

Blaze only wanted to help his sister to see if the man arranged for her was harmless. Little did he know, that wasn't his last meeting with the man as they will always cross paths, especially whenever he was in danger. Problems will then arise once the man started to develop feelings for him as both of their families are against same sex relationship. Plus, his parents' secret about his birth will also play a big role as he will discover that everything he believed and grew up with are all lies.

BlueSapphire_dust · LGBT+
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265 Chs

Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight

Cameron sighed in annoyance when he found Siegfried's room still empty. He checked the watch on his wrist. It's twenty minutes past nine, and the man should have been in the office since eight. Moreover, at ten o'clock later, they will have a meeting. He could not possibly intend to skip work. Although he can guess where his cousin is currently,

He walked into Siegfried's desk. He saw several documents neatly stacked. Then he put the two documents he was carrying on the table and took one from the pile. He knew that the man must have checked and signed the document. In the last three days, he really worked hard to complete all the documents.

"Oh, he hasn't come yet."

Cameron turned his head and found their grandfather standing in the doorway. "That's it," he said as he walked over to his grandfather. "Grandpa looking for Sieg? What is it?"

Daniel Lowells held up a document he was carrying. "Offer from UK Corporate."