct and stood still as the thread graces around his whole body which he was left dripping in a bloody state, Jin began to laughs as he move slowly around the string and closing in towards Nathan,

During that moment, Nathan couldn't do anything as he was trap in something like a spider web, if he take one wrong step, it'll be over as death was right there if he made a move, bleeding all over his body and bearing the pain that he have to feel, He couldn't think of another way to stop this but he knew one thing that will kept him from not dying, he barely remember as he only need to know that his life will always be near death, The only way that he could live through this, if he focus and dig within his soul and body to unlock something within him, Nathan tightens his grip and began to watch his movement as Jin was toying with him, Nathan took that as an opening time to shift his blade as calmly he tried which he know that this is the only way for him to find something to survive, he stay silent and listens carefully to the sound and shorten his breath, With the movement that's gaining to a close distances, slowly as Nathan gain aware of the surrounding when the room began to grew colder, he didn't knew what he's feeling that he may not see nor he couldn't touch but no other choice to then have some trust as his own power, He take a step to sense something for Nathan to move away, Jin saw the opening to swung his blade across to him which lead for Nathan to evade and counter his attacks as he kick him across a little near to the village house, The Imprison web quickly disappear when Jin was slowly drafting from him when Nathan kept himself strong and taken the chance to get closed to him,

Jin: he stop himself from moving farther, "I won't let you get this lucky anymore! This time I'll end it right here from where we stand!" he held his sword only on one of his hand as the string flow around his arms as Nathan was drawing near, Jin began to move forward and defect his sword to then swiftly knee his torso and when Nathan spit out blood to move back, Jin would used the string and punch him across the building, from the impact, Nathan couldn't get up on his feet as Jin slowly approach the building, "I won't let you die this easy, Get and keep fighting," Mulan would stay a far and used her magic to heal Nathan and when he focus his attention to Mulan, Nathan appear right to his blind spot and punch him directly to face, Jin would move a bit to slash Nathan body in half which quickly brought to his surprise that he's still with standing the attack as Nathan block it with his katana, "How did he get this much power? This Mana isn't the person that support him nor anything that give him this much strength," He move off from Nathan as Jin swiftly use the string to stab him again and without a second he'd notice the string was slash into bits as Nathan swung his arms and punch him directly to his torso which thrown him a little farther than before.

Jin would be standing and showing in excitement as Nathan exit from the broken building, his arm and face would be mark like a dragon without its head as his sword shifted to the color of his green eyes, The mist would be slowly drawn from his breath as the area was set as the first encounter wasn't there to begin with, Jin would clap his hand as he swiftly block the blade when Nathan appear right to the point as the ground broken from there feet, the shock from there clash made the wind to go dead silent as Nathan was over powering him, Jin would fall back as Nathan taken the advance to remove his arm and then to kick him across the face,

Jin: "So this is your true power? It's like what the old forks say, It's better to break there limits by pushing them near deaths," he'd evade his sword and flew farther back as he stab the sword on the ground and use the Imprisoned Web once again, During that moment Nathan would tear through the string like it's nothing, Jin would swiftly lift his blade and block him as his body was cover in wound, "you have gotten stronger than I thought, It's time to know your place," Jin would push him away to stab the ground once more but when Nathan touch the floor, his movement became slow as Mulan was still moving normal,

Mulan: "What's happening? What is he doing?" her eye would open more when Jin wasn't bleeding from his arm, "He's also a clone but what kind of cast is this?"

Jin: "From the blood of my name, I shall call upon you," The atmosphere has changes to a color of red as the darkness shaded against it, "With this helpless mind is awaited to be cleant from the good and only to corruption this mind that you known as a heartless soul, From the fallen god of corruption to the rising god of our happiness, Give me the power that I need to bring my victory!" The cloud would darken as his whole body shimmer into the dawn of violet purple, puppetry magic: "  divine bond " Nathan couldn't move a inches as multiple thread pierces through his body as The light began to pull out of his body,

Mulan: She swiftly clutch his fist as Mulan couldn't do anything about it, she came with an idea to turn this around, "Don't worried Nathan, help is on the way,"

Jin: "Soon you'll be in my control to commend, I'm started to enjoy with keeping you alive for this long, My real body would be happy to what I have to bring him, A strong warrior you are!" He began to laugh as Nathan was struggling to break free from this cast while Mulan began to endlessly heal him so he could have the strength to fight back, "You're still alive? This time I won't make the same mistake and miss this time," He'd turn his attention and use the string to slash through most of the forest as there's now an open fielded in front of him, "I still felt nothing from that, Maybe it's your ability to keep healing?" He shift back into the same position as the magic enhance to a stronger state, "Lets see how long you'll keep up,"

Nathan would continue to refuse the force while Jin enhance the magic even more as his own body began to shattered in pieces, From the dust of wind, The thread would be remove from him as Nathan fell onto the ground, Jin would felt pain from that as he taken a step back to look at the person who came and interrupt his cast, Nathan gain his sight as he saw Night was standing in front of him, both would look at each other as Night help him up to give Nathan his sword while Jin wasn't happy about it,

Jin: "So you must be the one that been hiding from me, I'm going to enjoy this moment," He put out his missing arm as it generate fully, "This is fun will have to end real soon," he'd would disappear from Night eyes as Nathan swiftly swing his sword and block his blade as Night advance and kick him away from them as Nathan move in and clash with him, Jin would stay in defense as Nathan back off to swiftly broken as Night jump from behind and attack him from above, Night used a sword stance to thrown him off as Nathan grace his torso, Jin would hold his side and slam the ground when both jump back as multiple thread launch towards them,

Nathan shifted to his first sword stance and tear through most as Night deal with the rest, both would became in snyc and attack him together, Night would breath out as her sword change to the true form of a scythe, when Nathan taken a look at his weapon, he was amazed and confuse on how did he do that, From every strike that Jin take, he was against the wall when he had enough to threw away his blade and rush towards them, Nathan would block his punch with his katana and when he slash at him, Jin would shield it with his own arms, Nathan would evade under as Night came in and swung her weapon towards him as Jin caught it with his hand and thrown her away, Night would land on her feet and send a water slash directly to his arms as it wound him,

Mulan: "His thread is weak to water magic," She was too focus on Nathan as she didn't knew anything about this sudden change, "He could have use his power from the beginning when he first met him, but I do wonder if it's her that kept him from not using it?" he continue to keep Jin busy as Night move in and attack with the water magic, "Whatever is happening to you Nathan, keep at it and don't lose it, you're almost there,"

Jin: He held both of there weapon and push them away and use the thread to attack as Night shield Nathan and herself from it, "Why can't you die fast," The sun started to slowly rise while Nathan and Night continue to attack him, Jin notice the sun rise and tried to stay away from the light as Nathan was close to decapitate him, "I won't let this happen to me, I won't die like this!" Nathan and night would stand in front of him, holding there weapon tight as the sun slowly rise to meet them, The time has set as all three was standing still in there mind as they was moving in close and just before Jin could lift a finger, Nathan would use his final sword stance to finish him off as Night also did her part to remove his arms, Nathan and Night would swung there blade to remove whatever Jin has as his head was rolling around the ground, "This can't be the end? How did I lose to you,"

His body would be move back to normal "The reason why you lost is because you wasn't strong enough to continue with this fight," Nathan walk over to look at his head as he step on it and crush his head into pieces, "I hope that's the last of you," he'd turn towards Night, "How did you know where to find me? When did you arrived to save me back there?" Mulan would appear herself into vision as Nathan pay attention to her,

Mulan: "I'm the one who summon her here to save you from the clone, To be honest I didn't think that you would survive for this long with him because of your strength and the power that he used before," she would fold her arms and think.

Night would move behind Nathan as he didn't pay any mind to her, "First to set this right, Night is a guy and what do you mean when he used that power?" Mulan would look at Night as she use her body language to not tell him the truth,

Mulan: "Sorry for my mistake but as I was saying, You won't see the last of him as This person that you know kill is Indeed the 15th king of rai-on, but just the clone puppet of him, His power mainly to not clone himself but to also control the people that's alive or dead, Not to mention, if he did clone himself again his power would be cut in half"

"That's the half that I been fighting,"

Mulan: "And you was struggling with him, if you been having an hard time with him then imagine the power that his original body has," Nathan would rub his head as Night was looking around the village to see in ruins, "Just before you ask about the villagers, they all were kill just before we got here, The 15th kill them all including his own men,"

"I'm aware of that, I saw it when he used his power to revive the dead, I wish I have gotten there early to save them,"

Mulan: "If you do end up early, you might have die,"

"What about for the others and Night?"

Mulan: "The report from Fate and Emma, they both say that when Mari to Summer made it at the villages, they were successful to save them and carried the villagers to safety as for you and Night was the only two to came empty handed," Nathan began to walk around and hold his head, "what should we do now?"

"I have to go and save the rest of the villagers before the real Jin came and kill them, But I can't do it without fully unlocking my power," Nathan would sigh and sat on the ground,

Mulan: "there's a way for you to unlock your power freely,"

"I'm listening?" Night would sit down next to him and look at the sky,

Mulan: "It'll be a simple cast but I want you to have a little faith in my time, just as you know it, you'll be using your powers anytime you want, it'll take some time when the travel to the Aki village and arrive before sunset," Nathan and Night would get up and look at Mulan as they follow her out of the village, "Don't worried, you'll have it sooner than you think,"

The location of another village

Women: "Please have mercy on me and my family! Please spare them" She would be on her knees and begging the soldiers as they coldly kill them right in front of her and burn down the house

Soldiers: "Don't leave nothing behind and make sure you burn down everything," He would walk away as a ground of men surround the women,

15th king: He felt the deaths of his clones as he gotten off from his chair to watch the village burn to ash as every villagers is burning alive and being kill, "How did this happen? Where did he fall and how was he kill by someone?" He hold his head as the head soldier came to him, "Report?"

Head soldier: "We have complete our duty and kill everyone in this villages and I brought to you someone that hasn't done there jobs right, bring him in men," they would throw the Newbie down at the 15th king feet as the head look at him, "Instead he kill the children, he would let them off freely and let us do the work for him. I would say that I should bring him to you and let you decided his punishment my king,"

15th king: "You all have did a great job, newbie would be please stand for a moment," as soon the newbie was about to stand up, The 15th king would look at the soldiers and then to him, "For now on you'll be the first head soldier to run my army, Whoever there's came upon to question your status, just leave it to me because you did half of the job that I give you to do,"

Newbie: "But sir, In all do respect, I'm not ready for that kept of job yet, I'm very sorry that I didn't reach to your betterment but at least let me explain why I did it, My friend could back-" As soon as he turn around to face the soldiers behind him as he only saw all of them was headless, he taken a step back as the 15th rest his hand on his shoulders,

15th king: "You don't need to worried about your friend at the moment, This is the biggest time to be happy with this," just before the newbie could scream, The 15th would stab his neck as the newbie mind wasn't his own anymore, "I remove the will to control your body but not your mind, I want to hear your own words on what do you think about it but this time I won't punish you for what you did back in the village, just show me some improvement with your action, okay?"

Head soldier: "Yes master! I'm forever great full for what you did for me" he would follow behind him as The 15th walk away from the village, "Where are we going to now?"

15th king: "Somewhere that the kings didn't think on where to look," He would laugh calmly as they continue towards the location that there's going but was quickly interrupt by a shadow person, "What do you want from me? what kind of business do they have with me?"

??: "They want to have a kings meeting with you sir, please don't be late on your trip back to the kingdom," She would bow her head and disappear, The 15th and the new head soldier continue to walk down there paths,

15th king: "I'm sorry to say this but they would have to wait on me for a while, I have someone to deal a little business to."

Jin (aka The 15th king)

Power: puppetry magic 

First magic to cast: "Undead army,"  The Undead army is base on revive the dead soldiers that was kill in the battle, it could also be name as:  The puppet string, With that he could control the living and the dead at once without any trouble, (Unless your will is stronger to break free from it,)

Second magic to cast:  Unknow?

Third magic to cast:  "Imprisoned Web,"

Imprisoned Web is used to break the bonds of gravity and left a deadly thread around the field, if anyone taken a step into the trap, they'll be cut into pieces like paper, (To be free from this trap, you have to either hit the caster or follow the patterns and make your way out.

Fourth Magic cast: "Divine Bond"

This would allow him to drain the lift out of the character to gain even more power, It'll also work hand and hand to the puppet string/ Undead army, The down fall is that he couldn't attack the person when using the spell and he have to stay far so the connection won't be weaken, (You could either overpower it or break the caster spell or cut the thread off)

Fifth Magic: Working in progress

Sixth Magic: Working in progress

Full power/ Demi-form : Unknown


first magic: Unknown

Second magic: Unknown

Third/ seventh: Unknown

Full power/ demi-form: Unknown

Nathan ki-ra-san

First sword stance: Forgotten slash

This from make Nathan to be able to strike three slashes to the enemy body, like for example, first he'll attack the torso or chest then he would move around and slash vertical to your body and last to behead you.

Second to fourth stance: Unknown

Fifth stance: Silent blade/ silent death

With this move is his most greatest creation known to no one, it allow him to move around without making a sound as his blade is the only that carrying the sound of the final strike,

Sixth stance: Blood scents

I know that the name don't make any sense but it base When Nathan used that ability, he became a blind man which allows him to scents anything that an animal to human touch, it could go up to about 25-50 feet (50 is what using full power)

Full power: When his arms and face shown a mark of a headless dragon, ( it's not his true full power but He's building his strength to reach to his full limit)

I'll leave this to the very next chapter for later.....