
The End (Part 1)

The place is called the City of Capa. The city is on fire, almost all buildings are destroyed, there is a man that is a knight look-a-like with nine colored lights floating around him like a circle, he was sitting on a rooftop, the rooftop of the building is almost damaged. Suddenly, there is a red hooded man, a blue hooded woman, and a green masked woman we’re jumping from building to building, trying to find their enemy.

"The last place we can find him is at the school. He must be there waiting for us!" The red hooded man said

"But there are guards there!" The blue hooded woman added

"We will find a way!" The red hooded man replied

And they continued jumping from building to building until they reached their destination.

That man sensed that the three jumping from building to building, he used his telepathic powers to command the people surrounding him.

"The trio are now approaching. Get ready." The man said

The people known as guards are getting into a defensive position. That trio chasing after their enemy knew that he would sense them. So they were prepared that the guards are now on alert. Finally the trio arrived at their destination, they noticed guards are roaming around and on high alert.

"The only way to get to him is behind the school and climb all the way to him." The green masked woman said

"Agreed, who knows how many guards he manipulated." The blue hooded woman replied

"Alright, behind the school it is." The red hooded man

They used stealth to get through the guards, they do not want to kill them since it is under their enemy’s control. They avoided each and every enemy from their line of sight, their plan is to just reach the back of the school, once arrived there, it is now on to the climbing phase. During the chaos, the school has some cracks in the walls. It is like a nuclear explosion but it is not, it is their enemy’s power. Luckily all the citizens of Capa City are evacuated, but it is now their mission to save that City once and for all. Once they arrived at the roof of the school, the enemy sensed them, they knew this would happen so they wouldn't attack first.

“Oh hello, Faliao.” The enemy greeted as he stood up and faced them.

“Darnimian.” Faliao said back with a serious tone, but Darnimian took it as a greeting back to him.

“You have got to stop this Darnimian, please.” the blue hooded woman begged

“And why? Patamis?” Darnimian asked

“This City belongs to the people, it belongs to everyone.” The green masked woman answered for Patamis, this made Darnimian very disgusted

“Ugh, look at your clothing Essarina, seriously? That lingerie look-a-like with your stupid mask will make you look like a hero?” Darnimian laughed, and it made Essarina very angry.

“Listen, go back to where you came from, you know that you won’t win against me, I will always have your powers and today is the day. Now hand it over or things won’t get pretty.” Darnimian said with a smile

“No, Darnimian, your thirst for power has got to stop!” Faliao denies Darnimians request, this make Darnimian triggered.

Darnimian use telepathy to command guards to arrive at the roof.

Once the guards arrived Darnimian commanded, “Get them, dead or alive.”

Then the guards started to shoot the trio with their guns. This made the trio fall back down but the trio grabbed an open window and got inside the school. Once inside, they are in a classroom, it looks like a lost temple or school for a fact since there are vines and cracks in the walls and a little bit of fire to top it off. They saw the guards passing the room since they are now searching the trio for Darnimian to kill. This made the trio hide inside the room.

"We might need to stay for a while ladies, Darnimian is onto us." Faliao said

"I think someone is coming." Patamis said

"Hide!" Faliao commanded

The trio hid behind the furniture. A few guards went inside and searched every corner, the big problem right now is that they do not have the power to camouflage, and they are completely near the guards as well and felt that their spot is going to be searched next. One guard is now near Essarina and the other is near Patamis, Faliao signaled them to knock them down. So without hesitation, Patamis and Essarina used their arms to strangle the guards while using their hands to cover their mouths. A few seconds later the guards were knocked out and attempted to escape the classroom, but once they opened the doors, they were greeted with a wave of guards pointing their guns at the trio.

"Oh hello everyone, fancy seeing you all here." Faliao chuckled

The trio backed off while the guards moved forward, before they attempt to escape through the window there is a helicopter outside.

"Oh great." Faliao said

Both sides have now started to fire at the trio. Faliao shouted, "Patamis!"

Then Patamis hardly taps her staff to the ground and forms a barrier or a dome so that each and every bullet won’t hit the trio. But her powers are getting weaker depending on how long she is using it. Imagine that the power has a health bar, so each bullet takes one HP while the barrier is at 500,000 HP, the problem is that bullets are spreading both sides so it will lower the HP Quite quickly, and as it lowers, cracks are starting to form around the dome, telling that it is about to break.

"I can't hold much longer guys!" Patamis shouted

But before it breaks there is an unexpected portal opened right next to the helicopter, it faces against the helicopter’s right side and cannons are firing through the portal at the helicopter, which made the helicopter crash. It is now the trio’s opportunity to escape through the window.

As they were about to escape, Faliao said, "See you gentlemen!" And the trio escaped and gladly they are now safe.

The trio arrived at the roof of the school again, Darnimian did not expect that but he still won’t give up, the floating colors stopped glowing, revealing that they are chakrams, 9 of them and each has a color.

“If the guards can’t stop you, then I will.” Darnimian said, he raised his yellow boomerang and shouted “High Voltage.” and slammed it to the floor.

The area is surrounded by metal and electricity is forming on Darnimians side, this made the trio start to shoot Darnimian with their wrist.

"You maniac!" Faliao shouted as they started shooting

Their wrist has a blade that can extend and retract and it has a feature to shoot throwing knives, and that is what they are shooting at Darnimian right now, but Darnimian dodges them all. Faliao had enough and started to let out his pocket watch.

"I have had enough of this." Faliao said

The pocket watch suddenly shoots a laser at Darnimian, this makes Darnimian scared and head to cover. Once the laser stops, Darnimian steps out of his hiding spot and shows a green boomerang.

“You missed.” Darnimian said as he came out of his hiding spot.

Darnimian shouted, “Overgrown.” and slammed the green boomerang to the ground, this made vines spread everywhere in the area and it caught the trio too.

The trio are struggling to get out because the vines are completely thiccc. Then Darnimian raised a white boomerang.

Darnimian said in a normal voice, “Blank” and it triggered the white boomerang to cause a massive flash and everything is going to be white.

This made the trio want to get out of the vines faster but they could not. It is too late. The light is now forming a circle or a dome or a ball and it expands.