
Scheming Little Duchess

"If you can find me a better Fiance then I might considered letting you go." "What If I can't find one?." he suddenly took a step forward, trapping me in between the palace wall and with his sculptures body. "Ahmp, Your Royal highness you're invading my personal space you know, and the fact that this position can easily be misunderstood so please take 10 step back away from me." "Are you scared now?." he ask just above my head. "LOL, I'm not scared I just don't to get misunderstood by others." "Why not?." "Are you seriously asking me that?." "Do you have a lover?." he ask "I appreciate it your Royal Highness if you don't ask me that kind of question." I'm starting to feel annoy with this man in front of me. "You're starting to peak my interest Lady Eliz." I shivered when he suddenly lean down to me and said those word. "I am aware that I am an Interesting woman your Royal Highness but I am not interested in you nor will I be." "hmmp." "I will gather all the beautiful woman for you so please make sure to choose one from them." "Well then If you'll excuse me Your Royal Highness." with all that, I left him alone, with a thumping heart I returned to the party as if nothing crazy happened to me. Will I ever survive this path that I took or will my life be ruined because of my stupidity. All I want is for my ship to sail, but why am I stuck with this So-called-Prince-Charming of the Northern Kingdom?.

minieminmin · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Farewell for now

Euphimia's Point of View.

It's been 3 months since that day, and I could say that our group is slowly expanding.

I'm talking about our group of friends, and it's getting crowded, but it's not like I don't like it, I'm actually enjoying this settlement, Eliz became more nosier. She nags a lot more now.

"Why must I go? I mean I can take care of myself." Just like today, she's nagging about not wanting to go back to their territory.

"Because you're their daughter, of course it's only natural that you'll go with them." Kaliux replied to Eliz.

"Mother said that we'll be staying their for like 3 to 4 years, and I'm telling you, it is too long. I cannot afford to be apart from Euphy." Eliz said as she tried to clung into me.

Geez this girl, she really can get childish sometimes.

"Don't be so dramatic, it's not like you'll never come back and beside it's not as if it's our first time to get separated." I said to her, whispering the last sentence.

"Geez, I feel like you don't actually want me to stay." Eliz said and went back to her sit.

"You will get bored without me Euphy, you will be lonely and loneliness can drive you crazy and I don't want that to happen." she said,

"Don't worry, I won't be lonely." I said smiling

"Wow, what a nice friend." She mumbles, and I cannot help but to giggle at her childishness

"Fine, I will go and I won't write you letters." She said pouting her lips

"Okay." I said smiling as I brought the tea to my lips.

"I really won't!." She said and I just nod my head to her, teasing her that made her sulk even more.

"This is why her parents cannot leave her alone. She's too stubborn and a trouble maker." Kaliux said, he is now standing beside me, as we watches Eliz mumbling things.

"Yes, but she's not the type of person to hurt anyone." I said to him

"I can see that Princess, but I am more surprised that you two are friends, I mean as I can see, you two are opposite to each other, You act, move and speak like a mature woman, but Lady Eliz on the other hand, acts just like her age, though she can be intimidating sometimes." Kaliux said, I took a glance at him and saw him smiling towards me.

Maybe it was because of the sunlight but he looks dazzling to me.

Kaliux's hair has the color of warm blond, it blends with the the touch of gold and red, just recently I took notice how long and thick his eyelashes are and behind those is an intense blueish green eyes, just like an emerald. Pointed nose, a thin scarlet lips, sharp jawline, and a height that fits for model and since a knight, of course he has a well build muscles.

Just what Eliz said, He's indeed an art.

He's like a Greek god that came down from Mt. Olympus.

And if I were to evaluate him as a person, even though I just known him for like 3 months ago,he's undoubtedly a nice person, he's very passionate towards what he's doing, and despite his strong aura, he's actually a softy.

I wasn't expecting him to warm up like that, it was such a rare opportunity for me to witness such a lovely scene.

It was a week ago when Eliz' Mother and the Queen went to visit a orphanage manage by the Rowan's Family. Of course we were escorted by Royal guards and was dress in a Official dress. Though we were not yet debuted in society, our parents will often brought us with them to this kind of visits. It's not like I hated the idea, actually I enjoy this kind of visits more than those tea parties.

( Flashback )

I was just sitting as I watch the kids playing with Kaliux.

Kaliux keep chasing the kids around as they run around laughing.

"Who have thought that boy has a soft side." I heard my Mother said watching them.

"He's not that soft he's so mean to me." I heard Eliz murmured.

"Look how the children warm-up around him, he must really like kids." said the Duchess.

"He doesn't like me though." I heard Eliz murmured again.

"Mr. Knight can you tell us story?." I turned my attention to where the kids and Kaliux are.

"Please Mr. Knight?." one of kids pleaded. Looking at him with a puppy eyes, geez this kid knows how to pursue someone.

Kaliux suddenly turned his gaze towards us, maybe he was asking for permission if he could, and I couldn't help but to smile at him.

I don't know what is happening to me lately, but I cannot help but notice how often I am smiling this days.

Am I feeling too happy?

"Okay, I'll tell you a story about a Princess who has been cursed to Sleep forever." Kaliux began his story telling.

"A Princess who has been cursed to sleep forever? Isn't that Sleeping beauty?." Eliz asked particularly no one.

"Once Upon a Time there was a Kingdom that ruled over by a King and Queen, it was said that this couple ruled the kingdom wisely that it war wasn't in the picture, the people loved them dearly and respected them. The King and Queen live a happy life but it would be perfect if they had a children, it was not ruling the country that is hard for them, it was having a child of their. They already tried all the method to conceive a child but it was always a failure, soon enough the Queen was so sad that the King decided to call all the people of the Kingdom, announcing the sad news, soon enough all the people decided to pray to God every night, and it was not a futile decision for a month later the news that their Queen is finally with child made the whole Kingdom roar with happy tears." my attention is with him, as he was telling the story with his silvery voice speaking.

"Then one day the Queen finally gave birth to a princess." He continued. "The Kingdom hold a grant party for the newly born Princess, everyone was invited, nobles, common peoples, fairies."

"A Fairy?." the children asked in unison. Kaliux was taken aback for a second but soon smile to the children

"Yes a fairy, actually 3 fairies came to attend the party, and they have prepare a gift for the princess." he said with a smile on his face.

What a beautiful smile…

I wouldn't mind seeing that everyday.

"What kind of gift it is? It is a doll?." asked the girl child

"It is much more beautiful than a doll. So party started with all of them smiling from ear to ear, drinking and chatting with one another. And soon it was already the time for that Fairies to give their gift to the Princess. The eldest fairy gave the Princess a gift that she should be the most beautiful person in the world, that she should be intelligent, that she should have the grace in everything she do, she whisked her wand as a light of magic poured to the princess. The second Fairy came out and began to whisked her wand as she give her gift the princess, the princess shall have the gift of doing everything perfectly, dance perfectly, sing like a nightingale, and that she should be able to play all the music to utmost perfection."

"Wow! I bet the Princess is so beautiful." said the children, Kaliux nod his head and glances at me.

"Yes, the most beautiful Princess." he said as his gaze was on me.

"Smooth." Eliz giggle. What was that? I don't know what to react but I suddenly feel light-hearted, I broke the gaze and pretending to sip my tea.

"What about the Last Fairy?." Asked the Children, I brought back the tea to the table and quietly watched him once again.

"When the youngest Fairy was about to give her gift, gush of wind suddenly came inside the palace hall, it was so strong that the light suddenly died, the people was about to panic when an familiar fairy came to the party, she was wearing a black cloak that hides her face and without saying anything she came forward and went near to where the princess is. People was terrified from her sudden arrival and was more terrified when she suddenly lifted her hand, and said that, indeed, the princess shall be the most beautiful princess in the world and that everyone shall love her but on her 16th the Princess, will have her hand pierced with a spindle and die of the wound. After the unfamiliar fairy gave her gift she suddenly vanished as the light came back bringing light to the palace hall."

"I never heard of this story before." Mother said as she continue to watch the children getting more into Kaliux Story.

"Me either, I wonder where did he learned this story." it was the Duchess who said that, I looked at Eliz who is already looking at me.

Sleeping Beauty - she mounted. I just nod my head towards her. I'm impress that I will be able to hear this story from this time line.

"eeeeehh! A evil woman appeared!." said the little boy

"What about the Youngest Fairy? What about her gift?." a little girl asked him.

"The youngest fairy came in front and give assurance to the King and Queen that their daughter will not die from this cursed, she may not have the power to lift the magic, but she may be able to help them, the Princess shall indeed prick her hand with a spindle, but instead of dying, she shall only sleep, which shall expire on the day the Princess will be given a true love kiss. And with that, the King ordered his man to burned all the spindle in the kingdom, and forbid anyone to used it. Years have pass and the Princess indeed became the most beautiful princess and was indeed loved by everyone, soon enough it was already her 16th birthday, everyone was frantically prepared for the princess party, completely forgetting the disaster coming. The princess was walking in the palace garden, admiring the flowers that was growing in there, she was smiling to herself as she tried to touch the roses and prick by its torn, she brought her hand towards her chest feeling a little bit sleepy and decided to go back to her chamber. With everyone busy with the preparation they have not noticed that the Princess was already sleeping soundly in her chamber, as the maid tried to wake her up, she didn't budge, people have tried to wake her up, splashing cold water to her face, but nothing would bring her to wake up. The king came to her chamber and thought about the fairies prediction, he then asked his people to prepare the finest room in the castle and asked them to carry the Princess their and shall laid in a bed embroidered with gold and silver. The kingdom that was full of laughter and excitement was replaced with sadness and sorrow. Days have passed yet nothing changed, as the Princess continued her sleep, people have now slowly losing hope, where can they find true love if the princess has no lover? A thus a knight, came to speak with the King, suggesting to travel the world to find a Prince for the Princess and because of desperation, the King didn't hesitate to give him the order, the young Knight then traveled." said Kaliux surrounded by the children.

"Heh, Is this a revise version?." Eliz muttered. I just shrug my shoulder as I continued to listen to his story.

I am a bit curious about the ending, I was so sure that this story is about Sleeping Beauty, but when I heard him mention about the Knight. I wasn't sure about it now.

"Knight traveled the world, searching for a Prince, he arrived at a different Kingdom bringing a official letter that was made by the King stating about the situation of the Princess, and the Knight has able to gathered a few Princes and brought them back to where the Princess's is waiting. Upon his arrival with the Princes, they were greeted with joyed thinking that the Princess will soon be able to wake up. The Knight felt the joy in his heart with the thought of seeing the Princess's smile once more. Thus the King brought the Princes together with Knight to the chamber where the Princess is sleeping. The Princes was astounded how beautiful the princess was, one would have taken her as angel, her porcelain skin, her pinkish red cheek, her scarlet sweet lips, although her eyes was shut her soft breath can be heard. The King explained the situation once and at the end of his speech, he declared that whoever can wake up the Princess, he will be given the chance to marry her that made the Princes more excited. The Princes lined up, taking turns to give the princess a kiss, but neither of the Princes succeeded. The Princess didn't budge, as the King sighed in sadness. As the King and the Princes left the room, the Knight stayed in there, looking at the Princess with tears on his eyes, as he bend his knees and took the princess hand to his. He was blaming himself for not able to protect the Princess, he cried and cried until his eyes became puffy and red. He then stood up and gave the Princess a kiss on the forehead before turning his back and stride to the door but before he could touch the doorknob he heard a soft yawn, and when he turned around he saw that the Princess sitting in the bed, as her eyes flutters and was now looking at him with a smile on her lips. The Knight couldn't stop himself from crushing the Princess with a tight hug. He hugged her tightly scared that she might disappeared before him. He was crying and the Princess found it cute, all this time the Princess thought that her love was one-sided. Yes, the Princess had been in love with the Knight for so long but she wasn't able to tell him for he never did showed her his emotion, but now that she knew about his feelings, she told herself that she will not let him go ever, and when the King saw the Knight and his Daughter walking towards him, he was beyond grateful for the Knight and as what he declared, the Knight and Princess was wedded to each other and they live happily ever after." Kaliux finishes his story with a cheered given by the children around him

And that day, I just witness the most genuine smile that I have ever seen in my entire life.

( End of the Flashback )

"Now you're not even listening to me. I am so hurt right now." I was brought back to reality when I heard Eliz's whining.

Geez this girl.

"Even if you whined for a whole day, nothing would change, so you either accept it or shut up." I said

"Meaniiiee!!." She said, look at this girl she's really acting like a child, not even caring about her surroundings, Eliz spend her time whining all day, she's been ranting about how she'll miss me, on how she'll get lonely without me, on how she can't live without me, she didn't stop until I gave her a smack in the head.

Our maid was not shock at all, as they have been used to this kind of scene, well for

Kaliux he's still adjusting, he was a bit shock at it but was soon laugh it off.

"Write me a letter everyday!." Said Eliz as she gave me a hug

"Everyday is too much Eliz and it would be too much for the messenger to do that." I hissed

"Once a month is enough." I said but she refused

"Once a week and that's it." She said letting me go.

"Fine. You're such a baby." I said to her but she just stuck her tongue out, and was assisted by Kaliux to climb inside her carriage.

"Please take care of Eliz for me Kaliux." I said to Kaliux, he bowed his head towards me

"I will Princess, until we meet again." he said and was about to climb inside the carriage when my hand suddenly move on its own and stop him, grabbing the hem of the back of his clothes,

"Princess?." He asked facing, what the hell did I do that?.

I feel like my face suddenly became hot, I feel so embarrass.

"Ahm, I- I couldn't say anything, it feels like there's something stuck in my throat.

I was even more embarrass when I felt his eyes on me. Oh my god! This is new to me, why do I feel so embarrass? And why did I even stop him?

"Princess, will it be alright for me to send you a letter, I mean if you don't mind at all, but you're to occupied to even entertain my useless letter then I-

"I will be looking forward to it." I said not allowing him to finish his words. I could tell how nervous he was by just listening to his voice and I actually found it cute. I was supposed to be the one to feel nervous and embarrass but seeing his reaction made me feel kinda glad.

"Well then, please take care of yourself Kaliux, until we meet again." I said and bid my farewell to him.

Fogive me for the errors !

minieminmincreators' thoughts