
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Juegos
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 Arc 1- Nathan vs Summer

Nathan began to laugh nervously in attempt to break free from her clutches but Lu ling has a very and aggressively strong grip, "Where are you taking me?" Lu would continue dragging him away from the village as she didn't answer his question.

Lu: "You don't need to know where I'm taking you and night" she released her grip from his arm as Nathan step back rubbing his risk, "I think this is the place to stay low for a while Emma, Nathan carefully look around to notices if anyone is in the present of them but during the same moment Lu began to change the appearances to her true form as fate."

Fate: "We meet yet again hubby" She let out a soft smile as Nathan turn around to make a run for it as Emma stop him in place soon as he took a step.

Emma: "Are you sure this is the guy?" She lift him up by his clothes while Nathan was struggling to escape, "I'm starting to look at this differently because you can't tell me that this little human, Made you head over heels?" Emma would took a look at fate as she was enjoying and hugging Nathan up while he was still trying to escape, She would let out sigh and stare, "Are we forgetting something Fate"

Fate: She turn to Emma with a childish look, "I don't know what you're talking about because at least I'm here with my hubby" Emma slowly walk behind her and pinch Fate ear.

Emma: "Sorry about her Nathan, She's just....." Emma look at Fate while she was trying to pull her ear out, "Something Is too strong to describe you, Anyways" Emma would release Fate as she slowly rub her ear, "We came to you with by saying congratulations for living another fight"

Fate: "Oh yea, I just remember what I have to tell him" She give Nathan a big hug as Emma hit her on the head, "You can't keep doing this to your superior" She went to her kneels and hold her head as Emma clutches her fists, "You're very mean and I hate you."

Emma: "Where we have left off again?" She turn and notice nothing but a dust of Nathan, "God damn it, he's gone Fate-" She gone silent from Nathan holding up Fate and she was pointing to Emma, Nathan would look at Fate as his mind wasn't himself anymore but to slap back to reality from Emma with a deadly stare, "Don't even think about it"

"Yes mam" Nathan would put her down and sat onto the ground as Emma sit away from him while Fate is just crying on the inside, "Could you tell me, what happen to fate?" Nathan would pat her head while Fate act like a cat.

Emma: "We made a bet, dealing with the level of your survival if you're going to live or die and maybe stay up to notice your victory, but in the end she lose to me and she have to act as her animal form," Nathan continue to pet Fate as she was crying in the insides that only Emma could see the suffering that Fate has to bear, "That's more like it, keep it up" With a sudden giggle, Nathan would stare with a wondering look as he didn't pay mind to whatever... is this.

"Well it's fun while it lasted but I need to make my way to the place to fight someone, because I don't want to waste time and effort into not training myself to lose to that guy" Fate carefully hug Nathan tight as she's not letting him go, "I see that you two don't have anything to talk about right?" As Nathan look at Emma to see her face, light up with an idea, "What are you planning?"

Emma: "It's nothing for you to worried about because I'm going to take your wife away but I also remember the quest that we wanna give and it's great that you meant the guy long before," Nathan became confuse until it click back as the encounter with The king of rai-on, "No need to question it but the quest, Needs to be complete within the matters of this year."

"What do you want me to do with the king of rai-on?"

Fate: "Your mission is simply to burn the whole kingdom to the ground and kill the king before the devil Moon rise again" She move off and walk toward Emma while Nathan was just staring when his mind went blank,

"What do you mean by destroying the whole kingdom and the king before the devils Moon..." Fate and Emma look at Nathan and nodded to the surprises that came across his face went white, within his mind was repeating about the image of a grave stone, "Why do you hate me?"

Fate: "There's a reason why I wanna give you that mission because you are the only one that I could trust right now, The kingdom is under the support of the devil himself,"

Emma: She move fate away, "I'll be the one who's talking here, go and become your inner animal dear," Fate began to tear up as she sits on the ground to shapeshift into a kitten, "Now the reason of your mission is to eliminate the followers who worship him, the information is too long and I don't want to go through the time of effort.

"I understand but tell me this, Do you know where could I find an overpower hero to ask for help" Nathan started to walk away as the sun was setting,

Emma: Fate would jump on Nathan shoulders as Emma follow behind, "I see that you're trying to be something but let me reason with you about the quest,"

"You could forget about that because I just ain't so long end up in this world, Almost dying by the monsters and spending my whole life in bed out cold!"

Emma: "Look on the bright side Nathan, you're alive to fight another day,"

Fate: "Another time that you won't almost die again" Emma knock her head

Emma: "Don't pay any mind to her Nathan, There's a reward for the hard work and survival, if you live another day" she grab his shoulder and whisper to Nathan ear, "You name the prize and we'll or Fate could grant it to you without any question"

Fate directly watch Nathan with worries as his face turn to jo jo, "Fine then, I'll do it"

Emma: "you won't regret it, wait you'll do the quest?"

"Yes" Fate would jump off from his shoulder and hide behind Emma, "When the time comes, I'll be waiting for the reward" his face turn to normal as Nathan enter the village gates while Emma and Fate came to a stop and look at him, "but I need to win this fight before the true journey is near to begin right now" He turn around to face both them, "Is something wrong with what I say or-"

Emma: "Well we can't be seen by anyone in this village,"

Fate: "We would love to continue walking with you but I'm afraid that the gods won't be glad to this but lets leave it as another day of another time,"

For the moment when Nathan was going to ask about the question that was staying and sticking from the back of his mind, Both of the goddess disappear from his eyes as Mari pat his shoulders, "Oh?" he turn around as Mari pinch his cheeks hard.

Mari: "Do you know how long I been looking for you, you can't go and do whatever you want, when you have a fight to attend in the next few mins" She pinch his ear to pull him away form the village gates.

Emma: "Do you think it's a good idea to let her get away with this to your hubby?"

Fate: She lower her head to stare and sigh, "It's not my calling if she could do it or not because Nathan made his mind up and wanted to follow his dream of having many wifes, Not to mention that I have a feeling, Nathan would want you to become his second goddess wife" Emma would bring up the disagreement, "It'll only make sense till the day brought himself into a newly light."

Emma: "I can't agree to disagree with you but I should just forget about it now and then to study it later on" both Gods Nodded and began to pay attention to the situation that's coming to play,

"why are you pulling my ear so hard, I just gone out for some training," Mari turn to face him.

Mari: "You could have say that before you go disappearing without us knowing," She let go and show him the weapons that he has to decided, "Please choose your weapon and wait for the match to begin" Nathan made his way to select which one that suits him, "If you're having trouble picking one then you don't need to worried about it, each weapon has it own ability which deals enough to not kill the demi human, each weapon is so dull that a paper couldn't be cut" She fold her arms as Nathan pick up a katana, "Is that all you need to know about Nathan?"

In his mind he wasn't sure to caught up with the explanation about what kind of weapon it could do, Nathan carefully move his finger to feel the blade as it didn't wounded him, "That is all I need to know but I guess this is all I need to win this fight" Mari would walk toward him as she held his hand,

Mari: "Before you go, I need to make sure that you don't got any weapons on you to cheat but it won't matter when you enter the oath with Summer" she let go of his hand and walk away from him, "Just be careful with Summer, you may not known anyone or anything about us but I trust you enough to lead us with your plan to take back what's ours" She turn away and continue to walk off as from Nathan view, he couldn't see her.

Nathan would listen to the number of crowds that's calling out the names as they're just feeling the hunger from all of the anxious to see is going to happen now and then, "It's really getting loud out there,"

Lu: "I hope you're on your feet to see the life time of the matter of years, long ago we lost something that used to be great but now we're going to set it right and here out the judgmental path, and here we have the day to come!" the crowd would scream out a loud roar as the ground was shaken while wind began to slowly roar around Nathan which appear a new field, both Nathan and Summer would stare at each other as Nathan couldn't stop the feeling of fear that grows within him, "Now listen to me careful boys, right here is the ground to set the right to either side, in this match, both of you have to fight it out in order too win and set the fate of the loser, It's that simple but until one has fallen then you could stand up strong and great,"

Now for the rule:

Please put out you arms to meet and create the oath, that will place both of you a promise to never break, if it's broken by any other people outside of the zone then it's just a simple death between who was behind it,

The last of this rule is to show and give everything you got into this fight because no one don't like a boring fight, okay?

This round will be up to three, so you two better have some good strength to continue on with this.

Summer and Nathan would agree with the rules but as in wonders, Nathan would rethink and take a step back, "Wait is that all lu?"

Lu: "Yes that is all and stop planning to ask questions about it please, this is not the time to get into details if this match was this long" She fold her arms and taken a seat,

Summer: "Don't waste my time and lets start to finish this fight" Summer would stretch out his hand as Nathan did the same.

Nathan began to shaken as he felt like something is burning, "What's this feeling, why am I feeling no pain from it but yet my body is reacting like it hurts?" He would look at the back of his hand, he notices a mark that's appearing into an image slowly, "I see that this mark shows the agreement between both fighter and leader, or maybe just is warriors?"

Lu: "Now remember and listen well boys, this mark will show the truth between lies, So if one of you been defeated then the victor will call out a command in either to learn the answers or continue the fight till they drop dead" She given a soft smile to watch Nathan as he was aiming to Implore but spoke out in a sigh and just forget about it, while Summer wasn't showing his weapon to anyone, "I guess Both sides in an agreement, So there's no need to add anything with it but don't forget the rules, Okay," She started to laugh.

In his mind, "I should really be careful with picking out the girls to help me with this quest but at least none of them I met is too much of a creepy or useless person," from that point Nathan would felt shivers down his spine, "Something tells me that I just step into a prophecy."

Lu: "No time to hold back," she clear her throat, "In The count of 5"

Summer: "Is he trying to play me for a fool or is it something that I'm not looking at?" Summer would carefully draw out his weapon, "I'll make sure he won't made this out alive" Mari started to pay attention to him as Summer look back towards her and smile.

Lu: "4"

Mari: "He have something that I don't like to see what will happen," Mari would stare down to Summer as Zara would pat her shoulder to calm her down,

Lu: "3"

Zara: "Just relax and stay calm, I'm sure there's nothing to worried about Mar," she look at Nathan as he was ready to fight but still shaken which she has no clue about it, "There's nothing to be very worried about him, in the end, both of us learn and enlighten his last battles, Not to mention it's fair play between them," Falling with the depths between the silent of Summer and Nathan, The atmosphere tighten as the Dragon rages through a deadly stare within his flames of hell, The crowd was too scared to call out there names or bare to hurry the count down.

Lu: "2"

Something wasn't right as Nathan notice the silent Mumbles of Summer enchanting, "Why do I have a feeling to know about something?" From a flash step of his memory, he couldn't understand what it is but as for right now, Nathan quickly unsheathe his katana

Lu: "Lets the fight be-" Just from that point, Nathan felt as the ground was moving away from him when Summer has taken his first step, "What am I feeling here?" Lu couldn't move as the pressure was overwhelming in fear.

Summer: "Let the fight begins!," He smash the ground and shockingly send through a Pearson waves that Broken the silent atmosphere, "Mana enhance: territorial determination ground," The field made and set its match as Summer launch himself toward Nathan as The force of the encountering strike, burst the sound barrier, "electric discharge," Enforce broken through Nathan as it shock his entire body from that point of speed, Nathan couldn't believe his eyes to regret from ever picking a fight that he can't win, As he touch the ground from a far distance, Nathan recover himself and this time he strike a heavy blow to Summer axe as another burst broke the field again, "Your attacks is far weaker than I thought" He knock his blade off of his axe as Summer kick him by the side of his body which thrown him away as Nathan was rolling and dragging on the ground but quickly flip himself to stand up as he was still dragging but soon to stop, Within Summer mind, he thought that this was going to be easy but at that point when he kick Nathan, he felt something that was hidden, "He's hiding something that I don't know about which it won't matter in the end of the day because I'm at a big advantage with him using no magic," Summer has broken the ground under his feet as he was about to launch, Nathan would appear in front of him as his blade wounded his side arm, "Something isn't right with this" as soon as he turn to face Nathan, he inflict another heavy damage across his chest.

Lu: "Nathan manage to strike him again" She was too excited from this moment as Mari and Zara was very worried about the trick that Summer have install for him.

Zara: "we need to stop this fight at once," she would stand up from her seat as Mari take her down to sit, "what are u doing?"

Mari: "Saving Nathan from turning into a lake, have you forgot that if one of us has taken one step into the field to attack him, Nathan would die from this and not to bring any obvious calls but lets keep it at fate that he'll make it out alive" she clutches her hand into a fist as blood was bleeding from her hand,

Nathan would take his time breathing in and out as he barely dodge Summer axe and counter strike before he attack again, "I'll take my time to send my attack when he loosen his defense, those strikes from before did a heavy number on me-" Nathan would cough out blood and lost the sight of his vision as Summer took this opportunity to attack but miss Nathan by the grain of his hair but just as before Nathan could try to not hit the ground, lighting would appear on Summer weapon as his attack gain speed to swung his across as Nathan block it but was pushes farther into the sky and the landed into the ground, Blood was coming out of Nathan as he couldn't move at all.

The crowd was shock from that aggressive strike as round one was over in an instant, As one of the Mark disappear, Nathan would instantly gotten heal but still was unconscious as Summer was slowly walking towards him.

Summer: "Is this all you got Nathan or are u just playing with me huh?" He would kick him up in the air and back slap his chest far from the water, as Nathan landed on the ground another mark was slowly disappearing from his hand, "heh, I guess you're just nothing after all, only a fake that lie his way from the battle that you fight" Nathan grip the sword handle as he slowly gotten up and cough more blood as Summer face away but know that it's not over and just waiting for his attacks, Nathan would aggressively stare at Summer as he saw him as another person that he don't know and can't remember.

Nathan lift his sword to face up when Summer turn himself to pay attention to mist surrounding the field, "I'll get my revenge, no matter the cost," The blade would change from silver to black and green as Nathan eyes was only green,

Lu/Summer: "So this first round wasn't a fight at all but just at this moment the fight is now beginning..."

Zara: "What's happening with this sudden appears?"

Mari: "Could this be the awakening of his own magic or something more then what we going to bare and see this moment to come"

Summer: Summer would life up his axe as he had enough of this as his body began to changes while Nathan is still staring deadly to him as the same person that he still don't remember when Nathan heard a voice to kill him, Summer complete his form to a Minotaur which Both Nathan and Summer start to run towards each other as his roar directly to Nathan when he lift his axe as the thunder came down and hit his weapon as it glow like the full bloom moon, He stump on the ground and swung his axe forward, "Various rage Thunder" an sum of slashes was rushing directly as it burn through the trees and boulders that was blocking his path, "I shall end this in one strike" Summer would continue to run towards him after the stump and slashes that he cast as for Nathan to carefully guided his blade and body to evade and block the attack which was pushing him back and manage to barely deflect it away, So Nathan continue to evade the attack and made contact with Summer axe as both of them was at a stand still while the ground is breaking underneath Nathan, "You're still not strong enough to defeat-" from the second as Summer was about to say me, Nathan would move his body as he guide Summer axe into the ground to then slash a part of his arm off swiftly, in Summer mind, "How did he manage to cut off my arm with a dull sword?" his eyes would open as he saw the katana which Nathan is wheeling sharp as ever like it was newly Forge.

"Weapon enhancement: Sharpen blade," Nathan would jump back as Summer lift his axe up like it was nothing and swung aggressively toward Nathan as he barely evade the attack as it gracefully wounded his body a bit, Nathan launch forward and continue striking his body, Summer wasn't going to give up as continuingly to defend, strike and counter Nathan attack, "His speed has gain a lot more faster," Nathan quickly evade under Summer axe as it was a lucky time that Nathan didn't lose his head, Summer would knock him away as he rush over towards Nathan,

Summer: "Thunder bull" His whole body and axe was cover in lighting as his speed was gaining a lot as Nathan jump out of the way as Summer miss him but turn around as he was drifting around Nathan to a send another Various rage Thunder, the strike mange to block everyone view as Summer was glowing bright, "This time, your finish," Heavily breathing as Summer drop his axe and regenerate his arm to fully use,

Mari: "Damn it, why did he had to use his full power against Nathan" Zara pat her back and telling Mar that she couldn't do anything because this is the path that Nathan wanted to choose and proof his rights but now it's too late for that, "How is this happening already and since when Summer was this strong"

Lu: "I-I don't know Mari but lets hope that Nathan made it out alive" they went silent and watch the fight as Summer was very angry and wondering why the mark didn't disappear.

Summer would clear the dust to see nothing but mark across the field as Nathan was standing in front of him staring, The crowd would cheer on to Nathan as Summer let out a laugh as the sky gone dark from the moon appear above him that it shines even more brighter as the cloud cover only the sky but not the moon, "What is kind of magic is this?" Nathan grip the handle tightly as he was afraid of what will happen next, Summer would lift his axe as another one was phasing as he duel wheel both as the weapons was different then the other, 

Summer: "I had enough of your game, just die in eternal pain" Summer would launch himself into the air as thundering rain was fallen very heavily on both of them while He lighting smite both of his weapon, "This is the end of you," Summer would smash the ground as he rush over to him, "Summering Thunder," From only one step Nathan caught himself In a point of no turning back, he knew that if he block the attack, the force of that will either shock to kill or broke his arm off completely, Nathan couldn't think of anything but saw a weaken point, Summer heavily strike into his blade as Nathan bounce himself off of his feet as he was confuse and shock that he mange to break his offend, The attack continues as Summer and Nathan leaving and ignited from every clash of there blades, Summer was losing breaths as his whole body kept healing and wounded at the same time while Nathan is having a lot of heavy damage.

The fight continues as the rain was washing off the blood from there body as both fighters was struggling to stand on there feet, Summer could mange to recover quicker than him as Nathan knew he couldn't win if he waste his energy to continue fighting. "Damn it, what to do...." Losing sight Nathan couldn't see anything until he remember something that he was learning before, something that's new and couldn't be done by anyone,

Summer: He would laugh as he stare down Nathan, "Yes, this is the last time that I ever have this much of a battle and losing to it, I should have listen to what the elders say to me long ago, Never force the person into showing there's true monster, in the end, you'll poke the wrong person and get yourself kill" Nathan would stand up as the same time with Summer as he flip his axe to use another Summering Thunder,

Nathan close his eyes as the view was still clear as the abyss ocean, as in his mind "I can't remember everything that I used for my fighting style but this I shall complete it to the max of my ability" He grip his handle tightly while breathing out carefully as mist was surrounding below there feet,

Mari: "This is it..."

Lu/Zara: "The moment that will decide the victor"

Summer: "And this time I'm making sure that you won't live to see the day," both of them dash towards each other as Summer was the first to appear and slash his final strike, "Thunder cross" The axe shifted into an X as Nathan body faded from Summer sight as the only sound he heard was the sword that beheaded him.

Nathan exhale mist out of his body, "Forgotten stances final form: Silent death."

Only thing that Summer saw before his vision was block, is his own defeat for underestimating Nathan because his face was death during the moment he has gotten up, The second round was over as Nathan was fully heal in an instant, "I've won the battle," Nathan swiftly swung the blood off of his blade while he stare down at Summer and then to look at his hand, "The second mark has gone but the third one hasn't gone yet for some reason?

Lu: "He decapitate Summer with a dull blade, how is this even possible?"

Mari: "I'm going to ask the same question but the move he was using are weapon enhance,"

Zara: "He took his time, following the pattern to his strength while Summer was just trying to over power Nathan, as I could recall something that wasn't right when Summer used the enchant in order to destroy him in one swoop."

Summer: "I won't be kill like this, not now nor ever!" The rain start to grown more heavily as the ground was being pears but every rain drop, Summer would cast a healing force field to reattach his head to neck as Nathan was readying up to fight, From the moment when a drop of water touch the ground, Summer would smash his axes onto the ground as he cast an electric discharge, The lighting would shock the ground as Nathan was in the fire range and got caught badly, his body was in a state that he couldn't move while dash towards Nathan to punch him into his torso as he spat out blood, Nathan was thrown away and just as Summer would swiftly get his legs to spin him around and aggressively slam him into the ground as it broken the yet again, Summer wasn't letting go of his legs as he drag him towards his weapon as he lift up his axe, "Game match and set," From the break of that moment Nathan couldn't reach his weapon nor able to stand and fight him, Summer slowly drag his weapon towards Nathan as he was crawling away from, "This is the end for you, be ready to say your prays" Summer lift the axe as something was stopping him from sending the final attack, "Someone is trying interference with this match, but even so it won't matter anymore because it's a fair play to see this boy suffer in pain," He stretch his hand out, "Define judgement of this fallen warrior, as he dishonored secret grounds of our oaths, show no mercy as the god cast death to this man" The emblem of the mark began to glow as it didn't do anything to Nathan while Summer was in a disbelief that he's still alive and well, Not to mention he couldn't attack him, "So then why can't I attack him!

Nathan continue towards his blade when he finally gotten a grip to his weapons, he would turn towards him as Summer was force to heal him, "Have you forgotten about the rules Summer?

Summer: "Shit!" he couldn't move away from him as he was still healing Nathan to his full health, "What do you mean, this was in the rules Nathan?"

"Well think about it, you won the first round and decided to continue your attacks without asking a question and if you have already known that then why didn't you command me to kill myself?"

Summer: "I was feeling pity for you since you couldn't make this fight happen as I already knew that it was a mistakes to let you live through the first round," He still couldn't break free from this spell as Nathan was slowly walking towards him, "What kind of coward are you huh?"

"The coward to play his cards right but I guess this where you call defeat," he point his katana to Summer neck as it was bleeding while Nathan was slowly going back to normal,

Summer: "You may have won this battle but, I'll be sure to get my answers, one way or another," Summer would be free from the spell as the emblem was release from both of them as Nathan has fallen onto his knees, out of breathe both of the warrior couldn't more a muscles,

"You won't know about that anytime soon but in attempt to kill me?"

Summer: "Too see what kind of person you're truly are. I have a reason for it but even so if you were one of Alex army, I still couldn't be able to defeat one in this state before, so I started to use my family magic (Thunder magic) in order to pick up a better chance and yet you came here by defeating and beating Grimpul and the Ember claws without using your magic and your inner animal, Knowing that I thought you're just a fallen god that's traveling through places but seeing you now, your just a demi-human like us"

"What kind of magic that your family has?"

Summer: "Thunder magic as could also be name by many, but the true name for my kind is Raging bull thunder" Lu, Mari and Zara was running over to Nathan and Summer as they were trying to stop Summer if he try anything to Nathan, "This ability allows me to enhance my body and weapons speed and strength, with that I could cast and mimic the flow of lighting, with that it's very hard to control because the pressure build in a heavy mark on your body like you have a broken body that can't be fix if you did it the wrong way,"

"So basically, you use healing magic in other to keep attacking," In his mind, "No wonder why he was able to beat me in close and far range, yet I shall was able to defeat him from what I has learn from the previous battles." he look around and pay attention to Summer healing himself, "Instead of fighting each other, lets work together in order to stop Alex from destroying our village,"

Summer: He quickly turn to face Nathan as he remember that one time, "Why does it sound so Familia, like I heard that same line long ago?" he spot an image of Mari father when he was fighting with him, "I see,"

Long ago before Nathan came to this world when Mari, Lu and Zara was very young

The king of Aki: Summer would be lying down on the ground in his youth, "Is this all you have to show me," he'd bring himself down to face Summer, "Such weakness from a man that can't even move me from this very same spot, I could say that my daughter is more manly than you would ever be!," he laugh out loud as Summer swung a kick toward the king just as he blow it with his finger and knock away his foot, "Did I hurt your little feelings"

Summer: "Shut up your old fart, I didn't came here to be disrespect by the likes of u" Summer swiftly got back up as the king defeated him soon as he blind, Summer would cough out blood while the king walking towards him.

King Aki: "I guess you do have a point, So I'll make this quick and painless" just as before he attack Summer, The king would caught an arrow from behind, "What are you doing here mari, didn't daddy give you orders to not interrupt me when I'm busy dealing with bad apples like him" She appear right in front of Summer and put her hands out.

Mari (age 5): "Leave him alone you're big bully" She pouted as the maid run over and try to move her out of the way, "Hey let me go, you meanie"

Maid: "I'm terribly sorry my king, I was trying to teach her some new trick with her weapon but when he heard you were dealing with someone, she disappeared right in front of my watch" the king would lift up Mari and look toward her. 

King Aki: "So you're saying that My own daughter, shot this bow from behind" he'd drop the stick and hug her up, "That's some very great news, to heard that my own daughter shot an arrow at her father," he spin her around and rest mari down as she laugh with him, "Oh your mother would be so proof to see this happen right in front of her very eyes, I still wish she was here with us," he pat her head to stare directly at Summer and walk up to him, "You're very luckly that my daughter got me in a good mood but I'll think of a way to punish you,

Summer: Summer would watch Mari as she pat his head, "Tck..."

King Aki: "I guess this settle it, since my daughter save your butt, you're going to protect her life until you meet your grave, instead of fighting, lets work together as one." 

In present time

Summer: "If she hasn't save me from that day, I wouldn't be able to kept the promise that the king entrusted me to do," Mari, Zara and lu would be checking on Nathan while night was there with the healing item, during his mind Summer began to accept defeat and drop his axe while Mari and Zara was yelling at Summer.

Journal entry, memories to remember my story: #6

I don't know how long or when since I came to write in this journal but lets begin, I came to write this story to my lovely wife about my day that I spend in this new life, I mange to win the fight with my body intact and learn the reason behind his objective, turns out that Summer was actually trying to proof his right to not make the same mistake as it has happen long ago to what is left of Aki kingdom, Anything that happen after the fight, the villagers was more friendly to me and surprisingly normal when they see Summer walking around the town to shop and gather items, Some people didn't like for what he did but quickly forget about it because I'm guessing it won't make sense if they gather up and try to run him out of town because at this point we're really in need of help to take down an entire Kingdom.

After the fight, Summer and I was in bed rest for a couple of days, it has been a lot fun, playing game and stuff, not to mention that I got a chance to talk about my plans and idea to thia goal, The only part that I left out is burning the whole kingdom down and murdering Alex to save the people who's in need.


Five days from now we'll be moving out of the village during the sun set, in order to assassinated every little of Alex mens till the moon set as another day with a peaceful mind. It won't be easy but I'm very sure that we'll make it out alive.

That would be all for now until I complete ur side quest

I'll leave this to the very next chapter as.....