


Jake Bass is staring at her with a smile on his face, this was the part where she would break down in tears and then apologize to him, then he would remain angry, and say he doesn’t care about her crocodile tears and then still ask for her to be relieved and then she would beg and plead some more and because he has the power to change destinies, he would tell Mr Shelton to give her back her job and then she would be at his mercy to do whatever he asks her to do…work long hours, on weekends and have no social life. That would teach her how not to be disrespectful to him.

He was Jake Bass, money talks, bullshit works.

He smiles to himself

“It means that..i am trully grateful for the opportunity you have given me and I do hope that you find capable hands to take over from where I stopped. Thank you sir, it had been a privilege to work with you,…I would tender my resignation within the hour, now if you would excuse me” she says getting up