
Awake to Consciousness

His eyes damp from his tears, clothes caked with grime and oil from head to toe. a mop of dirty black hair sat atop his head sparkled with glitters of cyan hues, his eyes once wet with sadness now held firm to a new hope that laid before him. a fire was burning behind those eyes as they stared into the once lifeless abyss that were her's. As comander Vessi was roused from her lackluster state of exsistance, her real consciousness brought back from the abysmal void of robotic actions and apathy without feeling. she saw the world so different from what she expected, so long had it been since she last cast a thought into the winds. The ideas racing and coursing through her brain foren and new scarred her, not the primal fear she felt before their leader, but a despair and dread over her mere Exsistance that shook her to her core. her only reprieve from sinking into the madness of emotions, of guilt and remorse over her past actions.the child who lied before her cluching her in his arms weakly, lacking the strength to grip her shaking figure to calm her, but enough to show her something more. a care she had never felt, after some time they both calmed themselves Vessi's eyes so filled with rage and regret swirling in her mind."why are we like this!" she cried out not to the boy but to the world, "we are a scourge a black blot of hate on a sosmos so full of wonder WHY!"

"shh shhh shh it's okay it's only natural to feel like this, this is good this is 'normal'" his words reached her ears like a cacophony of wonder. looking into his eyes was a hope clouded with insanity."that bastard thinks he can take our lives, take our wills, and plaster us with machines till we turn into mindless husks that will do his bidding. no more for you," his eyes peirce into Vessi down to her very soul so weak and forgotten they thought it to be lost."You Vessi are the proof, we can wake them up! we can free them of this curse and we can destroy him!" a flame lit up in his eyes threatening to burn his very soul to a crisp" we will put this Tyrant down if it's the last thing we do!"




[[what not satisfied?was this not what you wanted? some eddgy backstory with mild character development and an exemplary mother figure on a slow decent into insanity?]] [[oh you wanted an explanation for the first chapter and what our deer Mc did so wrong that he was about to be executed. sad really wish I could help but that's all I managed to get. he probably just never met he's deadlines his boss got passed and off'ed him. bon voyage and all that good stuff, kinda like rel life you don't meet up to others standards you get cast aside. and the flash back we'll that was a fever dream of emotions, regret, hopes and dreams of the things he wished for that never passed. Well that's what I assume anyway his brain was riddled with holes when I found him and those were just the things I managed to scrape out of it.]] [[who am I you ask? I go by Manny names a collector, the shadow man, a schemer, the merchant, the narrator but you you can just call me the librarian and I tell the story's of the softmire plains. why all the mystery and mist direction? well it wouldn't be the schemes and shadows if I told you everything right off the bat now would it, where was I, oh yes this poor sap.]] [[a sad sight really he spent his whole life living in fear of being found holding onto his only hope before it was so cruely torn away from him left to scrounge for solace in the very one who took him to his demise. poetic almost together they tried their best to free their colony from the reign of their leader. an army of those that finally 'woke up brewed up in the shadows only to fall back into peiced from infighting crippling themselves before the final fight with the big bad boss, they won in the end and took out the Tyrant only for another to take his place, after about 10 years of things being better it all went down the shitter, security, tighter and the iron fist colder left in an endless cycle of their people feeling nothing being no more than machines. finding a hope to become more, weak willed success and falling back into the pits of being tyrants taking the pepoles feelings and freedom once again. so is their way of life in their sad little corner of the softmire plains]] The being who called himself the 'librarian' heals a small orb in his hands shining with orange and violet hues. same as a setting sun dotted with countless stars sparkling along its surface. inside lied a planer so forgen to our own, covered in red sands and grey steel, massive Pires and cracks on its surfaced lined with riveted metal swimming with countless geometric runes.[[this is their sad little world doomed to repeat this tragedy over and over such is their fate]] he placed the cold sphere onto one of the shelves that lined the countless moving and folding walls of this disorienting space. it's own little spot on the endless shelves of the cosmos, a little rusted plack with only 2 things inscribed upon its surface <Vessi x37-21a> cast beside the small little orb was what appeared to be an action figure, so lifelike in its creation but too small to be anything but a toy. a skull riddled with holes and black hair dark like the night, our nameless Mc cast aside lost to the infinite time. worn were his bones and cracked was its mind all that was left was a fire of madness burning in its lifeless eyes.