
Scorpio: The prince of darkness

"Dyven!!!!" Dyven was in the sky, she could see his eyes were already black as coal. his hairs were completely dark raven now just like her own. black smoke surrounded him as the storm was already on it's peak, ready to destroy everything as it's master would command it. the portal was already huge and demons came out of the portal, escaping hell, ready to take back their once they called their home, their world. The monsters and beasts from every corner of their lands were there ready to obey their new leader since the crystals of mirrormoor broke. they growled and roar at their new master, welcoming him to their world and ready to fight, to destroy everything beside him. Nightingale was in tears looking at her son who was in the air now completely swallowed by the darkness as his powers were now completely in control, she could clearly see that no matter what she says now, nothing will make sense to him, he's not her son anymore, her beloved son who spent all those years hiding what he was inside, hiding his darkness that was slowly swallowing him for the past 20 years since he was born. she didn't notice a single strand of silver white hair in his hairs as he floated up there, now his Dyven, was completely gone and only this prince of darkness was up there, ready to destroy everything and bring the world to hell. "Queen Nightingale,we need to get out of here, now!!!! " Xeid shouted at his queen as he could see the crown prince was no longer himself, at this state, he could even harm his mother without thinking twice.... "My Queen, please!!!" Xeid yelled at her as he saw her not moving still standing there looking at his son who was completely swallowed by the darkness, her tears kept on falling, she was told this would happen, but her love for his son made her believe that this wouldn't happen, they'll be able to find the solution in time to save his son from such a misery, such by state, and such a fate. she cried outloud now as she looked at him, her tears fell below her cheek as she called to her husband's name, her King, her love... "Reine..... our son" "Queen Nightingale please!!!!" Nightingale finally snapped out of her state and allow her guard who was assigned by her husband to take her away. Dyven, up in the sky, he didn't hear anything now, nor did he see what was happening, his beautiful icy eyes were now completely black, his beautiful silver white with black hair were completely black now, his skin was pale as black veins popped out on his skin like dendritic river pattern. everything in his eyes was completely blank, completely dark and his mind was blank with nothing but chaos, ready to annihilate the entire world and his demons would finally be free from hell and roam around in the world again Long with his monsters and beasts.... his new army. NB: After 15 years, Nightingale had a son who's name was Dyven, Dyven was a quiet kid who never liked to hang around or talk to anyone but his blood related family, his mother, and his grandparents..... Dyven grew up but the colour of his hairs kept on changing, they changed from silver white to completely dark hair, little did they know that the darkness within him, that he inherited by his mother, Nightingale, started to take over over the light, inherited from his father.. Reine..... and soon the darkness would completely take over his body and finally become the king of chaos, and the prince of darkness...... Coming soon, only on webnovel app

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The new era: The prince of darkness

Coming soon.....