
Scarf | A Yeager Story

She was murdered in the first world because the devil who granted humanity the Power of the Titans saw her existence as a threat. In the second, she saw her parents being treated cruelly and how, decades after the rumbling, the world had descended into anarchy. So, for her third and last world, she vowed to give her parents the ending that they deserve. Because they, of all people, have the right to be free. OR In another universe, Eren and Mikasa had a daughter who was determined to give her parents a happy ending. COPYRIGHT! Attack on Titan ⓒ Hajime Isayama Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS! Read at your own risk

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66 Chs

A Weapon and A Curse (1)

Mina's POV

"That was a splendid speech, Armin. I'm moved." I patted his aching back as gently as possible while trying my best not to laugh at his pained reaction. "I won't ever do that again, sorry."

"It's all right, Mina, and drop the formalities already." He gave me a smile, which somehow worsened my guilt. "We're friends, aren't we?"


Can you call me a friend even after knowing what I did to Mina Carolina?

With such a depressing thought lingering around my head, I purposely remained silent as we continued to follow the man who had just saved us from being cannoned for the second time. 

Commander Dot Pixis is the High Commander of the entire southern region, which includes Trost. From what I recall, he has the authority over defending humanity's most important region. Back in the second world, I didn't have the chance to interact with such a man and only found out in the end that he died during the battle in Marley. It's a shame.

The four of them were about to go up the wall when I purposely moved a bit further away from them. The first one to notice my absence was, of course, Armin. "Mina?"

"I'll go ahead and resupply first." With a wave of my hand, I bid them a short farewell and good luck. "And I'll keep my mouth shut, so be careful up there!" 

With a wave of my arm and a smile that could ease their worry, I immediately clicked my heels and proceeded to walk in the other direction. Now, I can't say for sure that such an action will place me under suspicion, but I trust Armin to defend me if it comes to that point. 

Being placed during their time of training surely do wonders for me. I rescind my statement of not wanting it. 

Sorry, Krista.

Just then, after I had just turned a corner, hundreds of eyes instantly gazed at my lone figure. The Garrison wasn't trying to hide their animosity towards a creature like me who would rather protect a titan shifter like Eren. However, it's not like my priority is protecting humankind. I, for one, am wholly devoted to my parents. 

So, whoever their enemies are, they are mine as well. 

After resupplying gas safely on this side of the wall, news about the plan to recapture Trost District wildly spread amongst the soldiers. Some were confused and refused to cooperate, while most were simply waiting for their upcoming fight with destiny. It's a good thing I resupplied early because soldiers began to crowd every available gas station.

I made my way to the front but got sidetracked after noticing Marco among the crowd of soldiers. My intention of going near him, however, was halted upon noticing that the man near him was screaming. It wasn't a pretty sight, and I wanted no part of that chaos.

All around me were terrified soldiers, both veterans and trainees. It's a common sight, and I honestly don't want to get used to it. 

"Hey, I wonder if someone will rebel here, too." A woman's voice caught my attention nearby, forcing me to gaze in their direction. The one who spoke had dark shoulder-length hair and gloomy eyes and was noticeably distraught about all this. 

Her friend, who had shorter and lighter hair color, responded, terrified of this predicament. "I also want to die on my terms." 

"Hey, you two!" A man whose eyes bore a fatigued gaze pushed even forward, scaring the two ladies.

The one with shorter hair tried to defend herself. "I-I was just joking!" 

However, the man leaned even closer and said, "Do it."


He continues, "Make a real scene with as many people as possible."

I had to click my tongue on that one. What a douche move, man. Poor lady, she looks petrified.

"Many of us in the Garrison aren't in agreement, too. We'll take advantage of the chaos and escape!"

"Where would you go then?" My eyes widened at the realization that it was Jean who asked that question. With a decision in mind, I stepped even closer to them.

The man answered, "I'll go see my daughter! This wall won't hold for long either, after all."

"Says who?" I neutralized my expression upon reaching Jean's side. He looks surprised to see me, but greetings can wait. "Don't be a coward and man up. We're soldiers, are we not?"

"I am a father!" He stated once more, trying to earn some pity.

But I couldn't care less about that. "And I am a daughter. If I want to keep my parents safe, then I'll gladly fight today. Won't you do the same for your child?"

That statement was enough to finally keep his mouth shut, and it's not only this man. I looked around and was glad to notice that every soldier who heard me seemed to have mulled it over, ceasing any form of rebellion. 

"Mina." I tilted my head and hummed. "Are they okay?"


As the man did, I too, kept my mouth shut. Promises aren't meant to be broken, after all. 

After shrugging my shoulders at him, I continue proceeding toward the front of the group. It's about time that Commander Pixis would elaborate more on his plan, or to be more precise, the idea he got from Armin.

Back in the second world, Eren shared with the group how Armin was the one who gave the commander his idea of using the huge boulder to cover the massive hole in Trost's wall. I recall them patting the blondie's back as he sheepishly smiles among the cadets.

I heaved a sigh of relief after noticing two figures walking on top of the wall. Green flags continued to flap against the wind, but the two of them – amidst the chaos and noise – stood in perfection. It's weird that after all this time, this sense of pride after witnessing Eren's determined figure standing before all these soldiers had never left my broken soul.


With just one word from Commander Pixis, silence fell. The soldiers who wanted to rebel became petrified upon seeing their commander, claiming everyone's attention. 

Unlike them, I stood up straight and listened to every word he said. 

The Battle for Trost is nearing its completion. 

I need to plan my next move as soon as possible.



Knowing the past and what the future holds is both a valuable and priceless weapon that only I can wield. However, without proper analysis and strategy, the information I withhold will become utterly useless. 

In addition, my memory could not exactly memorize every single detail that I witnessed. It's a shame, but it's one of my weaknesses as a human. So, after realizing that certain flaw within me, I immediately asked Ymir during my time in the second world if she could do something to strengthen my ability to memorize scenarios to their finer detail. 

Coincidentally, she had decided to communicate with me that same day, allowing me to question her finally. 

"Are you seriously asking me that?" She asks, both intrigued and perplexed. 

She still looks as horrendous as ever. However, seeing both her pale complexion and gouged eyes didn't seem to deter me anymore. It comforted me as I eased my upright body. "It's only natural for me to ask of it if I were to continue observing this world. Are you unable to do it?"

"It's not about my ability of not being able to do it. It's just that," she sighs after noticing my obliviousness. "Look, I know that I told you to see the world where I got my revenge, but why suddenly want to remember pointless scenarios? It's not like you'll remember it in the afterlife." 

"You want something from me." That line that I have thought about for countless nights was proved to be right once my gaze had landed on her neutral expression. It's not much, but even I can tell what her pursed lips meant. "So, I want to prepare myself for it. Please, Ymir?" 

"When did you realize?"

I answered. "I only became sure of it after seeing your reaction."

She groaned and finally took a step back. Ymir Fritz is a being that continues to make me baffled and, at most times, annoyed. However, a creature like her who has snatched my withering spirit back is something that has always made me curious. 

Our relationship is not an everyday occurrence, so it's only natural for me to want more information about her. 

However, time is of the essence, and I can only ask her about things that are meant for this moment. 

Like enhancing my memory. 

"Knowing everything in this cruel world is torture, young Yeager." She started swaying her body as she closed in on me once more. "Yet you ask to acquire such a masochistic skill. Are you sure? There's no going back once I have given it to you."

There was no hesitation needed. "Yes." 

Because something tells me that I will need it someday. 

Oh, how right I had been. 

Ymir gave me her usual smirk, one that contained a hint of amusement, and finally took a step nearer as she placed her broken finger on my forehead. 

"From now on, you will remember every single detail that you will witness in this world. It is both a weapon and a curse, so use it well." I nodded my head just when she pulled her touch away from me. "It's going to get tougher now, young Yeager. Don't come crying to me after this."

"I won't!" Liar. "I'll use it well!" 

And I certainly did because now, in my third world, every single detail that I have come to memorize from the second world has been proven to be useful. 

The only downfall of knowing it is being depressed every day and how frequent my nightmares have been.
