
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Juegos
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14 Chs

Chapter 4- Arc 1 A reason to fight

Journal entry, memories to remember my story: #4

After the encounter with the guy that I can't remember, disappear from the blink of an eye, The villagers was preparing into evacuation to another location that was unknown to the enemy team as for myself was in a lop of question and answers to be told, I was talking about something with the queen or princess of Aki, But she avoided me with everything that I try to ask. Maybe it was the reason of telling the guy off that she was already marry to this person as from that point to his view aim directly at me, I barely get to learn anything about this girl as making an attempt to pull an epic moves for Mari of becoming my second bride, during the challenge of an abusive father and many more, but getting summon into this world is far new to the anime that I been watching. (I always love that anime)

To be honest if I was playing a game of dungeon and dragons her status would be like:

The lone wolf of Aki, Queen Mari the most strongest warrior to ever cross paths between the eternal life of Scourge valley. At first I was thinking that the gods has given me the key to fight and calm the eternal life to become a god as fate task me to defeat the person who murder me in cold blood. As my great expectation I was greeted by a girl who's very shy and can't even defend for herself and her village, I was talking to Zara about how they got to this point because of her leadership that they made it out alive to found this part of the map to build up there kingdom slowly, It brought to enlighten me on asking a question about the bows that was loaded and aiming directly at the guy that I still couldn't remember his name, was just a sound of mirage to trick him into thinking that we had an army to attack him when command.

Not to mention that she has a think to be staring directly into my heart for some odd reason? or maybe it could be something else that caught her attention.

Don't get me wrong because it's was a great preparation to play and set a check mate but I wonder how long did it work with this guy and to what game is he waiting to play along.

It only been close to a month since I been brought to this world and a few days since living in this village but it never came to understand why he hasn't came into attacking and forcing his way to break her will and pure into becoming his wife, Maybe her father protect Mari to a point that he couldn't find her or it's just a long walk from his kingdom to this village..... I never know what would came to play and accomplish in each side of the field. To my understanding this village can't fight back because I'm going to do a wild guess that most of the strongest warrior fought by her side, die to keep him away from finding and killing the rest of them.

Nathan close the book as Mari sitting far away from him and reading a book

"I know we're in a situation that can't be fix but at least tried and have a meeting about how are we going to face him," He got off the chair and walk toward Mari as she turn her face away as she watch the children running around the streets.

Mari: "I know how it is Nathan but I can't risk myself and what's left of the army that I got, It'll be suicide even if I try to fight my way through this battle that my father tried to end and not leave another war with the kingdom of Rai-on." she slowly turn back to look at him as tears was falling down, "I don't know what it takes to be a queen or a leader that guilds them to a right paths, all of this that I have is what's left of the villagers that follow my father will and death." she wipe the tears and look away "So please tell me what is reason to carried something their to shine a light into this?"

"We need to learn in each other strength and weaknesses from not losing anymore blood spill" He reach his hand out slowly as Mari move it away from her, "I understand that it had no way of knowing when or what time he'll be back with his men but at least we could try and prepare what little we got to escape or defend to protect the village from turning into a graveyard,"

Mari: she give a deeply sigh in stress as Mari rest the book down, "What's the point of having hope of something that we all know it won't end in a happy ending, lets play a game to clear our mind," she move the book aside and took out a chest bored and rest it on the table. "I don't know if you could remember playing this before but please tell me now before you got yourself lost during the round."

"I know how to play the game and I want to make a deal if you want to hear me out with this" Nathan set up the bored as Mari nodded to his request, "We could win this battle and end the war just within a few nights, but I need to learn about what kind of army to what we had left to fight." He began to move a pun forward to two spaces as Mari places her G knight to F6

Mari: "There's nothing for you to speak about winning this fight that soon going to be our deaths" Nathan place his B Knight to B2 as she advance the puns forward by one, "You couldn't hold up a fighting chance against Alex but I can't be so sure because you wasn't at your full health and if we could pull off a few victories during these nights, He had endless of tools in use at his will and way to finish us off when we're at our weakest to continue our battles up in front," Nathan stop to think for a second and move his G Knight to F3 as Mari look at him, "Playing in defense or you're just trying to learn how to play it like you know how to?" She move her rock forward And waited for Nathan to begin his advances.

Nathan move his pun forward by two as Mari look at him, "Listen I'll go by plan when I saw the number that we got and you don't have to worried about how I'll make it become our victory, you just have to believe in me and just stand by to watch, I don't hold nothing to go out and aby your reasoning and worried for your people" she continue to move her pun forward.

They continue playing the game as it came to a draw because either side, is just something else but they we're also interrupt by Zara as Mari hit her on the head

Zara: "I already told you that I'm sorry for interrupting your playdate but we have a problem to attend" She rub her head slowly "Owie"

Mari: "It's not a playdate, we're just talking about something important dealing with the situation that has happen yesterday" She turn away and clear the table, "What do you have to tell me?"

Zara: "You have to come out side and I'll give u the run down," Mari shake her head and began to follow Zara outside as they chat about the problem, Mari would walk away from Zara as Nathan came walking toward the door as he open it, Zara move her attention toward him and say her hello, "I see that you're doing great and well Nathan, did he hurt you or do anything when you pick a fight with that jackass?"

"I'm doing fine for now but thanks for checking in on me and if you don't mind answering, what were you two talking about earlier before I came out here?" Zara started to walk as Nathan follow her from behind

Zara: "It's just basic duty for a queen to help the problem at hand when children or her people is in need of saving" She move her hands behind her head and look at Nathan with a wondering thought, "At this moment we got monsters attacking the village on the far east and since we don't have much warriors to protect them, I have to abandon my pose to rush over here and tell Mari about this problem"

"Am I Wasting time for you to rush yourself back to assist Mari?" Nathan would came to a stop as he stare at Zara.

Zara: "Not at all because I'm sure she got it in her control but I do wonder why she has a soft spot for you?"

"What do you mean?"

Zara: "I don't know if you could remember anything but during that night, We found you laying there in the flower field, Mari came up to use magic to save your life that wasn't threating to begin with. She have a kind heart to show others what kind of queen that she is, they don't know if we don't meant any harm to them and yourself if you would've awoken from fighting the Ember-claw," They began to walk down the path as Zara continue the story, "At first we all thought it would been best to end your life here and now but Mari stop us from to what we suppose to do to kept the villagers safe."

"I'm sorry for giving you and the villagers this must trouble but I didn't know that you were in that state of mess, dealing with him and his army to come"

Zara: "It's okay because my sister also came to her side for some odd reason and she's not the one to be taking side of who is in the wrong, Maybe it's just something that they saw within you." She stop and look directly in his eyes "I don't see nothing that make you special on anything and not to mention that you're power hasn't unlock?" (So how did he live his life in the fallen gods, It's just don't make sense that he kill the Ember-claw without using any magic or traps to kill it) "How lucky to be alive from all of this that just happen to you?"

"You could say that I have gods protection on my side?" He rub his head as he wasn't sure that she would believe him or not, "I been trap in there for a very long time and finally made my way to the path that lead me to this village and I wanna tried to begin my goal of becoming something"

Zara: She stop him from continuing, "we have to stop talking right now because we got a problem to deal with at hand."


As Nathan turn around to see an small army of demonic rabbits jumping out from the trees as they roar and rush their way to them as Zara drawn her blade out of her sheath and beheaded the monster within the matter of second that couldn't take time to make an attack.

Zara: She give Nathan a sword to use, "You have to use it to assist me with this mess and I wonder how did they got themselves close to the main villages."

Nathan pull himself together and grip the handle tightly "You don't have to worried about me, Okay?" He took his time to breathe in as Nathan stumble down a bit since he hasn't gotten the chance to take better care of recovering, during that time they kill only a few on the rabbits and continue down the path.

The battle would continue until they reach the location of where Mari is fighting with the monster

"Where's Mari?" Nathan parried the rabbit and kill it as he continue attacking them

Zara: "She'll be fine where she is but we need to draw there leader out in the open to give her an opening!" She block the attack and behead the creature before they could even attack her yet again.

In a state of his mind Nathan carefully look around to see and fight his way to defend, ("everything is happening so fast without a reasoning to explain of why am I still alive and why did she save me?") "You have to be careful with them, Those monster have magic within them."

Zara: "It's not like I didn't know that," she evade the rabbits and remove their head as she speak quietly to herself, "I didn't know that these things have magic in them," she dodge the wind blade that the rabbit cast and swiftly dash toward him and kill it "There number is just counting endlessly, How are you doing over there Nathan?"

"Everything is fine on my side!" He was holding back the rabbit from biting and shielding from the others wind blades, "It's very lucky that they don't care about themselves" Nathan would push back the rabbit as the creature began to run away from them. "They're leaving?"

Mari would come out from the trees and landed next to Zara

Zara: "I don't think it's over just yet..."

??: "Something is coming from over there" She pointed towards the tree as Nathan and Zara slowly walk in front of her

"Are you sure that something is heading over in our direction Mari"

??: "I'm very sure about it because When I was fighting with those rabbits, I encounter it in close rang" She started to walk toward them as Zara swung her blade to Mari. "??"

Just In the break of slow motion Her blade was slowly reaching to cut off to Mari as she block the blade with her claws

"Why are you attack her?" Nathan move Zara away from Mari as he walk toward her, "Are you oki?"

Zara: "That's not Mari Nathan, She's a fake!" Zara got up and dash toward her as the fake Mari slowly change herself in front of his eyes to a human snake as both of them were thrown back from her roar, "Damn it you bastard, what did you do to Mari" An arrow landed in front of the snake as Zara jump away from many more coming down towards the monster.

"Who shot that arrow and where did it came from?" he look around to notice Mari loaded her another arrow swiftly and waiting for an open with the snake that evaded her arrows

Zara: "It's about time to give us-

Mari: "You guys have to run!!" She shot out another arrow as the monster block it again, "We're dealing with an Elite class Monster!"

Just as Zara open her eyes The monster has already appear to meet their eyes as the creature slashes her arms clean off and knock away towards a bolder as she fell heavily unconscious while Nathan stand there in hesitation to move his body, He swiftly manage to block the attack from the Monster as Mari jump by Zara and began to heal her while Nathan is in shock.

Mari: "We got to get out of here Nathan, It's too dangerous to fight Gimpul!"

Nathan continue to defend Mari and Zara form Gimpul, "I-I-I" Nathan regain his senses and staring directly at the creature, "I know that it's suicide to fight this thing all by myself but I must kept her away so it won't finish all of us and not to bring any-" Nathan block the attack and swing his blade to Gimpul as she move away from the sword, "The village will be in danger if we manage to escape from this and you saw What she could do to any of us." Mari shake her head as she slowly lift up Zara and began to walk off towards the village as Nathan block the creature path, "you're not going anywhere from here until your dead"

An eye appear above and out of there sight to watch as Nathan and the elite fighting each other which the Gimpul have the upper hand since Nathan couldn't keep up with her speed and strength.

??: "Is there something that you want to see goddess fate?" The god float there way toward her as She move away the eye

Fate: "You know this is going out of your line by paying attention to what I am doing with this" She stare at the god and push her away

??: "Are you watching men in a hot spring again?"

Fate: "I think you got me at the wrong time and the wrong girl to do that because I don't watch other men in a hot spring and I already got one that I calm to be mine" The god push fate away and look within the eye to notice Nathan holding himself off with the monster, Fate would push her away and sat herself down carefully and dusting herself off "It's very rude of you to do that and go get your own hero to play around."

??: "Awww, you have no idea on how to have fun to share with your playmate," she poke fate until she had enough and tie her upside down as fate continue to watch from where she was left off, "Your a meanie and you know your are." she cover her mouth

Fate: "You'll watch it with me but don't tell no one about this, got it," She nodded as she look directly at the eye, "Now then I wonder how long could you handle her dear,"

??: "I bet he'll knock out when she's dead" Fate turn around and saw her sitting down on the cloud, "We'll deal with each other later, oki?"

From the eye point of view, Nathan was taking his time breathing in and out as Grimpul circles around him slowly as she rush forwards to slash down at Nathan as he evade and swung his sword towards the creature and barely made a grace on her.

"This is getting no where if I continue to keep up with this and I don't know how long would I be able to hold her back just until she carried her army to assist me before I became a dead man," Grimpul stop in place and openly smile at Nathan as he notice the sky is becoming darker than before.

Grimpul has taunted Nathan into attacking as he slowly pin pointed the positioning that she's moving during his attack and defense, "It's coming clear to know what's the matter why she kept getting close to me," he change his body movements as Grimpul has misdirect herself into getting slash by her torso as Nathan continue to attack her while she use her claws and slashes to his sword.

From every slash they made and every counters they had with each other as Nathan shift his sword formation as soon as he swing down to behead her the clouds slowly disappear, for the moon to shine even bringer and within a blind, Grimpul has separate his sword into bits as she spin around and hit Nathan away with her tail as he broken through a few trees, Nathan would spit out blood as he was bleed from his head and arm.

Grimpul has Change form into Nathan as claws grown from her hand as she rush toward Nathan, "....." She stare at him with blood lust, she swung down directly towards his arms as Nathan evade the attack and kick her torso that thrown Grimpul away to him a distance between them as Nathan take time to breathe and readying as he set up himself as the ground broken form under his feet as he run around her and when she move in close rang, he'd disappear from her eye as Grimpul felt a heavy pressure to her body.

She began to look around as Nathan was hiding behind a tree looking around as he saw Zara arm laying down next to him with the katana that she was using, "I'm going to use your sword for a bit," Nathan remove the sword from the arm and walk out in the open as Grimpul stare at him to death as Nathan pointed the blade towards the ground move himself into a position while the creature move herself forward a bit. Nathan would launch himself toward her as she block the attack and swung her other claw towards him as Nathan parry both, "I'll give everything that I have left within my body and strength to not let anything happen to you," A faded memories appear within his mind of Emi staring at him as his head began to ring badly.

Grimpul would take her chance to move away from him as Blood was bleeding down on her claws as she cast a heavily slash toward Nathan as in a second to grace his whole body, Nathan was wounded badly as she rush toward him in a suppressing paste to hit him directly through another tree as blood was spat out of him again, Nathan slowly lift up on his feet as Grimpul laugh evilly as she appear in front of him and stab his side when realizing as he ignore the pain to took his chance and remove her arm as she pull away to remove his own as well while fate and the girl continue to watch the fight.

??: "Is this rate, your hero is going to die in the matter of second" She continue to watch Nathan as he was pale and losing blood fast as Grimpul continue attack him which Nathan was holding up himself self and gracing her whole body as Fate was smiling, "How is he still alive from losing a lot of his blood!?" she begin to gain her attention to fate, "Is he using your powers fate?"

Fate: "I didn't give him any of my powers nor he hasn't gain any of it because if you look at him careful, he doing the same from his last fight with the Ember-claw"

??: "Explain yourself because this is something that I need to know"

Fate: "It's simple to read you the story of how he was able to gain his ability, In the old world, Nathan was in love of creating something that no warrior has even made until someone came and broken a rule"

??: "Someone broken a rule?"

Fate: "Yes and You would have known the name and the real reason why I brought him back alive in this world, before u could ask a question I'll enlighten u about it as I'll call him devil," fate stare at the women and then take her attention to the fight while Nathan is attacking the monster as Grimpul casting more of her magic to kept distance from him as He gain closer to wounded her more, "In his old world he training with a very close family of his until the devil came along and tried attack her, when came to know of his objected, he began to attack the devil and desperately tried to protect her until the demon had enough and murder Nathan from where he's standing and left the girl alone when the other gods has gain a knowledge of his action."

??: "I could understand why you brought him into this world as for this boy to train his body into becoming stronger but you hasn't answer my question on how he gain that ability." As Grimpul Cast all that she had, Nathan would appear in front of the creature to slash her body in half and beheaded within the same momentum, "He manage to kill an elite"

Fate: she would clap her hand as both of them appear behind him as Nathan fell onto the ground as fate began to heal him while the women look at her, "The reason why I hasn't talk about his ability because it's something that I couldn't tell for myself but the name that of his ability is blood scent."

??: "Blood scent?" she'd catch the arrow as Mari appear in front of her loaded another arrow, "There's a demi-human in our presents fate"

Mari: "W-who are you and what are you doing to him!?"

Fate: "There's no need to fight us because I'm a goddess that came from above to help this kind man," Mari lower her bow as fate given there name to her "You don't have to worried Emma because this ability will be the key to defeat him," Fate would stop healing him as his arm fully regenerated, to then walk towards Mari, "He'll be find until the morning rise again but by then I wish that you take good care of him for me" Before she could say anything both of the goddess disappear.

Mari: she drop down on her knee and look at Nathan as he was still unconscious, "What do she mean by taking care of him?" she look up in the sky with confusion that going in her mind, "Did I really meet goddess fate?"

Emma: "We should've made her forget about what she just saw" she fold her arm

Fate: "Leave it be because It was necessary to do what we had done today," Mari would call for help as others lift up Nathan and carried him away as she continue to watch him, "You're still far from reaching your goal Nathan,"

Within his mind he heard a faded voice of fate, "You have level up yourself more than before so please use your skills carefully because this is just the beginning of the road that your going to take."

Nathan turn around as he look around in an empty room as their was something in the distance, watching him.

??: "Sooner or later I'll get what I want in the end," The eternity would disappear as something was creating within Nathan mind, "You body and soul is mine to break into death."

leaving to continue on the next chapter as....