
Chapter 58 Heart flutters

His eyebrows wrinkled together, his knuckles white from pushing too hard, his face flushed with suppressed anger.

I felt that his anger was coming out in waves, "And I ordered Morgan to change your room. I can't stand the thought of you with them, and then every time you come to class with them, every little gesture was like rubbing salt in my wound.

You were so fond of that bastard , Eliam, that I want to tear him to pieces. If he wasn't Alpha's son, he would have gone."

I decided to keep quiet and not give him my two cents, which might further inflame his anger.

He swallowed hard, "His closeness to you was the reason why I deliberately called him in the ring in class that day.

My wolf felt challenged, so he wanted to prove himself to you and show that you rightfully belong to us, not some weak, immature bastard.