
Ch11 - House of Hope


We moved forwards, no words spoken and no need to speak. There was a heavy mood that could only be lifted through the passage of time. Few didn't feel these effects, the ones overly-accustomed to such sights or those who appreciate these sights.

We begun to approach the broken bridge, the closer we got the more uneasy I felt. It was almost like a burning smell was in the air, my fingers even tingled. I could only hope that Raphael does not show at the bridge, it's been too much recently and a devil offers no reprieve. I knew prayers would not work anymore once I heard a slow clap from behind us.

"My oh my, the rat has teeth? But can it face against the far-reaching claws of the cat? Or will it be just another prey to be eaten?" A haughty voice echoed around us, a tall chiseled man in noble clothes revealed himself to us. Brown hair combed finely back, to match his aesthetic of a noble.

I could only sigh, "A devil approaching outside of the 9 hells? It really has been a shit week." With mention of the devil, the rest of my party straightened up and prepared to grab their weapons.

"Perceptive, I might say. Now how would you be able to tell that I'm a devil?" Said the noble looking man who smelt like sulphur, he must think we're stupid.

"I saw you warp leaving a red hellflame behind, not to mention you fit the stereotype a bit too harshly." I did not have the effort for his mental games, I just have a lot going on at the moment.

"I suppose so, I guess I'll have to be more cautious in future… Now would you mind coming with me to somewhere less… humble? I have an offer that your companions would love to hear.

[Strong foundations activated - would you like to be moved to 'The House of Hope' in 'Avernus'?]

It takes me a moment to realise that Strong foundations somehow applies despite my obvious lack of biology, I guess the skill was too vague about its own ability.

I notice my party disappear around me as the message pops up, I click yes and appear at a large dining table with Raphael in his devil form at the head.

"Now would any of you like to accept my deal?" Seems like I missed the build up to this, I figured I'll just start filling my bag with the food on the table instead.

"What are you doing? Stop that!" I ruined his grand moment by shovelling half the contents of his table into my bag, it would be rude not to partake.

[Strong Foundations activated - Would you like to go to 'Blighted village outskirts' in 'Faerun' 'The Sword Coast']

I click no this time and float back up to fill the rest of my bag up. Raphael doesn't seem to be there anymore, he must have assumed we all got sent away. So I take the liberty to explore The House of Hope. I might go to find his treasury, or maybe I could

Wandering around I see an illusion of a halfling woman stalking me, it's only when I float further down the floor levels do I see two spectators guarding a more material version of her. Of course, she is Hope, the original house owner.

The spectators are a non-issue for me provided my [Aberration ally] works. But I don't think I'm even able to free her yet, as I have no chance fighting Raphael or his swarm of fiends. But that won't stop me from robbing the shit out of him.

I fly over to where his treasury is and once I'm in the walls behind the items, I grab them and place them in my bag. I got the gauntlets of Hill Giant strength, Amulet of greater health, Helldusk helmet and the Staff of Spellpower. I couldn't reach the Orphic Hammer due to the magical barrier blocking me. I noticed how when I took them, no alarm was activated. I suppose alerting Raphael to come home was useless if he already was.

Then I floated away using the cover of the walls and my ethereal sight to go back to the dining room, where I saw Raphael having a rather intimate moment with Harleep. This is twice within a day something like this has happened, very much against my will.

"You? Why are you still here? Begone" And with that he flicked his hand towards me, I allowed myself to be sent straight to the Blighted Village. Thank god he was too busy to notice the silent alarms flashing above him, but now here I am standing at the bridge once again. On a time limit now before Raphael realises he's been robbed blind.

The party surrounds me, asking expected questions of 'what took you so long?' and 'Did Raphael want something with you?'. Unsurprisingly Gale was more concerned if I got a few croissants.

Wordlessly, I pull out the staff and pass it to Gale, then I pass the gauntlets over to Lae'zel, finally I pass Shadowheart the Helmet "To put it simply, I robbed him. Which means that I'm going to have to separate for a while from you all, I probably shouldn't have done that but it's a bit late to change it now. I'll come back once either I or all of us are strong enough to take him on."

Wyll stepped forwards and hugged me, surprising me honestly, "I wish you the best of luck, my friend" I hug him back, what a nice guy honestly. Lae'zel and Durge nodded to me, but Shadowheart and Gale thanked me individually. Astarion looked hurt, maybe from the fact he didn't rob the devil with me.

I smiled at them all, great people and they'll do great things. But now I have to escape, before Raphael catches on. I float off, straight to Ethel's hut, the best place to hide from a devil is with something equally evil.


"Eat up Mayrina! The treacle's getting cold now petal." I heard her voice through the door already. Bracing myself for just about anything, I knock thrice.

"Coming petal!" Her voice rang through, "Don't forget to eat up dearie" Her voice got closer until she finally opened the door. Before me stood a face I knew well enough, the old crone Ethel in her human form.

"Oh it's you! Come on in, I've got a guest over as well if you don't mind. Though she'll have to be excused for the time being, Mayrina, go to your room!" She suddenly snapped at the poor woman, barking a firm order at her.

I watched Mayrina scuttle through the illusory fireplace down the stairs. "Nice to be here Ethel, or is it auntie? I'm here as per our agreement, will you be wanting to see the form I mentioned? Or do you have something else in mind?"

"No point wasting my time, get it over with!" She started twitching in anticipation, as if someone just waved a delicacy in her face. Looks like it'll be Ethel, not auntie.