
Scarlet Empyrean

He was someone who had everything. Money, happiness, and the life of an Emperor. As the emperor of Eternal Dreamer, Darwin Alexway came back from a war with his brother's empire, the largest empire, he was murdered in cold blood by the subordinates he unconditionally trusted. After sinking into the darkness, he thought he could finally rest in peace, free from the burden of billions of lives. Surprisingly it turned out that life had something else in store for him as in the darkness comparable to a night without the moon and the stars, he heard a voice that guided him, towards his journey as Quinn Salvator in a world of magic and affinities, where everyone had wings on their backs which defined their power and elementality. Note: Sorry if I'm not that good at writing for the first 100 or so chapters as it is my first time writing a novel.

Harbringero · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The Trials

And so it began..

I was suddenly pulled by an invisible force and suddenly the scenery had changed in front of my eyes. I was now inside of an arena and there were weird array like patterns on the ground. 

"Damn was I teleported without even knowing how?"

Around me, I could see the others most of whom were just as surprised as me, and after a second the backlash of teleporting before becoming of appropriate rank came.

"Damn, I feel as if all of my body vibrated hard and now everything is messed up."

But before anyone could have a chance to recuperate, the array patterns on the ground started lighting up, and soon a light krw(the energy in Silcovia) pressure descended upon us.

Slowly but steadily this pressure started getting stronger.

"Survive till a thousand are left." said a mechanical voice in an emotionless tone.

And so slowly the krw pressure started building up from slightly heavy to one in which even standing was a hard task.

All those who failed to keep standing were teleported back.

"Damn this feels strainful, but it is not nearly as much as painful as my awakening ceremony. I have to continue."

Around me, I could see my fellow students clinging to others and putting more pressure on them just to survive, they didn't want to quit in any condition as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

In the end, after managing somehow out of more than 8000 children only 1000 including me were left.

Afterwards, a green shower of particles fell upon us healing us of all the fatigue.

Without waiting another moment we were teleported to the location of the next trial, which was surprisingly a forest.

"Survive." once again the mechanical voice rang out.

"Survive? What could that mean." all of the remaining people thought simultaneously but we got our answer soon after.

10 krw pressures dropped on us as to our front, out of the bushes came 10 1st Allinge Mritu wolves.

Silence... everyone was frozen stiff but we were brought to reality by the wolves who lunged on the closest student but as soon as it was about to kill the student, the student was teleported and had thus failed.

Seeing this the children were no longer statues of carved stone and ran as fast as they could.

I being a person who had slipped into the forest as soon as I saw the wolves was also running as if my life depended on it because I had not seen that the students would get teleported if they were in danger.

I ran till I reached a point where I bumped into a hemispherical barrier which must have been put into the forest to prevent the students from evading the wolves entirely.

"Why is it shrinking?" 

I had a ghastly pale face as I realized that slowly but surely the barrier was getting smaller.

As I was having the scare of my life the bushes 10 to 20 meters away from my location started string contributing to my already scared condition.

From the bushes though came out 2 people. A girl.... and a cat?

Well for all I know cats aren't harmful so ignoring it, I moved closer to her.

It surprisingly turned out that she was one of the children who had had the awakening ceremony together with me back in my hometown, the one with the blood abyssal and fire law breaker affinities.

As I went closer she finally noticed me and also recognized me.

"Well then.. any idea why are we being chased by a pack of wolves way stronger than us? I'm Quinn by the way, Quinn Salvator."

"Frnraya, Frnraya Iota. And no I'm just as clueless as you and as far as guesses go I can say we have to survive till a certain number of people are left just like last time."

From the right suddenly a guy popped out and said, "I hate dogs." out of the blue.

Me and surprisingly Fernraya who seemed like a opportunistic troller said, "Damn how can someone hate themselves."

"Learn to love yourself a little even if everyone hates you."

The guy looking at us like we were his lifelong enemies first took a minute to calm down by constantly repeating, "Calm down Louis, at least they are humans, at least you didn't get cooked by wolves." in his mind.