
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Juegos
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14 Chs

Chapter 12 Arc 1- Stronghold part 1

During this early morning, Nathan would appear to be walking by himself alone in a dark forest, He look restless from all of the argument that was never going to end from before, he slowly look around to make sure that he's safe from anymore commotion, he carefully rest himself down to open his journal.

"Where should I began with this story," he rest the book down and yawn, "I should be sleeping but I don't really care at this moment nor anything of that matter, To start this journal I'll began it from the starting of my encounter with this guy, he call himself a 'king of rai-on' although I'm going to guess that he's the lowest of rank when it comes to power or status, even though I'm at a disadvantage..." Nathan move his head against the tree and sigh "I need to get stronger if I'm going to survive the next attack if we ever meet up," A rabbit would carefully drag another creature along the way when Nathan notice the dead monster, "I guess the gods has another plan to show me that he's not the only one, I have to fight in order to survive another day to gain a little closer to my goal."

Journal entry, Memories to remember my story: #8

During this moment I hasn't been into writing as much as before, Now and again I always have to be up and around to make sure that I'm living a good life without breaking down and wanting to die all the time and only hoping to get out of this new life, that I have been dealing to gather the power to make me some like a god or something strong...er

Or maybe I'm just being desperate,

Moving on, Today has been great and normal so far, Nothing came to my view or anything of that matter, whether if I'm just being paranoid with a few things but in the end I'm getting there by every second.

Dealing with the little time that I have, I been holding some kind of thought about the dreams that continue to play within my mind, even if I tried to understand about what has happen, I wouldn't be able to shake the feeling of getting my soul taking away from me,

Thinking about how I manage to wake myself up from a really close call,

"What are you doing in my mind and what do you want with me? "

I always tried to get answer from before but, she kept trying her hardest to take over my soul and mind.

"Is it really my fault to even think that I could ever find out about what you been through, or maybe I could make an attempt to reason with it,"

The only thing I could remember is just playing games with a friend that I knew by the name of..... yuki or muki?

Dealing with this world made me forget the name that I used to call my friend? I should look back on the page-

??: "She went this way! Don't let her escape from our sight men!"

??: "She mustn't have gotten too far from us, she could run all she want! but at this time she needs to have a break during this moment, Look around men! Make sure she don't leave this place! Burn it down if you have to!"

Nathan would turn around to look at the group of men, The book would disappear as he pick himself from the ground to move around quietly, "They must with him," he continue to be unfounded by the others to gain a close listening when Nathan slowly unsheath his blade.

Girl: "Let me go! You perverted old man" she kick around her legs as the man didn't made a flinch but to continue holding her still, "You won't get away with this you dick heads, you little mother-" the man use a spell to lock her voice.

Soldiers: "I could finally get some rest with this girl, every time it's away something that she wanna talk about and kept using useless threats to see if it could work," he grip onto her hair and threw her down to the ground, "Tell me why do we have to waste our time, trying to catch this little bitch that could die from any monsters?"

??: "To open that state of mind, it was call by the boss order, we have to gather all of the villagers into order to achieve some good money!" He rest his boots on her head and look down, "We could have a little fun with this girly before we head off to camp,"

Soldiers: "You're right with your choices but what if we saw any of those free fighters?"

??: "They have nothing against us and besides they all out of number and strength, it'll be a surprise that one of them leave a mark on any of my body," The girl would shed some tear as the man continue to step on her while the others gather around and as soon as he remove his legs, Nathan would appear from behind and stab directly through his chest as he swiftly cut him in half through the head, when he threw him to the side, the army was shaken from his unknown presents.

Soldiers: "Get into forma-" Night would snap his neck during the same time for a few to fell on the ground dead,

Soldiers: "Don't tried to hide or run away from me you cowards!" He hesitates to get a grip on his sword when Nathan and Night slowly approach the only surviver, "Stay back from me! Reinforcement will be here to kill all of u!" Slowly as he taken a few steps back with confidence driving with a lot of fear when Nathan and Night continue to cover the close distance between them, "Don't come near if you wish to face your devastating faith of the 'Silver snakes' "

From that point Night would remove his hand and slammed him into the tree as she held him by his clothes, her eyes was fill with rage while Nathan was just wondering where did he came from, "Don't kill the guy, we need answers from him!" She release him from her grip when Nathan carefully move her back to him as the little girl was staying away but gaining a little close to hide behind Night,

Mulan: Just a few minutes after, she would appear right beside them to notice the dead bodies that was laying around with a scared little girl, "What happen here?"

"These men were trying to rape this little girl during the same time I was just relaxing by a tree, It didn't take long to for night to help me save this girl before they could get a chance, now we're at this point to keep him alive to interrogate the information that we needed,"

Mulan: "How long did it take you two to kill all of them?" She fold her arms with curiosity running through her mind, The soldier would take the change to carried himself away from there sight as Night grab his shoulders to pin him against the tree again, "Don't think that you could rub freely without giving us some information boy?"

Soldiers: "I won't talk nor give any information to none of you, even if it kills me," Night stab the knife by his neck with only rages that burns through her eyes.

Mulan: "I could get it out of you without getting blood on my hands, I'll make it simple," she held onto his hand as she use her magic to heal him, "It's all better that you don't feel any pain right?" She began to calm him down when Night use her knife to stab down on his arms and then to punch directly to his face which broke his nose,

Soldier: "God-" Mulan would slap him across his face just before she recover his wounds, "So this how you what you mean by not getting your hands dirty!" He spit out a little blood when Night came along and stab directly through his chest while Nathan wasn't going near to them but just to turn the little girl away from them,

Mulan: "It's how long you want to endorse, hehe... I don't care if it take a while or a few days to get your mouth moving," During the moments that Mulan Night was having, they began to heal and break every bones of his body, Slowly inches closer to the soldier as he began to speak out loud to scream out in pain while the little girl watch with joy as Nathan was trying to cover her eyes

Soldier: "Please....No more, My body..... can't take this...." blood was running from his head and body when Night continue to break another part of his bones while Mulan recover his wound, "I'll talk... I can't take this anymore!" His body fell down to there feet when Night kick him away from them, He inch away from them as he continue to bleed, "I'll tell u everything just..... let me die already" Before Mulan could say anything he began to speak everything that he know and heard from until he took his last breath, the atmosphere grew lighter when they all move away from the dead body as the girl run towards Night to only given her a hug from behind.

"Now I know to not mass with you anymore when it comes to that moment, At least your happy with the information you got."

Mulan: "I know the location of where we should go, It'll take a while by foot but at least we got something to start off with," The little girl would hide from Mulan when Night gracefully pat her head, 

Girl: "I-I-I know the shortest path to the location and stronghold if you want me to show you where it is..."

Mulan: "Hm..., Don't stand around for so long, this place will be fill with hungry monsters by the time we continue to waste day light,"

"Give us the direction to where you want to take us," The little girl nodded as everyone follow the path that the girl point to, leaving the dead bodies behind as the monster came along in a second to eat it away,

Girl: "Thank you for saving me from those men.... I'm very sorry that I wasn't much of a help to you three, if only you hasn't been there to save me... I-I don't know what to do with myself" they all stop to a point when she point to another direction which they notice another village was being held by guards.

Mulan: "You brought us here to help you with this village?" The girl noded to kept themselves away to not be seen by them, "I could guess that this is not your first escape?"

Girl: "All I want is to help me free those people and I could take u there just before you know it..." Mulan pat her head, "It's going to be very hard to get in and out with everyone together,"

Mulan: "It won't be hard to take them out, during night fall we could make a plan to deal with them?"

"Or maybe just only me and Night could take out those group of men that's leaving the village," every would gone silent as they look at the group of soldiers walking on a different path,

Mulan: "Where are they going onnthis time of day?" Mulan would turn invisible to look around the soldiers and villages, In total, there's 100 soldiers gaurding this place and only 20 travelling to our They heading to the same direction to the stronghold, she flew back to Nathan and give him the count,

"It's going to bw hard but it's do able," he look around first, "lets deal with the 20 first and then the rest, after that we could fix everything when we get to the stronghold,"

Mulan: "What will be your plan?" She fold her arms,

"If we're going to save this village, we need to remove the reinforcement, we have to get the leader by himself so the only way that i could think of... is to dress like on of them as a new recruit."

Mulan: "If you two could deal with that then, the stronghold is the only one that'll left unknown, dealing with the situation, both of you need to be careful, Night can't speak and you're the only one that could do the blend in,"

"We'll just go with the plan that we have now, okay?" Everyone agree and move away from the area,

Soldier: "Keep working you lazy bones, put in some effort, we need those resources! Keep working!" He use the whip and slam it onto the ground as the villagers continue to work hard until only a few drop but was quickly to get back up when the soldiers hit them from behind, after a few minutes of beating them, he walk back and continue shouting.

Soldier: "Why can't we just kill them and get new one?" Nathan would jump down from behind and carefully walk towards them slowly, "They're idiot if we going to ever give them a break-" Nathan would silent kill one of the guards from behind to swiftly disappear without being notices,

Soldier: "You're right with that, if we continue giving them the free, they'll tried an attempt to escape," he turn around to face Nathan standing next to him, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He pay attention to him while Night slowly move along to kill others that was coming in this direction and while after that she move the bodies away to not be seem,

"I'm very sorry that I didn't Inform myself to you, I'm one of the newbie that not so long just ask the other guy to deal with something," he look at him differently when turn his eye away to not make contact, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Soldier: "Oh it's nothing, Just wondering what are you doing with my friend shirt," Nathan forgot to remove the Name tag, "You have 3 second to speak," The time was too short for him to come up of something to save his skin when Night was slowly creeping over, The guy would slowly undraw his sword, "Time's up Boy!" Just before he's about to attack him, Night would appear from behind to beheaded the guy while the slaves didn't pick up on what has happen nor even notice about what they were doing them,

Mulan: She appear in her goddess form which no one could see her including night, "Nathan, You should be careful on what you're doing, you almost lose our chance to save those people and removing the numbers of army that the kings of rai-on has," Nathan turn his back to face her, "I already remove all of the bodies for you and your welcome for that, also I think those villagers are being control under a really strong magic," Nathan would walk towards the village and wave his hand by their eye.

"Do you know where the caster could be located?"

Mulan: "He or she could be found in either location, I could find them less than a second but I can't get into action if this person is one of myself,"

"So it's a 50/50 chance to know who is that person,"

Mulan: "Yes but... the one who's the holder of those rules with us gods and goddess will have to face the punishment for breaking it,"

"You have to give me the story about those rules later, for now we need to find a way to get with those guys there," Night would tap his shoulder, "Would it be okay that you could stay behind and deal with those villagers and the rest of those guards?" she shake her head and disappear to deal with them as Nathan and Mulan walk away to meet with the other soldier

Soldiers leader: "Where are those two idiot! We need to not waste anytime here, When I get my hands on them! they'll have hell to pay" He was around to spotted Nathan walking by, "What are you doing over there huh boy!?" He walk over to him with rage and slap him across the face, "Get in line right now before I embarrassed more in front of them!" Nathan would stare deadly at the guy to walk off from him, staying silent as the other men would fall in line and walk off to follow the path. "You better listen to me you wannabe bitches! Were here to give the best report to the main stronghold to make sure that everything is in check with this and the next camp! If I see any bullshit that came from one of you! Then you shouldn't been born by a hoe because when I get my hands on u!" He turn around to look at the army with rage and anger, "Don't ever make me reach to that point! Got it!"

Soldiers: "Sir yes Sir!" They continue walking along the path while Nathan was only having his eye on him,

Soldiers leader: "Say it again! but this time louder"

Soldiers: "Sir! Yes! Sir!" He turn around to laugh,

Soldiers leader: "Ha! Ha! Ha! That's more like it!" He came to a stop and take in the fresh air, "Here we are men," every continue to walk forward as Nathan open his eyes big that he saw a giant structure that's like a castle city, "I want you to find new recruit, make sure you bring the number of men and children, we won't take no for a answer!" Everyone and Nathan lift there hands in the air, "Good! now get down there and don't waste my time! Got it!"

Soldiers: "Yes! Sir!" The whole began to divide into groups and left the area,

Nathan took a look at the city with curiosity that roams through his mind, he's alone but always have a feeling that someone is watching him, "Where is everyone?" Mulan take her time to float around have a good view of the villager, "Do you see anyone near by?"

Mulan: "You're talking to a goddess here, I could know see and heard everyone around me, even when I'm sleeping or very far away from you, I know what you been doing from this past and future, To be honest I do see them but I couldn't get myself involved with this," Nathan set a heavy when he look away from her, "You have to understand Nathan, I can't always be helping you with everything that you seem fit like how it used to be, Only if another god broke the rules first then it's safe to sure that your life will be okay,"

"Don't remind me about him, We need to focus on finding the villagers, If we could save them, Maybe we'll have a bigger chance to create an army to stop the blood ceremony festival, Are we even close to the one that cost that spell?"

Mulan: "No, but Look on the bright sides, we made it here without being notice that you're fake, I think I see someone over there," She point to a near by village house

He notices one of the villagers that seems to be a boy that appear in front of him to held out his tears and tell him what has happen during the time before, Nathan wasn't paying any attention to the surroundings but he have to listened to every word that he spoke, "Just tell me where do you want to take me, Listen to me and don't tell anyone yet, I'm spy from the army of Aki and I'm here to save all of you from the kingdom of rai-on," He heard something fell from behind as he unsheath his blade to hide the boy behind his back and point his sword to another villager,

Villager man: "P-Please D-Don't kill me, I didn't mean to bring any harm to you, I-I thought you were one of them." He tumble onto the ground with a desperate fear when he shield himself from Nathan,

"You don't need to worried, I'm only here to save you, not to kill or hurt you in any kind of way" He look around and notice some of the soldier was far but gaining close to view them in his distance, "Lets talk some where safe, Okay?" The young quickly help up the villager to lead Nathan directly Inside the house,

Boy: "This way hurry," he remove the floor board and jump inside when Nathan follow in to close it the entrance, "We need to make a little walk to the center of this underground pathway to our hide out village, we need to go this way, please keep close," The boy slowly carried himself through the small tunnel, Nathan was having a little trouble but until he exit the hole, Nathan was in shock to see a working village underground, "Welcome to our little hide out,"

"Oh my god, (This is the best day that I ever have in my new life,)" he look around, "I have a question for you boy?"

Boy: "What is it-" he trip on himself with fear and traumatized as Nathan was slowly approaching him with a jo jo face,

Serious face "Do you know where I could find a bathhouse for men and women together?"

Boy: "Like hell if I know that"

Villager man: "Leave the boy alone sir," he pull Nathan aside and away from the boy, "But I got a little information from another person about the location of the women bath house," Nathan light up in enjoyment,

"Just name the location and I'll be there to save everyone at any time," both began to laugh and shake each other hands.

Boy: "What the hell is wrong with you people!" Just at that moment, another village throw a rock at their heads, "hey sis!" He wave toward the girl when Nathan pat his head and notice the boy waving at her,

Girl: "Pervert,"

"We're both sorry," the bow down and apologise for like about 10 minutes,

After when things cool down, Nathan wwould meet the number of villagers, that went went to hiding, Number of men and women together is an even number but a difficult challenge to escape freely.

Girl: "For starters, I'll introduce myself as the villages leader tuki, it's nice to meet you?"

"My Name is Nathan ki-ra-san and It's very nice to meet you tuki, I been brought here by my own will and the message from the princess of Aki,"

Villager elders: "The princess is alive? That's impossible, how could you be so sure about this information that you shared, it must be a trapped to capture us!" The other villagers gather aroumd Nathan when he's slowly being back up to a corner, "Tell us now!"

Tuki: "Enough with your nonsense and only guide your ears to listened to me and myself, If your words was speaking the turth about him going to capture us! Then tell me why its taking so long for his group to kept themselves hiding from us, after they know that we couldn't pick up a winning chance with them!" Everyone including the elders went silent and carefully move themselves away from him, "Take a look at this man, he came all of this way to give us information about the princess survival, At this point for now we can't just kill him without giving a chance to show something that proof his statement!" She turn to the villagers, "Do we have an agreement?" Everyone in the room would shout out load as they can to agree with tuki, "You heard their calling, So tell us? How fid you know that the princess survival?"

"(I did not think this through, What should I do?)" He look around,

Tuki: "There's nothing for you to see here, your time is running out, Tell us! Were all waiting on you,"


Mulan: "There's no need for you to draw one of my close soldier into confessing, He's only a little new to my story," she walk out of the shadows when the everyone except Nathan saw her apparents as Mari, "Lets not waste time and I'll explain everything about how I mange to survive there unexpected attack."

I'll leave this chapter to another time as I left it as....