
Ch 1 : Death and Restart


As I counted I watched Steve looking nervous and determined at the same time.

The Serum was injected through his arms and a look of pain appeared on his face.

"Now Mr. Stark " I said to Howard and he pulled down the lever to close the chamber and the chamber was closed.

I walked in front of the chamber and knocked.

"Steven, can you hear me."

Steve replied, "Probably too late to go to the bathroom right?"

Hearing that I smiled remembering how he was chosen for the experiment, turning to Howard I said "We will proceed"

He slowly turned up Vita-Ray concentration in the Chamber and as soon as it hit the 70% mark steve screamed, I quickly ran in front of the chamber "Steven, Steven, steven"

Peggy yelled " Shut it down.....Shut it down."

" Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark... Turn it off... Kill it... Kill the reactor."

"No. Don't. I CAN DO THIS. " Steve said from inside the chamber.

Howard turned up Vity-Ray again 80.....90....100.

"It's one hundred percent," Howard said.

The equipment in the room was giving off sparks and Light slowly receded from the chamber.

"Mr. Stark" I gave the signal to open the chamber and a skinny-looking man transformed into the most muscular man I have ever seen come out.

I and Howard walked out steve from the chamber and he was breathing heavily, Crowd of people gathered around us as Peggy was talking to the New steve.

`I did it `

someone from the back of the crowd pulled a lighter from their jacket and it confused me and he pressed on it.


An explosion from the viewing gallery sent shards of glass flying toward us.

I saw that person taking my life's work and running away I yelled "Stop HIM"

He shot me twice and quickly ran away as I fell down and baring with the pain I saw Steve coming over and looking at me with a concerned look in his eyes.

That was the moment I knew that I have accomplished a very good thing by giving him the Serum and he was the only one who was not corrupted by the power that came with it.

I pointed at him as he was the only one now who can correct my mistake.

My consciousness quickly drifted into the dark void.

""Hello Docter"" I heard but no one was there I tried looking around but I couldn't move.

""Don't bother looking for me"" the voice said and I was thinking what happen to me I was supposed to die is this afterlife?

""No Docter, What you have done is commendable but indirectly so I am here to give you a chance to do it directly with your own hands," the voice said.

"What did I do??" I asked.

"" You created him and he saved a lot of people"" I saw steve in a blue uniform with a shield star on it fighting HYDRA soldiers and taking a plane with a bomb into the arctic.

"so I have to save people now??" I asked not understanding what is happening here.

""Yes, I will give you new life in another universe different from yours and before I forget take this"" I saw a light coming towards me and I was engulfed by the light.

I woke up and looked around finding myself in a classroom then noticed an angry-looking person looking at me presumably Teacher? as well as other students laughing at me?

"Mo Fan, get out of the class" the Teacher yelled.

I absentmindedly got up and walked out of the classroom and searched my way out of the building.