
Chapter 14

He stood upon the resistance as TheMightyA spoke up. "Tell me why we're able to trust you after killing Zay." Blackheart sighed. "I found something a while back at Redemption Empire Fortress. This is an old recording log from Radkon when I was first created and was in the first two months that I was reborn." He said before handing TheMightyA a recording tape with a label that read "BLACKHEART, DO NOT LISTEN!" despite the name targeted to Blackheart. They began playing the tape, and it went on with a gruesome message that surprised everyone:

"It's only now is the time that I understood that the depravity and its depths after creating this monster, this war machine that I was unexpectedly brought in to create, as if what Iblis had already done wasn't enough. Never was it meant to humiliate the kind of leader I was working hard to be, but ended up sending the innocence of the Resistance and everyone, leading to the loss of everything to their achievements. The ways unimaginable have now become real and the affected from this creation, Blackheart, was apparently trapping them inside of himself. The small souls that couldn't fight back. It's still unsure how this creation was able to inhabit a sense of evil at its first breath of life, but it was unstable at times. It even tried to divide us, again. He's still learning as a newborn walking the Earth, and the Phantom Ruby at times is something he wants to keep control of. What keeps me awake at night is the wound that was left unhealed has done its effects and bled out, as Blackheart continues to lure himself to an unfamiliar place, setting off a series of unfamiliar tricks. It's time Iblis and Gaia tried putting a stop to him. I wish this creation was never a thing, because after all, Solaris was a better plan than using this worthless weapon of no value, as Zay would've been defeated either way. I knew the day of his death to release Gaia would come, as he'd been guarding it from entering the real universe for now. This ends for Blackheart."

The creation's ears perked in despair after hearing such dreadful words Radkon had to say. It was official; he wasn't happy about creating Blackheart and knew Gaia and Iblis were better weapons, although Gaia was still inside the soul of Zay. After realizing that he could've just killed our hero himself, Radkon grew a pattern of insanity and only wanted Blackheart to only use him. That was why Radkon never came back for Blackheart when he died, and was resurrected. "I didn't realize how much my creator never cared about my effort. He never wanted me to be made at all." Blackheart gloomy sighed after hearing the tape, and his soul was drowning in sorrow. And the Phantom Ruby was still out there, now in the hands of the Dark Warriors. "I caused so much damage to the world I live in, that I should've never been a thing!" He continued, letting himself down.

That was when Epic101 stepped in the conversation to add on what he had to say. "What we're trying to say is Dark Warriors want to kill every army just so they can rise up. Thanks to their grasp of the Phantom Ruby, the chances of winning this brawl are very low. Now that their research went to good use for at least once, now they can take down anybody, even the Resistance with the help of Solaris. And maybe defeating it will erase the three spirits from existence. It's a sad thing to see Zay live with this unknown evil since his childhood. But that's why we're wanting to help." Everyone appeared in shock over what this captain had to say. "So, y-you're asking for an alliance with us? We already have Light Troops and UMA! Are you sure we can do this?" Aggie questioned, attempting to rid of the depression without Zay.

But she knew Zay didn't want her to be sad no matter what. "Alright Aggie, we'll take it from here." Marie pointed out. Blackheart's facial expression slowly changed. "Also, c-can I say something?" Blackheart quietly questioned. Rah nodded and he spoke. "I...I'm sorry for being this evil without realizing that my creator never wanted me. He just always expected I fought for the dark and even when I saw the light in my glory days, it was something I never knew I held." He finished, his face turning back from neutral to remorse. "So, what do y'all say? We have a deal or not?" Epic broke the silence in the room, as 32op turned and said, "If it helps the Resistance destroy this spirit, then sure. We have a deal. DCP, Pirates have now joined the New Dawn Alliance!" Everyone cheered, and so did the Pirates duo. The fighting between these armies were now over. There was no need to keep on.

Just as the Resistance formed an alliance with Pirates, Shadow and Aloy search for the final temple of the Gaia Colessieus. But as they find it, Radkon rises from the ashes only to tell an unforgettable warning and origin about Iblis...

The shuttle took only hours to repair as the tools they needed weren't around in the tundra they restored the first Chaos Emerald, but ended up being stuck in a village of villagers, telling them a story of how the land used to be a tropical paradise. Little is known of how the climate made the big jump, but managed to loan the tools. After realizing they were trapping the Chaos Duo to stay in their culture praising an ice god, Shadow and Aloy attempted to escape while stealing some of the tools they required.

Luckily, they repaired the shuttle's thrusters in no time before the villagers attacked. They traveled here and there, in a wasteland and a valley terrain. As six of the Chaos Emeralds had been restored, the Chaos Duo prepared to visit the last Gaia Colessieus temple. But after hours of flying around, the shuttle's power was running out and sooner or later, they were never going to find the temple. "Where could it be? We've been flying for like 14 hours now." Aloy complained. That was when the PA intercom came on. "Now arriving at Redemption Empire Fortress, Gaia Colessieus temple ruins." This puzzled Shadow and Aloy a lot. How were they back at Redemption Empire Fortress? The shuttle landed and they stepped out to see the whole metallic wasteland in ruins.

The fortress had collapsed everywhere and crash sites of the Freezie Fleet were notable. However, the large background spotlights shone at the top in the orange and blue sky setting. "Why would Radkon hide a temple of the Gaia Colessieus here?" Shadow asked. As they walked in, pieces of metal and faulty wiring hung from the dark corridors of the fortress where the electronic doors were bent and out of service.

The same lab that Blackheart was created in was broken as the liquids of baby blue and degrees of decay in the capsules were broken and the screen of the terminal displaying the new weapon was shattered. However, the lights flickered and the maximum buzzing soon nerved Shadow's ears. "Stupid noise." He pitied before walking on through the ruins where debris laid across the flooring. "Make sure you don't cut yourself on the metal," Aloy warned. Shadow nodded as he knew his safety and didn't need to be reminded. This was the person he was. That was when a blue glare of multiple screens caught the corner of Shadow's right eye.

In this room were multiple monitors that appeared to be showing artifacts of Radkon's creations, screenshots of Summit under attack by Death Iceball Robots, and much more. Drawings and blueprints were scattered among the walls, and a quiet ventilation fan spinned on. Right in front of the large scale terminal was the pillar to restore the Chaos Emerald. "Looks like somebody knows the way." Aloy smirked to Shadow. "Cut the chatter, let's just do this." He replied in the silence except the slight buzz of the terminal working through network traffic and the vent fan. Just as Shadow was about to place the last Chaos Emerald and restore its power to positives, the screens went black and a mysterious soft voice broke the noise of the vents and terminals:

"Congratulations, Sgt.[DATA PLUNGED] of the Redemption Force. Your work as a Sergeant Major is done. However, you did not meet the criteria based on your contract given by Commander Radkon. Your promotion has been revoked and altogether, your placement in our ranking system has been terminated due to failing to [DATA PLUNGED] and a raid from 3 Solitary Confinement Level 5 prisoners aboard the Death Iceball during a rescue mission held by [DATA PLUNGED] the Hedgehog. We'll send your things in the mail. End of tape."

The message confused Shadow and Aloy, but then Shadow realized that it was a log of a Sergeant Major working as a Death Iceball guard. He apparently got fired and kicked out of the Doomsday Alliance that Pirates had recently left. But that wasn't the last message. A real voice other than one of a recording tape filled the silence:

"Did you really think restoring the Chaos Emeralds would be so easy? No. You led the entire Resistance to a series of events that defined their strength. Everyone is now brought into my trap, just like how they deserved to. I'll reform Solaris for good. The flames will engulf this universe and we will regain control. Just watch our plan befold-"

As the voice that was devilish deep was interrupted by a short beep, when the voice of Radkon was heard through another tape recording.

"Connection terminated. Apologies if this is interrupting you Iblis, if you even remember your purpose, but I'm afraid these words are for your own good. You were never created on accident, but from the DNA of the Black Arms. Apparently, the creator was rumored as Shadow, but I may explain that it is not. Black Doom sacrificed his second last eye for the creation, which explains his cycloptic form.

And since then, merging with Gaia was a must for you. And now you've led the poor souls that you defeated here into this labyrinth with an exit that only stretches out more as they continue to tire themselves out. But nobody will ever find them. This is where the story of the Resistance ends tonight. Blackheart and Pirates left the Doomsday Alliance to join DCP in a fight to defeat you as Solaris. Gaia was created as a real project as a spirit to protect the planet's core, but now it's become an evil thing. But you two are wanting to remain and burn along this fortress, and I am too. This war will not be unforgettable, and the memories will wisp away from mind as they started this. This war that I was brought into was just an attraction to lure DCP to their doom. While I failed at this task, Zay and his bothersome 'friends' are to find peace after being trapped in war with us for years.

To clear it all up, the New Dawn Alliance will find the peace they've hungered for for years with the exception of Blackheart. I never cared for your effort and you were absolutely worthless. The nature to protect their own capital and everyone shall live on as they no longer need to worry of my reign or my soldiers anymore. I've started a joke, so let me kill it now. I know DCP wouldn't be so content of leaving the world when they need them most. If you're listening to this, anybody, I'm sorry that our wars have caused so much and I kill your best friend. We could've been mates, but now it's time for me to rest and face the consequences of being a villain to this army that wanted the Redemption Force dead. The embers shall chew down at this fortress, as this ends for my journey except for Gaia and Iblis. If you find this tape, destroy them as soon as possible. End of communication."

The tape ended and the video feed cut to static after showing images of the facility slowly burning away. Shadow and Aloy had to escape immediately.