
Chapter 13

Grace P.O.V

After training on monday Mia and I walked to get changed for free period. " Grace what happened to you on saturday we were supposed to search the tunnels together." she asked me. " Well Kai I mean my new boyfriend was taking care of me at his dorm." I said while blushing. " Wait you and Kai are dating when did this happen" she said shocked. " It only happened this weekend." " Whatever I have to go." " Ok see you at lunch." I told her as she ran out of the locker room. I started walking towards my dorm when I hear a disembodied voice call my name. I look around to find where it was coming from it seemed to be coming from the hedge maze. I follow the voice it only getting louder the farther I go in. When it stops I find myself standing on top of the trap door. I insert the key into the lock opening the door and descending into the tunnels alone. In walked through the dark tunnels each wall lined with giant black locked doors except one. I cautiously walk into the dark roo only to see a figure huddled in the corner. I looked at him with my eyes glowing purple " Speak" I commanded him. " Yes" the figure lifted his head and his pitch black eyes met my purple ones. " Your a demon what do you want." I asked him. " It's not about what I want but what you need." he told me in a demonic voice. " And what do you think I need." I asked him. " You need power to find those friends of yours." I eyed him suspiciously. " How do you know about my friends." I asked him. " I know everything that happens in this school." he told me. " Whos taking the students" I say still controlling him to speak. " I doesn't matter if I tell you it can't be stopped " " what can't be stopped" I say getting angry. " The inevitable the war between magi and demons." " Me and my friends will stop it." I told him. " You might be able to save your friends but you can't stop the war." The demon walks towards me and smiles " besides your friends can't do anything only you can." I stare at him in shock and confusion " why me and how" I stare at him seriously he only laughs " You are the only vessel at this school that can hold enough power to defeat them and the only way to have enough power is to take mine" "No" " Suit yourself if you want them to die thats fine to" I stare at him " Deal." He grabs my hand pulling me closer to his face my eyes meeting his as I am engulfed in black smoke in flames suffocating me only seeing a demonic smile before the world goes black.